Savernake Sizzler Cycling Challenge
Choose from 32 miles / 56 miles / 93 miles or 110 mile routes
Prices from £14 to £18
Based in the Vale of Pewsey, our routes run through the beautiful Savernake Forest and Marlborough Downs, passing idyllic hamlets and villages, taking in the best countryside Wiltshire has to offer.
With a fantastic mixture of demanding hills, quiet winding lanes and straight fast sections, you can be sure whichever distance you choose, you'll have the ride of your life.
Choose your distance depending on your ability - and bravery!
Online entry and details at
Their argument had some merit, until they mentioned lack of car parking which shows they are disengenuous. If it had been a new car factory would...
I recently bought this set and while I haven't had any problems with the GoPro mount yet, it doesn't instill me with much confidence. That said, I...
I'm riding the same bike now that I was in 2000. That's what a custom Ti frame gets you. Mind you, lights, navigation, camera, radar - that's all...
No mention of Felt. They pretty much pioneered the aero bike along with Cervelo. The AR series have always been some of the most aero frames. ...
Calling HoarseMann!...
Sadly true. Motonormativity is entrenched. It doesn't help that public transport has been privatised and effectively run into the ground, most...
Rest in peace, you very lovely lady.
I'm afraid we'll see a fair bit of anti-cyclist rhetoric over the next 12 months. Local and regional elections are due this year and next year....
As a community, we should probably abandon the category 'e-bike' because it has no legal definition and is too broad....