Right, we’ve waded through the 1220 comments you left about what you like most about autumn cycling which included having to read POEMS (note to self, never, ever, ever ask people to do that again) but the psychic trauma has been worth it. We have a winner… and because the standard of entries was so high a couple of bonus runners up too who will be getting some roadcc socks.
Our Vulpine Schwag Grab podium is filled by the speakers of two universal cycling truths and one rather personal truth.
Almost but not quite for robbiezhaorobbiezhao for masterful use of the sympathy card with “The cold rivals that of the heart of my wife” - until you realise that it’s not really that cold at this time of the year, even in East Anglia. (Maybe we should send her some socks too.)
Socks also for tells-it-like-it-is “I just love wearing tights” from wrevilo but somehow it lacks the poe… magic of our winner the tells it like it even more is:
“Shining torch through the fog/mist whilst making light saber noises. Obviously…” by Mattclimb
Yep, that's autumn!
Our winner and runners up have been informed - those who posted poems about nature’s paintbrush turning the trees the colours of their fave beige Vulpine shorts - your names are on a list. First offence, but don’t push it eh.
Thanks to Vulpine for a fab competition, thanks to all of you who entered, commiserations to the 1219 of you that didn’t win, but there WILL be another schwag grab along soon.
The whole caboodle is worth more than £500 (£502 to be precise) and includes Vulpine’s:
Original Rain Jacket
Cotton rain trousers
Long Sleeve Merino T-shirt/base layer
Padded Merino Boxer/Boyshorts
Storm Cap
Dogtooth Merino Silk Socks
We’ll pick the lucky winner next Monday, usual Schwag Grab rules apply.
You can find out more about Vulpine's autmn/winter range at www.vulpine.cc
Good luck!
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Feeling righteous in having that hot chocolate drink at the ride's end
at first I complained about the weather but my wife pointed out that i always enjoy getting out some cycling gear that I haven't used for ages
Nobody realises you're sweating when you're rain soaked anyway
The half light enhances the buzz as the wheels turn round and round
The half light enhances the buzz as the wheels turn round and round
No one can see my knackered old err I mean retro kit in the dark!
No one can see my knackered old err I mean retro kit in the dark!
The fresh air just after the rain and contrast of views on misty mornings and Autumnal colours in the afternoon sun.
It's for that moment when you are wrapped up warm against the crisp cold air on your bike, come round a corner to a beautiful bright autumn morning sky warming your face. The knowledge only you are experiencing that whilst everyone else is still sitting at home inside!
Yes bring it on, the chill feeling early in the morning will be very appreciated by these great clothes.
The low sun in the sky, making certain that I can't see the road or oncoming traffic! Bring back summer
The cold and calm days that get you off the turbo and into the fresh air.
Spending evenings trying to choose what beautiful tortures to target for next year's season, whether racing or leisure and making plans accordingly. It's a lovely combination of wistful reflection on the end of one season and foolish optimism for the next.
Autumn - Riding through four seasons in a day and nature's colours at their best
Yes please
Easy, getting to my destination before everybody else because traffic is so bad. Plus I'm warm and getting fit.
It has to be the soft light on the autumn colours, the slight chill to wake you up on your commute and of course the endless threat of punctures from debris on the road! Keeps you on your toes!!
Cold feet hot water.... Tingles....
Getting the fixed wheel out.
Seeing the sunrise from a quiet country lane.
No matter what season... Just love riding.
Enjoying the crisp morning air, whilst the rising sun warms the misty fields and awakens the wildlife during my daily commute... so good!
Not cold enough to need lots of layers but not hot enough to sweat too badly after a short ride.
Any day on the bike is a great day...
Squeezing out post-work rides in the diminishing daylight.
Two consecutive rides are never the same - the conditions are constantly changing. It is also nice to observe the progress of autumn from saddle.
Cool, crisp and sunny morning rides, amazing sunsets, charging my lights at my desk ...... sooo many things!
Cycling in the crisp autumnal air & staying warm by layering up. The obligatory coffee & cake stop feels all the better on an autumn ride.xx
Pedalling through the wispy pink early morning mist and out to the hills to enjoy the colours of a newly golden landscape. Cupping my hands around a steaming mug of tea afterwards...all the more satisfying.