When we initially reported on the Smart Hat, the overwhelming response we got was that it must be some sort of joke. This has apparently been a common reaction and the cycle helmet’s Australian designer, Toby King, is rather puzzled by how cyclists have greeted his work. “I’m going ‘it’s a safety device – it's for your safety’.”
Speaking to SBS Cycling Central, King explained how his unique design had evolved.
“My thinking was, here’s something that will improve safety with the same mechanisms and devices of other road users. Brake lights, headlights, indicators. It’s a simple and intuitive system to use. And then the extension of that line of thinking was; if you’re going to put a power system in a helmet, there’s a lot of other things you can do which are interesting and useful. Ultrasonic proximity was one thing, someone gets warned when there’s somebody close to them.”
King is hoping that the Smart Hat could one day be available for A$200 (around £110) but an industrial designer has estimated the price to be at least ten times greater than that. They also pointed out that with all the various gizmos, the helmet would be extremely cumbersome to wear for any length of time. King disputes this and also appears unconcerned by a potentially high cost.
“I know people are willing to spend 10-15K on a bicycle. What’s the value of safety, or saving yourself from trauma to your head?
“I don’t think it will weigh too much either. Our heads and necks are designed to take quite a load anyway. We’ve got eight kilograms of weight in bone and brain already.
"It’s not going to be a major problem, but if it is, some of it can be put in other areas of the bicycle. And there’s not much weight in there anyway. There’s batteries, there’s an iPhone, and a display. It’s something you don’t really know until it’s been prototyped."
King describes overall reaction to the Smart hat as ‘mixed’.
“I’ve had the knee-jerk from cyclists, 'it’s horrible', 'we hate it'. But I’ve also had a lot of people saying this is a really interesting idea – you know – nobody has done a sophisticated safety helmet before, some have said, ‘where can I buy it’, others have phoned up saying they want to invest in it."
King admits that he doesn’t actually ride a bike himself – he “honestly prefers vehicles”. However, he says that people like him might be persuade to cycle if it were safer. He believes his design would help in this regard.
“It is a safety device. It makes other road users understand what cyclists are doing, it allows cyclists to understand what other road users are doing with proximity sensors and mirrors. It can only be a good thing. Which is why I’m a bit puzzled by the reaction from cyclists, when I’m going ‘it’s a safety device - it's for your safety’.”
King’s next step will be to take his design to the New South Wales government.
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Just needs a head-up display with integrated Garmin navigation and bluetooth connection to a smartphone and it's perfect....
Not sure if my sarcasm detector is broken again but...
It has exactly that - look at the 3rd photo in the slideshow.
It seesm odd that rather than just making it and seeing if people buy it, he seems to want the New South Wales government to use this to introduce compulsary regestration plates foir cyclists giving him a captive market.

Dear BBC
I have found you a candidate for the next series of the Apprentice
This continues to be a great wind up. Don't play this guy at poker.
I actually used the feedback mail address on his web site to say I couldn't tell if he was joking or not. I didn't get a reply. Maybe I shouldn't have worded it as "or really are a complete idiot".
Ditto, I asked if it was satire and did he cycle, also didn't get an answer.
Whatever the designer was on at the time... I'll ha...
actually i'd rather not..
I wonder if the proximity chip will also allow me to pay for my cafe stops contactless..
iPhone in my helmet. means of payment too... maybe he IS onto something...
Normally I feel sorry for the struggling inventors that get as far as production then go down the pan due to poor marketing / lack of funding.
When this one goes belly-up (if it gets off the ground), I will feel releived and hope that he moves onto better things that don't involve him working / listening to people.
It looks like when Homer was invited to design a car on the simpsons....
Let me put a box on my head while I think this dumb ass idea through...DDDOOOOHHHHH!!!!
So he's like you people arent listening to my great idea. Here's an idea! Like why dont you listen to what we're telling you???
Perhaps should go on UK TV's Dragons Den. One of them is a cyclist so that would be interesting and perhaps make him see sense before he remortgages his house on this.
Well he can always come over here and get a job in British Government, he's clearly removed from both what the people want and what is economically viable, so he would fit in perfectly.
Prefers vehicles, can't believe his how much research he has put into his project without finding there are more head injuries in car incidents than cycling.
“I know people are willing to spend 10-15K on a bicycle. What’s the value of safety, or saving yourself from trauma to your head?"
10-15k UAD? Really? Well you go chase that market then. Good luck with that.
I'm just amazed. If he is genuinely 'bemused' by the negative reaction then he really is an idiot.
Following his logic, pedestrians should probably wear something like this (with reg plates of course)...
Are we sure there is not some massive corp with a vested interest behind this?
perhaps we are missing a trick here. This thing is not designed for cyclists - it is designed for rabid right-wing anti-cyclist politicians and their lobbyists (and the Daily Fail brigade).
After all, Mr King has not tried to sell this idea to us, he went straight to his state governors.
That we don't like it may just be adding to the attraction?
He doesn't seem to understand how market research works. If his potential customers don't like his potential product, the product is wrong. He needs to go back to his drawing board and design another product.
Personally speaking, I'm not buying anything that big if it doesn't have a gyro-stabiliser unit to stop me falling off my bike. And a jet-pack to zoom me out of the way if a lorry is going to run me over. And a tranquiliser gun to immobilise any driver who does run me over, until the police arrive. His design is just missing too many essential features.
I think the registration plate in the picture says a lot about the mindset of the designer. "Here, wear a cumbersome neck-injury inducing crate on your head so that I can read your registration number when you do something I don't like - uh, I mean for your own safety!"
Going to the government smells a little bit like trying to force a roll-out.
I wonder if he will want to roll it out to pedestrians too...
Mad. Totally mad. I wonder if this guy has actually tried riding a bike with a massive weight on his head to try to understand the negative reactions?
Not all of the ideas are bad. There's just too much crammed into a too-big helmet. And I don't want a registration plate on the back of my head. Seriously.
I think he should go ahead and manufacture it. I just hope that it's done with his own money and not muppetfunding, then again a fool and their money etc...
Obviously this safety expert know better than the people who are expected to part with their hard earned. Lessons have to be learnt, no matter how hard or expensive they are.
One final note, I would imagine that those who spend $10-15,000 on a bike will be looking for something more aerodynamic and less weighty for their money.
better still - make yourself a prototype Mr. King, then go out for a ride with it on for 4-5 hours and see why we are having something of an adverse reaction to it...
"he honestly prefers vehicles”
Says it all, really.
I still can't believe this is not an April Fool...
this idiot is actually genuinely serious...
Wow, no sh!t sherlock!
Even Clarkson had a go on a bike out when he tried to talk to cyclists.
Please someone ask this guy what his background in head protection design is?
He is campaigning that this thing is going to be an improvement is safty - does he have any facts and figures to back this up?
I couldn't believe it when it was revealed he didn't cycle!!!
"here’s something that will improve safety" - I think that's where he started going wrong
"whats the value of safety" - well, that's actually a big question, not a rhetorical question to which he expects the answer : "whatever you want to charge, mate"
I reckon the mix of his 'mixed response' is actually something like this : from cyclists "no" , from a few other non-cyclists who think they know it all "oh thats a good idea"
Truly, I feel a bit sorry for him that he has got it so spectacularly wrong and cant believe it. Eventually he'll realise that he's flogging a dead horse, but currently the whip seems to be flying. Give it up ! Give it up !
Has he designed one for pedestrians and motorists too? It would make their journeys safer, surely?
Next step is to remortgage his house to get the thing into production.
Go for it, big fellow, we're all with you, it's a no-brainer!
or put it up on KickStarter... and watch it fall flat...
I keep waiting for him to reveal that it's all been a BrassEye-inspired wind up. A satirical look at the ludicrous state of anti-cycling feeling.