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Prime Minister urged to extend dangerous driving law to cyclists

Theresa May says Department for Transport will look at issue in wake of Charlie Alliston case

Theresa May has been urged today at Prime Minister's Questions to make extend the law on dangerous driving to include cyclists.

The appeal followed the conviction last month of Charlie Alliston, aged 20, for causing bodily harm through wanton and furious driving in connection with the death of Kim Briggs in February last year.

Mrs Briggs, 41, had been crossing London's Old Street when she was in a collision with Alliston, sustaining fatal head injuries.The cyclist had been riding a fixed wheel bike with no front brake, meaning it was not legal for use on the road.

Heidi Alexander, the Labour MP for Lewisham East, the constituency Mrs Briggs lived in, asked the Prime Minister: "Does she agree that the law on dangerous driving should be extended to included offences by cyclists and that the 1861 offence of wanton and furious driving, on which the prosecution had to rely in this case, is hopelessly outdated and wholly inadequate?"

Mrs May said that Ms Alexander had "raised an important issue. We should welcome the fact that the prosecution team were able to find legislation under which they were able to take a prosecution, but she makes a general point about ensuring that our legislation keeps up to date with developments, and I am sure that the Secretary of State for Transport will look at the issue," she added.

An Old Bailey jury cleared Alliston of manslaughter but found him guilty of the wanton and furious driving charge.

The offence, which falls under the Offences Against the Person Act 1861, carries a maximum penalty of two years' imprisonment.

Alliston, from Bermondsey, has been told he could face prison when he is sentenced later this month.

After the cyclist was convicted, Matthew Briggs, the victim's husband, called for the Road Traffic Act to be updated so that cyclists would be subject to similar laws as motorists.

> Husband of woman killed by cyclist calls for changes to law on dangerous cycling

Following the jury's  verdicts, Duncan Dollimore, head of advocacy and campaigns at Cycling UK, predicted tThose hat their would be calls for  “laws on irresponsible cycling should be aligned with the laws on irresponsible driving,” but said that legislation needed to be updated for all road users.

"The fact that he has been convicted of an offence dating back to legislation from 1861, drafted in archaic language, will doubtless lead some to argue that the laws on irresponsible cycling should be aligned with the laws on irresponsible driving," he said.

"The reality is that the way in which the justice system deals with mistakes, carelessness, recklessness and deliberately dangerous behaviour by all road users has long been in need of review.

"In 2014 the Government acknowledged this when announcing a full review of all motoring offences and penalties, but then waited three years to launch a limited consultation last year which closed six months ago, with silence ever since.

He added: "To ensure that there is consistency with charging decisions, and with how dangerous behaviour on or roads is dealt with, it is vital that the Government ends the delay, and gets on with the wide scale review that politicians from all sides, victims' families and various roads safety organisations have tirelessly demanded.”

The charge of causing death by careless driving, which has a maximum penalty of five years, may be brought in cases where the standard of driving "fell below the standard expected of a careful and competent driver."

The more serious charge of causing death by dangerous driving, punishable by up to 14 years' imprisonment, is brought when the standard of driving "fell far below the standard expected of a careful and competent driver."

Those and other offences relating to motorists fall under the Road Traffic Act 1988, as amended by subsequent legislation.


Simon joined as news editor in 2009 and is now the site’s community editor, acting as a link between the team producing the content and our readers. A law and languages graduate, published translator and former retail analyst, he has reported on issues as diverse as cycling-related court cases, anti-doping investigations, the latest developments in the bike industry and the sport’s biggest races. Now back in London full-time after 15 years living in Oxford and Cambridge, he loves cycling along the Thames but misses having his former riding buddy, Elodie the miniature schnauzer, in the basket in front of him.

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ConcordeCX replied to matthewn5 | 6 years ago
matthewn5 wrote:

What a fucking joke. Government stuffing up negotiations that are crucial for the future of the country, but Labour MPs pick on bloody cyclists. You couldn't make it up.

not Labour MPs, one Labour MP, whose constituent was the victim in a high-profile story, so she's obliged to seem to be doing something, just as any MP from any party would be. The PM has equally been seen to be doing something, by telling the Transport Secretary to look into it. He can't even look into the road to make sure he doesn't door any cyclists, and the whole thing will be forgotten for 30 years when the dust is next blown off the furious driving law.

don simon fbpe replied to matthewn5 | 6 years ago
matthewn5 wrote:

What a fucking joke. Government stuffing up negotiations that are crucial for the future of the country, but Labour MPs pick on bloody cyclists. You couldn't make it up.

Like to see her getting this by that bike riding twit, Corbyn, her leader and all that.

What price short sighted, stupid commenting, fuckwittery?

ktache | 6 years ago

Wasn't he tried for manslaughter, isn't that fairly up to date legislation?

don simon fbpe replied to ktache | 6 years ago
ktache wrote:

Wasn't he tried for manslaughter, isn't that fairly up to date legislation?

Yep, and let's just wat for the sentence.

I would have been content if Alliston had gone down, for manslaughter, for the greater good.

Canyon48 | 6 years ago

The laws should be brought up to date.

Just wish motoring offenses would be taken seriously.

spen | 6 years ago

Wasn't that just so predictable

Gourmet Shot | 6 years ago

All for long as the law is also used to prosecute vehicle drivers as well, as opposed to to the free for all we have now

ooldbaker | 6 years ago

Considering the scarce prosecutions for careless driving let alone dangerous if anything like a fair comparison is made with driving you would have to cycle  in a childrens playground juggling with 4 chainsaws to be considered for dangerous cycling.

sw600 | 6 years ago

"What about the 000's of cycling injuries - abrasions, lacerations, twists, strains, dislocations, facial/dental injuries, breaks, heart attacks etc. - the NHS has to treat everyday? Seems to me cycling is a massive burden on the NHS."

"Would it not be sensible for all adults over 18 to be forced to have some kind of insurance to ride a bike, if a cyclist hits a car it is the driver of the car that loses out whoever is to blame."

"About time, the countryside is polluted by idiots in Lycra.
They cycle 2 abreast on barrow roads, ignore cycle paths and go on the road and don't get me started about all those stupid road races.
And they wake me up on the weekend shouting to each other."

the last one is my favourite

Mungecrundle | 6 years ago

Open for comment on the BBC website.



sw600 replied to Mungecrundle | 6 years ago
Mungecrundle wrote:

Open for comment on the BBC website.




It's such a shame that spEak You're bRanes is no longer with us 



ConcordeCX replied to sw600 | 6 years ago
sw600 wrote:
Mungecrundle wrote:

Open for comment on the BBC website.




It's such a shame that spEak You're bRanes is no longer with us 


thanks a lot - you've ruined my whole life by posting that link, because now I have to read it all instead of devoting myself to Good Works

Yorkshire wallet | 6 years ago

Lol at the BBC website comments on this. Lots of anecdotal "a cyclist once went through a red light in 1973 and I've never got over it" type stuff.

Grahamd | 6 years ago

Perhaps they should form an all party parliamentary group and then discuss it with the cycling one.

hawkinspeter | 6 years ago

Okay, don't worry about enforcing current traffic laws; let's bring in some new laws that won't be used. Must be something to keep the police occupied as they've got so much spare time on their hands.

peted76 | 6 years ago

Headline should read 'Heidi Alexander, the Labour MP for Lewisham East' gets noticed by media. 

With a sub-heading of: 'Never let it be said the media and our political underbelly doesn't jump on a bandwagon when it sees one'




Huw Watkins replied to peted76 | 6 years ago
peted76 wrote:

Headline should read 'Heidi Alexander, the Labour MP for Lewisham East' gets noticed by media. 

With a sub-heading of: 'Never let it be said the media and our political underbelly doesn't jump on a bandwagon when it sees one'





Heidi Alexander - there's someone who looks as though a little more time on a bike might have some health benefits



1961BikiE | 6 years ago

1 f-ing cyclist involved in a very unfortunate, sad accident and the knives are out. How many people are injured, maimed and killed by motor vehicles every single day? No let's look at the least dangerous mode of transport. #fourfootsnake


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