Digital EPO is a website that allows you to ‘enhance’ your ride data before you share it with your friends, teammates and so on. It lets you cheat, basically.
Countless riders have gone to great lengths over the years to convince people that they’re better than they actually are. Often that involves drugs, but drugs cost money, they’re potentially dangerous, and you run the risk of a ban. If you’re going to cheat, Digital EPO is an altogether less hazardous way of doing it.
Why go to all the trouble and pain of training and actually working up a sweat? You simply need to go for a ride at whatever intensity you like, upload your ride to GarminConnect or a similar performance-tracking website, then export it out as a TCX file.
Then you upload it to the Digital EPO website, entering the amount of ‘juice’ you want to add to your ride. So, you can increase your speed, lower your heart rate, or increase the amount of climbing you’ve done. Then you can upload the file to Strava or something similar and bask in your undeserved glory.
As an exercise in Mickey taking, we reckon it’s quite funny. They say that you know you’ve made it when people start lampooning you, so we guess that means Strava has definitely hit the big time.
We can’t see it going down too well with people who take their KOMs seriously, though. In fact, we'd urge you not to get involved. Cheats never prosper - ask multi-millionaire Lance Armstrong. Oh no, hang on, that doesn't work.
Anyway, check it out here:
[Apologies if you saw this months ago, by the way, but it's a new one on us and well worth sharing].
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so I'm taking all those pharmacuetical preparations and training like a dog for nothing?
Bloody cheats
Cars are for amateurs.
I came across this one while looking for hills to climb (I really need the practice).
It had me really confused for a while until I zoomed in and realised it started at an airfield. Does make it kind of hard to compete...
What happened to going for a cycle to just enjoy it
Am I the only one that found this article really funny? I don't use Strava, but one of their free competitors, Mapmyride GPS. It's great, I regularly get KOM points because no-one else in my area actually uses it (despite my user name)
Would never use it, but tempted against my KOM stalker! I am sure he followed mine around and smashed them. It's an empty victory for him as I really slow.
The guy leading the Junedoggle has taken it a bit far...18,000km in 4 days!
Eric Anders; A.K.A. Co-Pilot Anders of US Airlines....or could be a truck driver doing a sh*t load of amphetamines
Is it Cat?
Seems like a way to save gas and get your KoM I guess.. Funny article, lol'd at Lance.
This webiste has been around for a while and there are other similar sites out there. We have a chap round here who blatantly uses it. Every solo ride results in at least two new KOM's on the local routes. But when he's out with his club, or on an officially timed sportive he's consistently last out of his peers. We have a name for him and it rhymes with hat.
Amusing . . . nearly as funny as some of the "real" performances I've seen by riders on Strava itself.
Sc**w carbon wheels. All they gave me was a 5% higher speed on a steep hill near my house
DigitalEPO is the real deal. My speed went up almost 25% in no time!!!
Peter Sagan, Mark Cavendish etc. BE AFRAID. Be VERY afraid.
I cant think of anything to prevent digital EPO. IMO this will not be detected nor it will be prevented unless someone creates a computer software to detect it.
But with regards to people cheating by using cars and motor bikes, would it help if Strava makes KOM a monthly thing? what i mean is segment KOM's are reset every month to give way to other riders to post new KOM's(the previous months KOM's stays in the archive of course).
In this way we would know who is consistently doing KOM's in a particular segment. and it may also prevent people from creating fake KOM's on their cars or motor bikes. unless they are sad low life people who waste their time making fake KOM's just to take a piss on genuine KOM's.
just a thought
You can already filter leaderboards to 'today', 'this week', 'this month', 'this year'. You just don't get any achievement associated with it.
Maybe Strava could deal with this by looking for consistency over a given period - an equivalent of a biological passport. Would also be nice to get rid of the car driven KOMs.
Plus one for the old fashioned stop watch!!
Virtual cheating in virtual racing; a pleasing symmetry.
Use of this clearly rates you as the douchiest of douchebags!
Until there is someway to detect its use, I expect the uptake to be pretty prevalent amongst those with self-esteem issues and/or sexual organs below societal norms!
I had to go test it. It works well...I wonder how the guy will feel when he gets the "your KoM has been taken" for the second time by me, then goes to look at its not been taken at all
How pathetic do you have to be to boost your 'performance' that way? Answer: VERY!
more reason to abide rule number 5 of the velominati and just get on with it now that strava will be just about as tainted as Vini-Fantini
Now making it even easier to convince yourself the reason you're not even top 20 is nothing to do with you sucking...
I swear half the KOMs are by people on/in motor-vehicles anyway, but there are some sad ****ers who will ruin the whole thing by using this site as well.
There should be a strava section for boris bikes, I'd get a few KOMs for that
It's pretty easy to tell if the segment has been done in a car/mbike as the overall ride or part of ride just does not add up.
There are segments where it's possible to do 70-80kph over a mile or w/e if you are drafting, though sometimes you get just the right conditions and can also get some ridiculous speeds.
ps there are deffo no "KOM" segments in London!
Dear Dog! So Strava is even more unreliable a guide to performance than even I had suspected!
I only use Strava to measure my own performance and pretty much ignore it when it compares me to others.
yep, i like strava to test myself against my own times...although don't get me wrong...when i got a 6th overall in a sprint the other day i was pretty chuffed. not bad for a 41 year old with a year of road cycling in my legs
Tested it to see if it works, slow, but can confirm it does work. Have now deleted the URL from memory, never want to see it again.
If everyone starts using it we'll never be able to trust Strava times
You say that as if we can trust them now