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‘The male, white, cycling enthusiast niche has reached its natural limit’: Cycling must address lack of diversity, says Bicycle Association

Launching its Diversity in Cycling project, the Association has urged the bike industry to change if it wants to grow and reach new customers

Cycling must address its lack of diversity and break out from its “predominantly male, white, and often ‘cycling enthusiast’ niche”, if it wants to fully capitalise on active travel polices and investment, the Bicycle Association has warned.

To mark International Women’s Day, the Association, which represents the UK cycling industry, has today launched Diversity in Cycling, a project aimed at tackling the “diversity problem” which currently exists in the bike industry and cycling in general.

By aiming to unite and align the cycling industry behind a shared commitment to create a more equitable, inclusive sector which recruits more diversely and reaches out to new audiences, the Bicycle Association (BA) hopes the project will enable the industry to both better reflect society and to “exploit the potential that now exists for growth”.

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According to the BA’s report, published today, men currently occupy the vast majority of roles within the UK cycling industry. Men also make twice as many cycling trips as women, with 73 percent of women who live in cities never riding a bike (an issue highlighted in the recent Women’s Freedom Ride through London, organised by the London Cycling Campaign).

The report found that women hold just eight percent of cycle workshop roles, 19 percent of customer-facing roles, and 40 percent of the industry’s administrative roles – though only a small handful of those have progressed to senior leadership positions.

Over 90 percent of women face barriers to both entering and progressing within the sports industry, citing issues as discrimination, harassment, a lack of role models, difficulty finding a work-life balance, and a lack of training and targeted recruitment among the key “blockers” to progress.

Though no official data for the cycling industry exists at the moment, the report also noted that, anecdotally, Black, Asian, or people from ethnic minorities are underrepresented in the sector, as are individuals from low socio-economic backgrounds or with disabilities. There is also a lack of LGBTQ+ people joining or leading the UK bike industry, the report says.

That anecdotal evidence is backed up by the low participation levels in cycling for these groups. Only 14 percent of members of ethnic minority groups, 12 percent of people with disabilities, and 19 percent of LGBTQ+ people cycle regularly.

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By encouraging and enabling these groups to cycle, and making the sector more reflective of society as a while, the Bicycle Association believes that the cycling industry can “unlock additional growth” and withstand the challenges currently facing the sector.

The BA’s Annual Market Data Report for 2022, published last month, reported that bike sales in the UK dropped to their lowest level in two decades last year – falling by 22 percent down to 1.8 million units and 27 per cent below pre-Covid levels.

The report's author John Worthington said he expects the year ahead to be “turbulent” and “challenging” – a claim borne out by the struggles facing several cycling companies already in 2023, such as the women’s clothing brand VeloVixen.

However, it’s by growing these previously underrepresented audiences, the Bicycle Association argues, that the industry can move beyond its current post-boom stagnation.

Chiswick High Road 02 copyright Simon MacMichael

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“There’s no doubt that cycling is beginning to be recognised by government as a crucial mode of transport, strategically important to deliver UK climate and public health goals, and a valuable tool for creating better places to live, work, and play,” says the BA’s executive director Steve Garidis.

“This brings with it welcome policy priority and increasing levels of public investment, to make cycling easier and safer, in turn attracting a wider audience for the kind of everyday cycling that might be undertaken by everybody, for leisure, exercise, health, social, travel to shops, work, or school.

“We can assume that as these policies and investments are delivered, cycling will grow. The potential is very significant.

“But to achieve this growth, cycling must also break out from its predominantly male, white, and often ‘cycling enthusiast’ niche. This group has arguably reached its natural limit.

“Certainly, UK bike sales over the last few decades have stayed at roughly the same size. Cycling has a diversity problem and to exploit the significant potential that now exists for growth, it must become much more diverse than it is today.”

He continued: “Here, the cycling industry has a role to play. Just as cycling has a lack of diversity, so too does the cycling industry. There are many reasons but the biggest may well be that it’s an industry full of cycling enthusiasts. Often a strength, but which here also means that an industry workforce of over 60,000 has roughly the same diversity as its enthusiast consumer base.

“Our workforce is the ‘frontline’ of cycling, the consumer face. We sell cycling to would-be cyclists on a daily basis. As an industry, one of the most important things we can do therefore is to take action so we better reflect our target market.

“Success will not only mean more people enjoying the fun and benefits of cycling, but will also mean growth in cycling sales, expansion and creation of cycling businesses, and more people in cycling jobs.”

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To tackle this lack of diversity in the cycling sector and cycling overall, the BA has urged all bike businesses to sign a Diversity Pledge committing them to creating a “diverse, equitable, inclusive workplace culture”.

Brompton, Giant, Trek, Specialized, Raleigh, Schwalbe, and Halfords are among the companies that have already signed the pledge, while cycling bodies such as British Cycling, Sustrans, Cycling UK, and the Bikeability Trust have also backed the project’s aim.

The BA has also invited everyone working in the industry to take a perception survey (a collaboration between the Association, Cycling Industries Europe, and WORK180) into the experiences, wants, and needs of people around diversity, equity, and inclusion.

 “The business case for diversity, equity and inclusion in the UK is ‘stronger than ever’, according to new research by McKinsey,” says the Bicycle Association’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Lead, Sally Middlemiss.

“Diverse businesses are more profitable, they recruit the best talent, make better decisions, have more motivated employees, and have a superior understanding of customers’ needs.

“Initially, the Diversity in Cycling project will focus on collecting data and insights from both employers and underrepresented groups in our industry, to benchmark, measure progress, and capture case studies and role models.

“The project then aims to provide targeted support to employers, sharing best practice from within and outside cycling to help them implement their strategic commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion, while building an inclusive professional network for women and other marginalised groups.”

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Cycling UK’s chief executive Sarah Mitchell added: “In the UK, all segments of society are under-represented in cycling, but there is still a perception that cycling is predominantly an activity done for exercise by white men.

“That’s not a criticism of those who are riding, nor their reasons for doing so, but when cycling is dominated by one segment of society there is a risk that others may not feel that riding a bike is something they can and should be able to do.

“We need to question why that is and what can be done to correct this imbalance. The benefits of more people cycling will be a healthier, happier population with additional environmental and economic benefits. This is good news for all of us.

“The UK’s lack of significant change in the diversity in cycling is one of the barriers which holds us back from becoming a cycling nation. It is encouraging to see the cycle industry now looking at its responsibility to help make this change happen, as charities and NGOs cannot do it alone.”

Ryan joined in December 2021 and since then has kept the site’s readers and listeners informed and enthralled (well at least occasionally) on news, the live blog, and the Podcast. After boarding a wrong bus at the world championships and ruining a good pair of jeans at the cyclocross, he now serves as’s senior news writer. Before his foray into cycling journalism, he wallowed in the equally pitiless world of academia, where he wrote a book about Victorian politics and droned on about cycling and bikes to classes of bored students (while taking every chance he could get to talk about cycling in print or on the radio). He can be found riding his bike very slowly around the narrow, scenic country lanes of Co. Down.

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perce | 1 year ago

I've stopped reading and commenting on Martin's posts. It's so liberating, I'd recommend it to anyone. It's early days but I feel so much better already.

hawkinspeter replied to perce | 1 year ago

perce wrote:

I've stopped reading and commenting on Martin's posts. It's so liberating, I'd recommend it to anyone. It's early days but I feel so much better already.

perce replied to hawkinspeter | 1 year ago

I play chess on my kindle most nights. I don't seem to be getting any better - sometimes I do ok, other times I make basic mistakes. I'd like to join a club really. Oh and I oiled my bike chain today ( just to keep things cycling related).

giff77 replied to perce | 1 year ago

Mmmm. Chain oiling is rather arou.... sorry... therapeutic. 

perce replied to giff77 | 1 year ago

I couldn't possibly comment.

brooksby replied to giff77 | 1 year ago

giff77 wrote:

Mmmm. Chain oiling is rather arou.... sorry... therapeutic. 

Fiddling with a bike can be kind of therapeutic in a 'mindful' kind of way. Until something goes horribly wrong, at which point it becomes the most stressful thing EVER.

Broken_Chain replied to giff77 | 1 year ago

Oooh err, you should try adjusting and lubricating the chain on a Triumph Daytona then taking it for a test ride.. 😍

brooksby replied to Broken_Chain | 1 year ago

Broken_Chain wrote:

Oooh err, you should try adjusting and lubricating the chain on a Triumph Daytona then taking it for a test ride.. 😍

Ah, that explains your posts this morning. You do know this site is cycling as in bicycles, not *motorcycles*?

joe9090 | 1 year ago

Careful what you wish for!!

JustTryingToGet... replied to joe9090 | 1 year ago
joe9090 wrote:

Careful what you wish for!!

I wish for this

Awavey | 1 year ago

lot to unpack on this and Im not sure I can be bothered to go through it all

but note this report seeks to address the perceived imbalance WITHIN the cycling industry and cycling industry workplaces, its not about why women dont cycle in more numbers than men, so it wont alter the take up of women cycling on the roads one jot, because the fundamental main barrier facing women cycling is and always has been one of safety, not how many women are in industry leading positions at the company of the bike theyre riding, as funnily enough most of us dont enjoy facing 6 impossible ways to die before getting to our workplaces.

and we see countless times here and in the Netherlands, and saw during the lockdowns, remove that danger barrier, build the good infra, you actually create the diverse, inclusive, equitable world of cycling you want that caters for ALL. whilst we carry on treating it like a version of the Hunger Games, it wont matter at all how many companies sign up to a pledge, it will remain predominately testosterone fuelled.

I dont know if the report cites Velovixen or its just been linked, but we dont know why Velovixen ultimately folded there might be lots of reasons that have nothing to do with the turbulent market conditions or that people can only ride one bike at a time and no market ever sustains continual growth, clearly Stolen Goat believe theres still a market for that brand, who are crowdfunding at the moment as are many other cycling clothing brands (still surprised that hasnt covered yet especially as Paria met their target within a couple of days before it even went general access so clearly some of the market is still buoyant)

IanMSpencer replied to Awavey | 1 year ago
1 like

Simple examples: road bikes being designed around 700c wheels when women often have smaller frames which are better suited to 650 wheels to avoid wheel strikes.

Liv are Giant's women specific brand but not many others seem to have properly thought through designs considering women.

On the road, how often do you see mamils on light weight road bikes being trailed by t'other half on some mechanically inappropriate BSO? E-bikes have probably saved relationships!

Secret_squirrel replied to IanMSpencer | 1 year ago

Cannondale women's range is meant to be good. Their smaller frames are 650b. 

lllnorrislll replied to IanMSpencer | 1 year ago
1 like

On the flip, you have brands such as Specialized who producer non-gender specific bikes. Women as well as men will custom fit their bikes to suit their fit and style and surely giving the customer this option regardless of gender, would make a better model.

IanMSpencer replied to lllnorrislll | 1 year ago

In a past life I worked with an ergonomist on a Windows app for body dimensions. What becomes clear is as soon as you try and combine more than a couple of different variables, sizing assumptions fall apart. Fitting a bike frame depends on leg length, arm length and body length as a minimum. When you combine those three factors, a bike that fits 95% of the appropriately sized arms, 95% legs and 95% body may only fit 90% of actual people as those arm, leg and body lengths are not entirely related. When you add sex into the mix, that number may drop considerably more as the the ratios of those parts change. You can then add in race, as different ethnicities have different proportions.

To a certain extent, it is why more recent cars often have highly complex seat adjustments, because when you consider the requirements of reaching the pedals, controls, having the steering wheel at the right postion, and supporting legs, and back and so on, they are necessary. A car with a slider for leg length and a seat back angle may only be able to accomodate 10% of the population when you work through the actual population considering all relevant dimensions. It is not a simple calculation and the app I developed used MonteCarlo modelling to come up with an approximation.

It is likely that even the stack and reach for a medium sized man may not be a good ratio for a similarly size ranged woman, so if a unisex frame is the starting point it is going to be either wrong for both men and women as a compromise or very wrong for one of them - if you try and adjust for reach through stem you are affecting handling, so if similarly sized women need 2cm less reach, you need to be designing a frame that accomodates that. Now the right design might be 1.5cm shorter frame and 0.5 less stem and an angle adjustment on the steerer tube to accomodate the correct position of wheel to steerer based on the weight distribution. 

Anyway, a long waffle to point out that adjusting a bike for different sized people is not simply a matter of seat height, saddle position and changing a stem. It is why some people swear by the fit of one brand against another and, of course, why others disagree.


PS For fun, here is a link to the app I worked on. I haven't been involved for a long time.

Flintshire Boy replied to IanMSpencer | 1 year ago


Very interesting post. Thanks.


Andrewbanshee replied to IanMSpencer | 1 year ago
IanMSpencer wrote:

On the road, how often do you see mamils on light weight road bikes being trailed by t'other half on some mechanically inappropriate BSO? E-bikes have probably saved relationships!

In all honesty I have never seen this.

marmotte27 | 1 year ago

Good call to fix all systemic biases, because that's what's needed, no less, to let discriminated parts of society participate fully, be it in cycling or any other activity.
Women, children, old people, lower income demographics, people of diverse ethnic origin etc. are all kept back from participating fully in our capitalist patriarchal society.

The predominantly white male cycling population is a symptom, not the disease.

lonpfrb | 1 year ago
Ryan wrote:

Men also make twice as many cycling trips as women, with 73 percent of women who live in cities never riding a bike (an issue highlighted in the recent Women’s Freedom Ride through London, organised by the London Cycling Campaign).

Given the overwhelming evidence that road danger is about attitude and attention, when will government connect the opportunity for active travel to the need to regulate mainstream media so reduce hate speech and provide an acceptably safe environment to all vulnerable road users?

I'm looking at you Department for Culture, Media and Sport, with Department for Transport.

If government wants to focus on this as a Diversity and Inclusion topic, so be it.

Everybody must be able to survive using a bicycle on the public highway.

JustTryingToGet... | 1 year ago

I recommend we add an additional tax on wankpanzers to teach this to girls in school bike lessons.

cyclisto | 1 year ago

British officials: We wonder why there are so few women cycling.

Skydive trainer: I wonder why there are so few women jumping of a flying aluminium tube with wings, hoping that a piece of cloth that has to unfold correctly will save them from having an instant death.

Duch and Danes men: It is nice to cycle and see hot chicks on our perfect cycleways. Ok there are some grannies too, but nevermind our economies are too strong to worry about anything really.

Common sense: We men tend to do stupid things sometimes if we do expect a good reward. And many of us ride in such bad cycle infrastructure because we enjoy it or feeling that we will reverse climate change or minimize budget deficits, or get a KOM while commuting. Women are more sensible and will prioritize their safety.

The solution is simple but expensive, infrastructure that is safe for all and a peace treaty between motorists and cyclists.

marmotte27 replied to cyclisto | 1 year ago

Made me chuckle.
Last para though, cycling infrastructure is far far less expensive per throughput than motoring infrastructure. And pushing back actively against motoring would be a total win-win-win situation for the public purse.

cyclisto replied to marmotte27 | 1 year ago
1 like

I really meant expensive as an initial investment in cycling infrastructure as well as advertising campaigns and better policing that will improve motorists-cyclists-pedestrians relationship.

In the long run and given that it works, the economic benefits are too good to bypass. Better health for the ones cycling, better health for all due to improved air quality and noise mitigation, reduction in total travel time due to reduction in congestion, global warming slowdown thus less expensive climate disasters, less fuel imports and even more possible that I cannot think now.

But unfortunately most people see just the original bill.

Robert Hardy | 1 year ago

Where you have a culture of cycling such as in Cambridge, there is little difference in the gender ratio of cyclists. Cargo bikes and dutch child carrying bikes are proliferating. The cycle racks throughout the city bulge with bikes of almost every description. Lycra is a fairly unusual sight and despite a relatively affluent population so are statement cars.

Steve K replied to Robert Hardy | 1 year ago

Robert Hardy wrote:

Where you have a culture of cycling such as in Cambridge, there is little difference in the gender ratio of cyclists. Cargo bikes and dutch child carrying bikes are proliferating. The cycle racks throughout the city bulge with bikes of almost every description. Lycra is a fairly unusual sight and despite a relatively affluent population so are statement cars.

I'd say it is moving that way in London (though still some way to go).

Dnnnnnn replied to Steve K | 1 year ago
1 like

Steve K wrote:

I'd say it is moving that way in London (though still some way to go).

I'd agree. London is a really interesting case - infrastructure, safety, distance, housing (where do you keep your bike when you're renting a small room?), modal options, gender, cultural and racial influences all at play.

the little onion | 1 year ago


JustTryingToGet... replied to the little onion | 1 year ago
the little onion wrote:



Edit: it's gone meta. Pretty obvious this was gonna trigger the fragile.

chrisonabike replied to JustTryingToGetFromAtoB | 1 year ago

Busy types getting there fill here ATM. Pity the admins apparently delight in a "whack-a-mole" policy but with ample time between deploying the hammer, but "internet" I guess.

ChuckSneed | 1 year ago
1 like

But why does it matter if only one group of people want to cycle?


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