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Could smart contact lenses soon deliver your cycling data?

Mojo Vision has created what it describes as an invisible wearable solution, and is currently looking into the stats cyclists desire

You've probably all seen smart glasses by now... but what if the tech was actually built inside a pair of contact lenses? Mojo Vision reckons it has developed invisible, wearable smart contact lenses which have a built-in display for providing information without obstructing your view. The lens uses what is described as the “world’s densest dynamic microLED display” that’s able to layer digital images, symbols and text on a users’ natural field of vision. 

The screen providing the information is claimed to be tiny at just the size of a grain of sand, with a 300 x 300 pixel display. Mojo Vision has also recently partnered with TrailForks to help ensure it provides data that’s useful to gravel and road cyclists, reports Cycling Industry News

With its invisible, wearable display, Mojo Lens aims to help you keep your concentration by providing information heads-up and hands-free, and the brand says it is able to achieve this “without obstructing their view, restricting mobility or hindering social interactions”.

“Many augmented reality (AR) solutions try to create immersive experiences that can clutter reality - Mojo Lens is different,” the brand stresses on its site.

“It quietly provides you with crucial data while you’re engaged in events that demand your attention.” 

Wearable smart technology for viewing cycling performance data is not new. Heads-up display smart sunglasses seem to pop up every few years, but have never really succeeded, and therefore was one of the unfortunate product categories to earn a spot in our round-up on the bright bike tech that has failed to catch on. 

The idea behind this style of smart sunglasses is that you can view performance ride data in real-time right in front of your eye, and so there’s no need to look down at your handlebars. This different approach to the humble cycle computer does work, but there have been recurring noticeable issues so far: namely bulk, battery life and price. 

These smart contact lenses certainly look to be a useful solution, as they would solve the 'bulk' aspect. 

Mojo Vision has identified the opportunity in the wearables market to deliver performance data and real-time stats to data-conscious fitness enthusiasts including cyclists, and this year announced partnerships with a range of sports brands to better understand how to bring over performance data to meet the needs of this new audience. 

The brand’s initial partnerships include: Trailforks (cycling, hiking/outdoors), Adidas Running (running/training), Wearable X (yoga), Slopes (snow sports) and 18Birdies (golf).

With the Trailforks partnership, David Hobbs, the Senior Director Product Management at Mojo Vision told Cycling Industry News: “One of the really interesting things we learnt, especially with mountain biking, is there is a real desire to get simple directions. Trails, even if well maintained, might not be well marked. So, we hear from people saying, ‘I thought I was on a trail, so I’d gone down the mountain, only to have to go back up it to get back on the correct trail.’”

This could equally help when navigating trails on a gravel bike…

For the road, David acknowledges the importance of power for pacing and, again, says that having turn by turn directions wherever you’re looking is useful.

“We think this makes it safer for people cycling in cities and built-up environments allowing you to keep your eyes up on the traffic.”

Would these smart contact lenses convince you to leave your trusty cycle computer behind?

Anna has been hooked on bikes ever since her youthful beginnings at Hillingdon Cycle Circuit. As an avid road and track racer, she reached the heady heights of a ProCyclingStats profile before leaving for university. Having now completed an MA in Multimedia Journalism, she’s hoping to add some (more successful) results. Although her greatest wish is for the broader acceptance of wearing funky cycling socks over the top of leg warmers.

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kktsk | 3 years ago

this will never take off. I mean, even Varia tanked. a lot of people just can't wear contacts and it's easy to lose them.

TimmayCrackn | 3 years ago

I've been waiting for this technology to come out. Contacts have so many advantages over glasses. If done right, this could be amazing. Things that concern me are cost, and getting lenses that work with people who already wear contacts. My prescription changes every 12 months. I can only imagine these are costly enough that you'd want to keep them longer? That said, I would be first in line to demo these.

Rendel Harris replied to TimmayCrackn | 3 years ago

The linked article says they only have an expected 12-18 month lifespan anyway...can't really imagine them being viable for any but the very richest even for one pair, let alone replacing them every year.

andyp | 3 years ago

Dear god. The ultimate 'solution in search of a problem'.  Plenty of valid reasons why companies are pumping money into R&D for CL tech... this one seems to be six weeks or so early.

hawkinspeter | 3 years ago

Contact lenses? I'm thinking that's a strange choice to deliver new technology as surely glasses are going to be much easier to manufacture and if you're cycling along, you'll want glasses anyway if only for the eye protection.

Jimwill replied to hawkinspeter | 3 years ago

Maybe. Then again I have 2 pairs of glasses, with 7 different lenses and 2 TT visors, for different light levels, rain etc. So for some would be cheaper/easier to be in contact form

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