Race hat, Shirt, Finish line photos and All day parking at the beach
5K, 10K, 10 Mile bike and Kids Run options available.
The Jet to Jetty Beach Run supports the services of our local mental health clinic, Airport Marina Counseling Service.
5k Run/Walk: USD 40.0,
10K Run/Walk: USD 40.0,
10 Mile Bike: USD 30.0,
Kids Run: USD 20.0
End Time: 11:00 am
Venue Details: Dockweiler Beach, 12000 Vista Del Mar, Playa Del Rey, 90293, United States
I can't believe that you think that Khan is the worst of politicians - you must have ignored a LOT of other people to come to your conclusion. Is...
I sent Absolute Black a pic of myself wearing the RAF pack. They invited me to buy fifty of their exclusive Ti pulley cages at only £839 each. Who...
A bit disingenuous the comment that there are 150 homes along Auchenhowie Road, there isn't. The vast majority sit up off the Road, so a cycle lane...
A very sensible choice. And I've occasionally done likewise for varied reasons....
Gimmicky company using gimmicky buzzwords to dupe stupid people in to buying gimmicky parts.
Sounds exactly the same as a bike jacking - the bikejack gangs in london do the same - and have zero concern for the level of violence used.
Oops - I just read your post too!...
"Forget-about-it's" also have an advantage of LOOKING tough and sturdy
You'd call the jeweller or car dealership insane because jewellery and keys will easily fit in a reasonably sized safe overnight. Not so plausible...
STILL WAITING for my See.Sense.Air - sorry, re-branded with it's likelihood of arriving - the See.Sense Knowhere...