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Just commuting.

Cracker of a story if anyone wants a read.

Firstly.. Important bit. My 2 Avanti Blades are my commuters. Nothing flash.
Avanti blade with 8 speed hub gear, pannier rack, panniers, rear mud flap and 38mm front, 35mm rear tyre. No puncture ever since upping from 28mm about 2 years ago. Hums along, weighs about 15kg without luggage and loves luggage, loves storm weather, pretty much never serviced. At moment every 50-100km the axle slips in slide out. I'm sure that'll be an easy fix. Loaded I'm getting 25, averaging about 20kmph.
Other Blade a normal one with 2*9 cassette rear and normal roadbike bars.. Preferred. Yet if it's raining the hub gear wins my vote.

Government deemed me unfit to drive yet my career is that as a professional driver. I don't mind. Hearsay is temporary due to mistake.
I was offered drugs and told them to shove it because my body doesn't tolerate that stuff having been taught to dose sugar, flush water and rest when sick. Am I mad and can I concentrate card was then shown so I plainly said that I wouldn't know because when I used to train my concentration allowed 6+ metres of lightning bolt from my palm that destroyed a target and why would I be mad because I've been asking work about a year if I may goto dayshift such that I could goto school. Denied yet getting Tuesdays off for 1 school evening per week and now because of my 'illness' they seem happy to allow me to return to work when license clears as a 3 day weekend which is 5 day pay due to double time thus I can do Jiu-Jitsu, TaeKwonDo , Jiu-Jitsu, Jiu-Jitsu, TaeKwonDo Monday -Friday plusgo sailing the dinghy, ride the bike, whatever because it's a 4 day holiday each week on a full weeks pay.
Anyway. Laughing. A bit more patience.
From my experience, 28mm didn't puncture during summer and nicer weather but 38,35mm combo on hub gear and 38,32mm combo on cassette (because French word bigger than my vocabulary) have never punctured and even though I load bike up with gym towel, thongs, days food, water, gi, spare clothes i simply cant be bothered carrying a spare. Last night ran over smashed glass; they're simply thick.

Looking forward to the fixie in summer. After riding 15+kg of beast, 7kg of aero should hammer. Needs forks and rims, they melted last year.

If you're new please join in and if you have questions pop them below and the forum regulars will answer as best we can.

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brooksby | 4 years ago

Boatsie's back!  Yay!!  

Boatsie | 4 years ago

You rock dude..

Happy to be a cyclist again

Boatsie | 4 years ago
1 like

Here's the same bike; same frame size, dimension, different gearing. Normal derailler.. Spewing.. Cable just snapped.

Being like lightning. Lol.
Getting out infront of pace car. Found high gear. Nicer to ride then hub gear. 4 kg lighter. Better weight distribution.

Mungecrundle. I've been using a car to run a boy to school, hadn't peddled for near 12 months. Most days last year were bicycle to work.
Smiling again.. No licence was excuse needed to not help a friend. Looks like back to work in 2 weeks.
Loving it here.. That rolls 38 front, 32 rear.. I don't even carry a spare they're that reliable.

BRB. found another one. Lol

Mungecrundle | 4 years ago

Boatsie, resident poet. Where have you been these last few months?

hawkinspeter | 4 years ago

That sucks about your job, but I'm glad you're keeping healthy.

Boatsie | 4 years ago

And here's one for you bro.  3

Boatsie | 4 years ago
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Here's my useful bike

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