Nicki Aitken has pulled out of the charity ride in which she was aiming to ride the entire course of the Tour de France one day before the professionals due to the participation of Lance Armstrong. Aitken, who would have been the sole female participant, said she did not wish to be associated with ‘the most tainted man in sport’.
Aitken had signed up to be one of 20 cyclists accompanying former England footballer Geoff Thomas on his Tour de France Ten Years On ride, which will celebrate his going into remission from leukaemia a decade ago. The plan is to ride all 21 stages the day before the pros do so and raise £1 million for the Cure Leukaemia charity of which Thomas is patron.
However, Aitken told BT Sport that the late addition of Armstrong had dissuaded her from taking part. “I was getting texts from friends when it was announced that Lance Armstrong would be taking part and I thought: ‘You know what, I haven’t seen one positive thing about this.’”
She said that it was when the news broke that Nike would be sponsoring Justin Gatlin [who has returned to sprinting after bans for positive drug tests] that she realised she didn’t want to be involved.
“I enjoy sport. I just don’t understand the win at all costs mentality at all. Obviously some drug cheats apologise and come back, but there’s always that element with me: ‘Why did you do it in the first place'.
"It’s not only the taking drugs and cheating, it’s also that you’ve denied clean athletes winnings things in that time period and you can never give that opportunity back.’ It just doesn’t sit right. It takes away the point of sport. It just becomes drug companies competing against drug companies.”
Aitken’s father and grandmother both died from blood cancer and while she had wanted to raise money for research into the disease, Armstrong’s involvement didn’t sit well.
“Dad loved sport. He always used to come and support me and my two elder brothers. Even on cold days, in the middle of a muddy field, he’d be there. He was so encouraging. I know he would be proud of everything I’ve achieved in sport. But he also brought us up to fight for what we believe in."
Betsy Andreu and Sir Dave Brailsford are among those who have been critical of Armstrong’s involvement, but Geoff Thomas believes that the disgraced cyclist will help him raise more money and more awareness and says he has ‘no regrets’ about inviting him.
While Armstrong is only planning on riding two stages, Aitken is scornful of suggestions she could have missed those days and ridden the rest. “What’s the point of that? Then I wouldn’t have ridden the whole Tour de France. It defeats the object.”
Fortunately, Aitken’s charity efforts are not lost. She instead plans on undertaking alternative challenges.
“My sponsors all said we’ll still give you the money if you do something else so this year I’m going to take on other challenges instead, like cycling from Land’s End to John O’Groats, the Jurassic Coast Challenge (three marathons in three days) and riding the Nove Colli, one of Italy’s most famous mass participation cycling events.”
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Lance Armstrong spent all those years cycling raising awareness for cancer, he's now decided to spend his enforced retirement raising awareness for narcissistic sociopaths around the world
Let's forget about the hundreds of millions he raised for his cancer charity at the height of his drug cheating eh? Seems from this explanation that she reached her decision after texts from friends and Nike sponsoring Gatlin. Good luck to her with her other challenges but think she's cutting off her nose to spite her face here.
would anyone thing less of Nicki Aitken for riding all that way for charity because Lance Armstrong is doing it too?
pretty unlikely
would anyone think less of her for reneging on a commitment because she doesn't personally like one of the participants? well that's another question
It I was sponsoring Nicki Aitken I would be doing for the cause she is supporting - not to support the "Lance Armstrong Rehabilitation Campaign" and would think nothing less of her for pulling out to prevent Lance Armstrong's ambush marketing strategy.
Somethings never change ... Armstrong hiding behind "good works" to prevent questions being asked about his cheating, Armstrong using "good works" to try and rehabilitate himself and get his ban lifted. The careers lost because of Armstrong's lying, cheating and bullying never change either ...
To paraphrase some of those criticising Nicki Aitken ... get over it Armstrong, you're banned for life ... leave the Tour de France alone move on ...
Sadly, in modern society, we too often conflate what is morally right with what is socially acceptable. I don't think this lady's participation would in any way endorse or support what Lance did and I think it's a shame she's dropped out.
Cyclist signs up for an event, realises she's bitten off more than she can chew and blames ex-cyclist for none participation. Good one.
Whilst it's a shame that Armstrong, his team mates and most of the peloton at the time were using performance enhancing substances, we really need to move on and concentrate on those who are currently competing in a clean environment rather than banging on about the past and not really letting cycling move forward.
No loss.
It s good to have principles and stuff but every human being is full of contradiction. I have never a met a person who is 100% morally perfect. Why are so many people angry at Armstrong ? He has almost become a Hitler figure.

Whatever Nicki does to raise funds for her chosen charity will it equal what Armstrong has done for good causes ? Let's move on from bully / cheat / doper / it's in the past now.
If he never doped there still would have been cheats and EPO. And transfusions - he never invented this. The EPO years existed with or without him.
But Livestrong and all the good it brought only existed because of him
So much venom for a man we have never met. It's sad.
And I am not a fan of Armstrong I just think we need to move on. And let him move on.
Precisely what good has Livestrong done?
No he hasn't.
Honestly, we only managed 7 posts before invoking Godwin's Law. That's not great going.
As far as I am concerned, this is another example of his arrogance and complete denial on the part of L Armstrong. He should be aware that his participation in any event, however well intentioned, for charity or any good cause, is only going to generate bad publicity and put other participants in a difficult situation. If they ride with him then they are tarnished by association. I would not ride with the man, or participate in any event to which he is associated. Maybe he is being treated harshly given his singling out amongst all the unsporting liars of his generation, but like it or not he is the drug cheating face of cycling. If he is looking to re-invent himself then this is not the way.
If he has any contrition at all for past misdemeanours then he should withdraw from the event and let others have their chance to fulfill their personal challenges without his shadow over their achievements. He had his chances and he is now nothing but an ongoing disgrace to cycling.
Good for you. In June I am doing the JOGLE for cancer research and local cancer services. I have been treated for cancer for 5 years and am currently on my 3rd round of intensive chemo. I have been training on an indoor trainer with occasional forays out. I am cycling with a friend and others joining us for individual legs. Info can be found on Facebook Cyclingwithcancer or on just giving cyclingwithcancer.
Good for you. In June I am doing the JOGLE for cancer research and local cancer services. I have been treated for cancer for 5 years and am currently on my 3rd round of intensive chemo. I have been training on an indoor trainer with occasional forays out. I am cycling with a friend and others joining us for individual legs. Info can be found on Facebook Cyclingwithcancer or on just giving cyclingwithcancer.
Also, maximum respect to Terry for taking on this challenge. Good luck!
Good for you. I am just about to start my second course and was really worried it would stop me from cycling. You've given me new confidence ( although the 3 inches of snow yesterday doesn't help).
Good for you, stand by your principals it's a pity some sports people don't.
I did ask the question (when first posted about the cheating scumbag participating in Goeff's charity ride) whether anybody doing the ride would have views on this it seems I was right.
So let me get this right shes went from Nicki Aitken the sole female participant in Tour de France charity ride Nicki Aitken the ex sole female participant in Tour de France charity ride ..but with maximum publicity ....Lance did what he did ..its history ..who cares
Good on her, someone in sport with morals. I agree with her on everything she says.
Good on her, someone in sport with morals. I agree with her on everything she says.
Good on her, someone in sport with morals. I agree with her on everything she says.
As it would be rude to suggest that your departure will be of little consequence, I shall not. I shall however, leave you with one of your own quotes to see you on your way: