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Why isn't that cyclist in the cycle lane? Angry drivers of the internet fume about NMoTD 815

Take a deep breath, brace yourselves and proceed with caution as we take a look at how motorists reacted to Near Miss of the Day 815

On Thursday we uploaded Near Miss of the Day 815 featuring a clip submitted by a reader which shows the moment an HGV driver close passed him during a bike ride, even with double white lines in the middle of the road and an oncoming driver.

Since then the inbox has been under siege from furious emails outraged by the disgraceful, dangerous, and downright despicable use of the road on show. No, not the lorry driver putting a vulnerable road user in danger. No, something far worse — in their opinion — the cyclist not using the bike lane...

> Near Miss of the Day 815: "Again and again, drivers don't seem to get the message"

All spelling, grammar and general incoherence has been edited (don't shout at us too loudly if anything slips through the net, unless it's my own, of course!)...

Our most recent thought, sent this morning, claims the cyclist "left the driver with little option but to cross the lines to pass safely, thus breaking the law. There would have been no need for this had the cyclist shown a bit of road sense and used the available road width in a manner conducive to other road users, with a little more wisdom rather than assuming that all must grant his designs on how much of the available space is his to do as he chooses.

"All it takes is two entitled minds to cause a disaster so he is just as guilty as the truck driver of causing this near miss and should be equally held to account."

Another, claiming to be a professional HGV driver, wrote in: "One question: why is the cyclist not using the designated cycle lane to protect himself from a close pass? If cars and trucks used the cycle lane instead of the road, imagine the carnage! The cycle lanes put in are to protect the cyclist so why do they insist on putting their life in danger by cycling on the road instead of the cycle lane?

"I cycle and also drive HGVs for a living. If a cycle lane is provided then the cyclist should use it. If I drive my truck on the pavement then I can be fined and possibly lose my licence. If a cyclist doesn't use the cycle lane expect to get a close pass!" Charming...

Next up, not a driver (apparently), but a self-titled "conscientious cyclist"...

"If there is a cycle lane there, use it. Then you would have a right to moan."

Time to get the expletive alarm out for this next one: "Great video of a daft prick on a bike ignoring the bike lane on the left and then complaining about passing traffic! Total selfish two-wheeled twat!!" Good afternoon to you too...(we'll delete the part which says whose iPhone it was sent from)...

Near Miss of the Day 815

Right, we've got plenty more to get through, time for the quick-fire round...

"Why do you show this without mentioning that the cyclist is deliberately cycling outside of the very wide cycle lane?"

"Yet again we see a cyclist not using a cycle lane on a very dangerous piece of road with double white lines and then moaning when he gets overtaken. Why do cyclists feel they have the right to inconvenience others when making their journeys?"

"If a cycle lane is provided and a cyclist refuses to use it, do you agree they should be subject to legal sanctions — in much the same way as the converse applies to other road users contravening cycle lanes?" In

"Why put out Near Miss of the Day with a photo of the cyclist on a road when there is a cycle path to the left-hand side of him with no-one on it? So why have I paid my council tax to have these put in if they are not going use them? If they are stupid enough not to use them, then that's their fault."

"Mate, he was riding in the carriageway when a cycle lane was clearly marked to his left, you really need to assess the shit you post, honestly. Riding a bike to work is one thing, trying to persecute road users when you have a dedicated cycle lane is another matter, this is ridiculously embarrassing."

And finally... "Why is this cyclist not in the cycle lane provided?"

Let us answer that one...

> Why don't cyclists use cycle lanes?

Let's see what The Highway Code has to say (remember that not all of the rules in the Highway Code are legal requirements).

As per Rule 61:

Cycle Routes and Other Facilities: Cycle lanes are marked by a white line (which may be broken) along the carriageway (see Rule 140). Use facilities such as cycle lanes and tracks, advanced stop lines and toucan crossings (see Rules 62 and 73) where they make your journey safer and easier. This will depend on your experience and skills and the situation at the time. While such facilities are provided for reasons of safety, cyclists may exercise their judgement and are not obliged to use them.

The simple answer is that, as anyone with even a cursory experience of UK cycling infrastructure will know, many cycle lanes are a bit rubbish. They can be dangerous, run through car door zones, offer zero protection from passing traffic, become blocked by drivers parking where they shouldn't, have cracked or loose surfaces, collect puncture-risking debris such as broken glass, cross driveways, stop at junctions, end abruptly, and generally make your journey on two wheels miserable.

Worcester cycle lane (Image: Twitter/@MTBfreedom)

In many situations, the safest place to be is on the road where you can control how close you ride to the kerb, and avoid the danger and inconvenience of a bad cycle lane. What's more, the safer and more convenient option is also perfectly legal, and advised in the Highway Code...

Leith Walk cycle lane (Allasan Seòras Buc, Twitter)

"Use facilities such as cycle lanes and tracks, advanced stop lines and toucan crossings where they make your journey safer and easier [...] cyclists may exercise their judgement and are not obliged to use them."

Cycle lane parked car (Image credit: Rob Ainsley sent to us)

'But what about the cycle lane in the video?' I hear you ask... 'What was wrong with that one?' Clearly the video is just 27 seconds so there might be convenience and safety factors other than what we can see, but while the surface generally looks pretty good (by the low bar of UK cycling infra), this route still crosses driveways where the rider would be more visible on the road and looks like it is the only option for pedestrians walking along the route.

In cases where the cycle lane is, in fact, a shared-use path and also used by dog walkers, families, children, disabled people and the elderly, the safer place for a confident bike rider is often the road. By the end of the video we see the path narrow to a section wide enough for a single pedestrian, lined with a wall and dotted with lampposts. 

Furthermore, at the point where the close pass is made, the cycle lane ends. Often the safest place for everyone — for pedestrians potentially using the shared-use path, the rider himself, and drivers — is for the cyclist to ride on the road. That requires asking for a bit of patience when overtaking, but if it prevents a cyclist — a father, daughter, sister, friend, colleague — being injured or worse, is that really too much to ask?

EDIT: The reader who submitted the footage got in touch with a bit more info about the specifics of the shared-use path...

Bloody hell. That one got a response! 

If you go on Google Maps 88 A3100, this is where the incident occurred. 
The pass wasn't particularly close, as the police officer implies, but the manner of driving is downright dangerous.

The shared cycle path (it’s NOT a cycle lane) is not very well marked, and this was my first time on the road having just dropped my van off for a service. Ooer... A van driver. I know…

The entry point to the shared cycle path is badly marked, and there is one sprayed on bike for the whole of its 300m length. Plus once you've gone past the dropped kerb to get onto the pavement, you can't get on it. Not that you would, as it's narrow and on a blind bend. If there was another bike or pushchair coming the other way, I'd have had to get back on the road to get past.

It's terrible cycling infrastructure, but either way it's still a 30mph limit with double whites and SLOW signs for a reason, that the HGV driver chose to ignore.

Dan is the news editor and has spent the past four years writing stories and features, as well as (hopefully) keeping you entertained on the live blog. Having previously written about nearly every other sport under the sun for the Express, and the weird and wonderful world of non-league football for the Non-League Paper, Dan joined in 2020. Come the weekend you'll find him labouring up a hill, probably with a mouth full of jelly babies, or making a bonk-induced trip to a south of England petrol station... in search of more jelly babies.

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OnYerBike | 2 years ago

Question for the team: Do you normally get this level of vitriol or is this unusual? I can't imagine it's normal for so many trolls to simply stumble across this article by accident and feel compelled to contact you directly about it, but maybe I am being naive in that assumption. Or is it more likely this story been shared to some trolling website and a pile on deliberately encouraged?

Clem Fandango replied to OnYerBike | 2 years ago

On that Book of Face,'s     posts are usually leapt on by the Angry Drivist Lobby almost immediately.   I think Zuckerberg's algorithm is either putting "road" and "I luv Kars innit" together (2+2=9) and filling their feeds with wholesome cycling related content, OR it actually works as designed & is feeding their secret lycra fetish.

Either way, none of them reads an article (or apparently has figured out that it's linked to a cycling related site) just reacts to the headline in wholly predictable fashion.  Wouldn't be at all surprised if that's how they've found their way here now - one of them must have accidentally clicked on the link to the actual article & told their friends about the sea of leftie, tree-hugging, marxist militant cyclist, anti-driving, LTN loving filth that they can get off on here.

Seventyone replied to Clem Fandango | 2 years ago

"sea of leftie, tree-hugging, marxist militant cyclist, anti-driving, LTN loving filth"

Can I have that on a T shirt please?

NotBlindedByCyc... | 2 years ago
1 like

Boo hoo for the poor cyclist, you ride on  footpaths, through red lights, on pavements, through pedestrian areas. You ride without lights etc etc etc etc, and all you can do is moan about how people don't give you 10 metres of space when passing. Use the bike lanes or get a car.

Mungecrundle replied to NotBlindedByCyclistsBS | 2 years ago

You are an exceptionally ignorant and unoriginal troll. Frankly we are used to far better around here.

Clem Fandango replied to NotBlindedByCyclistsBS | 2 years ago

I was going to respond with something about your poorly researched sweeping generalisations similar examples of which could be provided for any group of road users, and ill thought out advice (what to do where there is no bike lane? or shared use death trap in this example.)

Instead, I fart in the general direction of the bridge you crawled out from.

AlsoSomniloquism replied to NotBlindedByCyclistsBS | 2 years ago

And tell me where this cyclist did any of the things you moaned about? And again, that is not a bike lane. He would be on what you would call a pavement and being shouted at by the likes of you for being on it. I've seen cars ride on footpaths, pavements and through red lights. I have even seen them go down train lines. Should they get another car?

And good job the cyclist who supposedly glanced your mobility scooter wasn't in a car as you wouldn't be here to post. Had any close calls with pedestrians when weaving around them in your heavy chariot?

Hirsute replied to NotBlindedByCyclistsBS | 2 years ago

Is that all you can come up with after 2 days ?

Do you have a car?

brooksby replied to Hirsute | 2 years ago

No - they (claim to) have a mobility scooter, IIRC.

brooksby replied to NotBlindedByCyclistsBS | 2 years ago

NotBlindedByCyclistsBS wrote:

Boo hoo for the poor cyclist, you ride on  footpaths, through red lights, on pavements, through pedestrian areas. You ride without lights etc etc etc etc, and all you can do is moan about how people don't give you 10 metres of space when passing. Use the bike lanes or get a car.

Ride on footpaths? No, never.

Through red lights?  No, never.

On pavements, through pedestrian areas?  Define 'pavement' and 'pedestrian areas'.  Do you mean shared-use areas where cyclists are legally allowed to ride anyway?  If not, how is that different from footpaths?

Ride without lights?  Definitely, during the daytime when lights are not legally required.

So am I allowed to claim my 10 metres of passing space now?


stonechat replied to NotBlindedByCyclistsBS | 2 years ago

Studies have shown motorists on average are breaking more laws than cyclist s, and being tons of heavy metal are incredibly more dangerous

ROOTminus1 replied to NotBlindedByCyclistsBS | 2 years ago

So you agree that more vulnerable modes of travel require adequate protection from other transport vehicles?
If cyclists are as delinquent as you make out, tell me how a picture of a bicycle painted on a footpath protects pedestrians? Would you prefer more of the budget and real estate be dedicated to segregated paths, cycleways, and public transport lanes that are actually fit for purpose? Oops, no room left for personal cars, oh well, KSI collisions will drop right off.

Mungecrundle | 2 years ago

Ignorance of the Highway code in not knowing that cyclists don't have to use any cycle infrastructure and have many legitimate reasons to take space on the road is one thing, but converting that misunderstanding into "I'll teach that stupid cyclist a lesson" and putting someone's life at risk using a motor vehicle as a weapon of intimidation is quite another.

rjfrussell | 2 years ago

I don't know this area, but from the video, plainly I would not use that path at that point, given the abrubt way it ends and spills onto the road... at the moment the close pass was taking place.

yupiteru | 2 years ago

According to the AA over 1 in 40 motorists drive without a license.

Also 1 in 12 motorists are driving around with false number plates that are not registered to the driver of the car (cloned).  

All these people  want to complain about is a cyclist doing absolutely nothing wrong as far as the law is concerned. 

In my experience these complaining types are simply just jealous because they are not cabable of riding a bike, it really is as simple as that.

bikeman01 replied to yupiteru | 2 years ago
1 like

yupiteru wrote:

Also 1 in 12 motorists are driving around with false number plates that are not registered to the driver of the car (cloned).  

I'd like to see your source for that statement. Frankly I dont believe it.

Secret_squirrel replied to bikeman01 | 2 years ago

I agree seems unlikely that clone plates are a bigger issue than driving without a license (or insurance).

3cylinder replied to bikeman01 | 2 years ago
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eburtthebike replied to 3cylinder | 2 years ago
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From the figures given in the article, it's less than 5% or 1 in 20, not 1 in 12.  Neither does it mention how they arrived at those figures, they are just stated as fact.  Without supporting evidence, they are suspect.

didsthewinegeek | 2 years ago
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Whilst it isn't the best of cycle lanes, I would have used it rather than cycle on a road with a double unbroken line. There are times when descretion is the better part of valour!

AlsoSomniloquism replied to didsthewinegeek | 2 years ago

And what would you have done 20 yards further on when it would have been illegal to cycle there, and trucks wouldn't give people any space at all because "you are on the pavement".

I have walked on similar narrow pavements and actually been caught a glancing blow from a passing vans wing mirror before now. 

MTB Refugee replied to didsthewinegeek | 2 years ago

It's an appalling piece of cycle infrastructure that leads from Godalming through the Artington Park and Ride into Guildford on the A3100.

You are constantly expected to go from the shared use footpath, to the road, off the road, back into the road etc. You have to cross road junctions from the left that do not give priority to those using the path. The footpath is in a poor condition (much worse than the road) and it is too narrow to safely pass a pedestrian without stopping. The on-road painted cycle lane section is barely wide enough to contain a bike and no way near wide enough to allow cars to safely overtake.

giff77 replied to didsthewinegeek | 2 years ago

didsthewinegeek wrote:

Whilst it isn't the best of cycle lanes, I would have used it rather than cycle on a road with a double unbroken line. There are times when descretion is the better part of valour!

Even with it dumping you back into the flow of traffic on a hill. 

stonechat replied to didsthewinegeek | 2 years ago

yes but it's not a cycle lane

qwerty360 | 2 years ago

And this is why councils should have significant liability for any cyclist related incident where cycling infra is well below design guidelines. I suspect we could even just apply it to guidelines when infra was built (can no longer find gov standards from 1989 which state one way cycle lane should be 2m wide (with 1.5m permitted in limited circumstances))


Should also be able to file insurance claims for alarm/distress caused by stuff like this. If the HGV insurer and council had a 50:50 split of a few £k for alarm/distress caused maybe driving would improve and infra would be built to standard...

IanMK replied to qwerty360 | 2 years ago

I was thinking similar the other day. When the council or the utilities are working on the road they must do a risk assessment to protect their workers that might be working close to the carriageway. This often ends up with traffic lights or even road closures that will often inconvenience drivers. Why wouldn't they carry out similar risk assessments for all road users and push through those measures even if some might find it inconvenient.

MTB Refugee | 2 years ago

As per my comment on the previous article, it's not a dedicated cycle lane, it's a shared use path.

I ride this route regularly and the path is not suitable for cycling, with the exception of small children acompanied by adults on foot. It's too narrow for both cyclists and pedestrians to safely coexist and the surface of the path is extremely poor and not suitable for road bikes.

This is typical of the cycling infrastructure in the Guildford area, with the vast majority being wholly unsuitable and dangerous. It's a box ticking exercise for the council so they can say that they have done "something" to get the grant money.

Dbloke | 2 years ago
1 like

Meh, ive seen loads of these "Cycle lanes" that are on raised pavements and have one entrance ramp that isnt clearly sign posted.

This is one such path, 
Its also clearly marked as cyclists only, yet tons of times people have been seen walking on it

eburtthebike replied to Dbloke | 2 years ago

Dbloke wrote:

Meh, ive seen loads of these "Cycle lanes" that are on raised pavements and have one entrance ramp that isnt clearly sign posted.

This is one such path, 
Its also clearly marked as cyclists only, yet tons of times people have been seen walking on it

Surely that can't be the entry ramp?  How, exactly, are you supposed to get on it if there is a motor vehicle pulled up to the give way line, obstructing both the view and the entry?  Also, if you entered it as a vehicle was approaching the give way line and they struck you, who's fault would it be?

AlsoSomniloquism | 2 years ago

I'm surprised you didn't put the quote on from 815 from "notblindingbycyclistsbs" as well.

I did mention early in the comments that I wonder how many drivers would have noticed the cycle lane ended, 20 yards further on, the same pass would have happened by the same driver and potentially just as dangerous for oncoming vehicles and the cyclist, and there is no SHARED PATH, NOT CYCLEPATH excuse for the shit driving from shit drivers. 


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