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The future of urban transport? Canyon launch concept vehicle and two new city e-bikes

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Jack Sexty

Jack is the news editor here at eBikeTips, and also edits the live blog and writes tech news over on our sister site Jack first became fascinated with e-bikes when an elderly gentleman breezed past him without a care in the world up a big old hill in North Wales - thus realising e-bikes are the real deal! Although he genuinely enjoys time trials and lung-busting climbs without assistance, Jack likes nothing more than cruising round town on an e-bike during his days off.   


4 years 6 months ago

Don't think the mass market is anywhere near ready for this sadly. E.g. Renault has been selling the Twizy (one seater electric car, no pedalling required, closed-ish to the weather, steering wheel) for years, and I've only seen a handful on the road. I can't believe the market's been thinking "I would buy a Twizy if only it was less like a car and I could pedal it myself".   

4 years 6 months ago

" Dimensions of 83cm x 101cm x 23cm"

What's the 23cm dimension?

4 years 6 months ago

Have they asked what Clive Sinclair thinks?

4 years 6 months ago

The concept vehicle isn't a new idea though, it's just an electric velomobile with a body that more resembles a car. Look at the QuattroVelo, that is a great one and you can take a child with you aswell.

Also check out the

4 years 6 months ago

Ultimate winter bike...