Join your fellow 'winter warriors' by tackling 'The Hateful Eight' Yorkshire Reliability Rides.
'The Otley One' takes place on 18 February 2018.
Booking not available - Sign up on the day.
50km or 100km route to choose between.
£4 (or £5 inc. a free tea/coffee)
Start Time: Long route starts 09.30am. Short route starts 09.45am. Sign on from 08:45am
Start: Buttercross (Market Place), Otley
Finish: Sign off at Otley Chevin Cycles and then refreshments at Otley CC Clubrooms
Route (100km):
Route (50 km):
This is the bike I used for my LEJoG last year. After that, it deserved a treat: new powder coat and new wheels after the Hunt wheels cracked at...
Nope and nope....
The size of milk collection tankers...
You did. But you also said "don't do things just because 'real cyclists' do them" which implies, well it doesn't so much as imply as much as state,...
I have the same light with the small Bluetooth remote to quickly switch modes. Overall, it's fantastic. My main gripe with it is when it reaches...
Because the price points are so wide between 105 and DA.
"blend in by day, stand out at night" I don't really want to blend in by day.
That's irrelevant. Why should the customer be forced to pay for all the sports that they dont watch? Why have to pay for football when I don't want...
A tragedy - sounds like one of those robotaxis though, are they allowed here?
Great, thanks for your reply - much appreciated!