The Grand Escape is a new series of road bikepacking events that will take cyclists on an adventure along some of the most beautiful routes in all of Europe. In 2023, The Grand Escape will take place in Tuscany on September 9, 2023 and in Italy/Slovenia on October 13, 2023. The first event will take you on a 700 km loop through some of the most iconic and picturesque paved roads in Tuscany. Cyclists will have the opportunity to ride between five UNESCO World Heritage Sites, explore medieval villages, and pedal through rolling hills that offer some of Italy's most breathtaking scenery. Registration for The Grand Escape Tuscany opens on April 1, 2023. Slots are limited.
Anything a council does always costs far more than if an ordinary company did it . We do wonder it any of that money ends up in someone's pocket ....
Letting one's tyres down by a few PSI to get more comfort grip and speed won't sell more bikes though.
"......disgruntled residents continuing their protests by chaining bicycles the trees,..."...
All competing for a role in a group that has been accused of being involved in massive corruption in the past. Hmm.
I've found the Chilli-Tech rear camera /light combo to be very good. ...
I was intrigued as to what, if any, connection the term has to Mongolia. According to, ahem, Wikipedia, Down himself (namesake of the syndrome)...
I don't know why this is in the news, the Merseyside area is peppered with crossings that work like this and have done for decades. Maybe we don't...
at Man Utd its more about managing the bags of wind who used to play the game but now endlessly criticise from the comfy pundit sofa, than anyone...
The cyclist told that he has not reported the near miss to the City of London Police because “what’s the point? They’re not interested...
Never mind all that now - do people have any opinion on pet-cycling-safety?...