Le Petit Grand Prix is the little sister of the main Lincoln Grand Prix Sportive which is held the day before the historic Lincoln Grand Prix elite cycle race in May. Enter Le Petit Grand Prix and get a taste of the main event.
The objective of Le Petit Grand Prix is to introduce riders to Lincoln and The Wolds area over a different route, which does not include the cobbled finish on Michaelgate. There is also a shorter distance for new riders or those returning to fitness.
Enter this sportive and you will quickly find yourself on some of the quietest roads anywhere in the country. Don’t get caught out thinking Lincolnshire is flat though. It is in places, but it is grippier than you think in the Wolds.
Test yourself in September at Le Petit Grand Prix, then set yourself a target to be fit enough for the main event and the cobbled climb of Michaelgate in May.
Cue: police e-bike riders chase Cat3 rider, police end up in hedge after failure to corner like a seasoned cyclist.
I went through the whole guilt thing, and rode less and less, until a crunch point happened and I was forced to comfront the fact that I needed to...
Appreciate that Tony. Seems odd that I am Waterloo.... Paul seems seems less formal and is my name! As I have said previously, you set the...
Is it worth you pushing on for an extra day and resting on Tuesday? The forecast for Tuesday looks awful - gales and rain! Good luck!
This is correct, much too short at the front, dirty water will simply spray back into the riders face, legs, and bike. And without a front flap the...
Careless driving is that below the standard expected of a careful & competent driver....
The problem is determining what is a proportionate response. Stop when the same number of civilains and combatants have been killed? Can they do...
Close but no cigar..... my best effort in a Grand Tour but still no win. Well played No Man's Landa, you just had too much ammunition!
Man arrested after crash outside house in Lowestoft https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/24569714.man-arrested-crash-outside-house-l...
No cycling computer warrants a price north of £600, even if it is the best one out there. I think that the suits at Garmin have disappeared up...