Floodlit junior cycle races Peterborough
Junior cyclocross races for under 16's with at least two races for every rider each evening. The races will be in age groups under floodlights on a grass circuit and suits all abilities, completely traffic free. Run under British Cycling Go ride racing and costs just £4 for the whole evening. Spectators very welcome and refreshments will be available. Full changing facilities and spectators can watch/wait in the dry & warm if they choose. Helmets must be worn, but we can lend you one if you don't have your own, although its helpful to let us know in advance as we only have limited numbers of these. Any questions at all, then please ask by contacting Malc through the website. NOTE races start at 6.30, with registration from 6.00.
Missed the Ultegra recall, do you have a link or know the parameters of the recall?
and long may it continue.
One gearing setup for the whole race, (except for TT) as they do for the whole season in F1
I appreciate what he does and all but he blocked me on twitter after I called out one of his friends for telling a fellow cycling advocate to "f###...
Joey Baptiste pleads guilty over Ferrari crash in Norwich...
I'm just giving some context so that the argument you make can be made. I'm also on your side so tone down the "... , have you?" attitude at the...
Interesting point! Thanks for bringing that one up Rendel.
Given they've barely scraped a profit they must be glad the government haven't lumbered them with some big tax increases for next year...
My MiL broke her wrist when scraping ice off the car, she slipped and went straight down very quickly on to her wrist....
The designer Ben Meir has said they started with a blank piece of paper and went from concept to prototype in 7 weeks....