We’re trying to make road.cc even better and we need your help to do it. Just click on this link answer a few simple questions to tell us what you think of the site. Everyone who fills in the survey will be entered in to a draw for the chance to win a £1,000 bike.
We want to know what you like about the site and what you don’t, they things you'd like to see more of and the stuff that doesn't interest you so much. We also want to know more about you, what sort of riding you do, what sort of bike you do it on, the sort of clothing and accessories you buy - the usual survey type questions.
If you can find it in your heart to tell us those things there might be a bike in it for you, or if you’re really lucky some road.cc socks.
As mentioned up top, everyone who fills in our quick(ish) and easy survey will be entered in to a prize draw and one lucky winner will get a 2015 bike of their choice - up to a price tag of £1000 from JE James Cycles. That means you can choose from any Trek, Cube, Giant, Specialized, GT, Wilier, Focus, Felt or Bianchi they have in stock up to £1,000 in value.
Five even luckier people will get some road.cc socks in a choice of classic white or even more classic black.
Thanks for your help, and good luck!
road.cc user survey
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Is there any way/chance of stopping the annoying pop-up for this survey each time I visit?
I've completed the survey already. I don't need to do it again.
No mention of will I get my bike in time for Christmas!
Another cyclestreets user here.
road.cc is sh*te, but you already know that and hide my posts.
Too much censorship and inability to take criticism. Sneakily hiding user posts just because you don' t want to upset advertisers when members post valid, but negative comments on reviews. I have lost any trust I had in road.cc ... the site is censored and does not provide an accurate account of member opinions due to the censorship. Have a nice day ... though you probably won't see this post!
Another Cyclestreets user here!
Just don't tell my wife the answers to the spending questions.
One comment on the survey. You might have added "Don't Know" to the brand questions where you ask about Positive/Negative/Neutral.
There's a difference between being Neutral about something you know, and Neutral because you don't know it, and it also gives you some extra information about the relationship to the brand (or lack of one).
No option for Bikely? Great site for off-road planning.
That'll be the off-road.cc survey then!
How about a bit of proof reading before posting articles? You are journalists after all (and no excuses these days with the online tools available).
Praise or complaints of the survey, the odds are stacked against winning bike or even the socks. I enjoyed the filling in the questions, I even found out a bit about myself!
apps I use that I wasn't asked about: cycle droid (record & display speeds, distance etc); cycle streets (turn by turn navigation)
What about the LVRC and the TLI? Just another marketing survey being hidden behind a so called readers survey and a free bike.
Survey keeps crashing on the first page?
iPhone using safari and chrome.
No bike for me. Too many radio buttons.
Gotta be in it to win it!
Mobile-optimised version of the site, please!!! My smartphone (and I use the term advisedly) crashes about half the time.
No RideWithGPS option on the smartphone apps? an 'other' option might have been a good idea on some of the questions.
Or CycleStreets.
Interesting that the survey asks if you're a member of CTT when you can't be as they don't have individual membership . . . . . just affiliation for clubs - to which you can be a member.
Are you asking, are you a member of an affiliated club? or just asking a duff question?
ahem. just a duff question, most likely *edits survey*
Entered! Fingers crossed for them socks!