Mat has been in cycling media since 1996, on titles including BikeRadar, Total Bike, Total Mountain Bike, What Mountain Bike and Mountain Biking UK, and he has been editor of 220 Triathlon and Cycling Plus. Mat has been technical editor for over a decade, testing bikes, fettling the latest kit, and trying out the most up-to-the-minute clothing. He has won his category in Ironman UK 70.3 and finished on the podium in both marathons he has run. Mat is a Cambridge graduate who did a post-grad in magazine journalism, and he is a winner of the Cycling Media Award for Specialist Online Writer. Now over 50, he's riding road and gravel bikes most days for fun and fitness rather than training for competitions.
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I think this may be an age thing. When I was young, let's say up to 40, I was a smart man. Bespoke suits, sharp shirts and silk ties by the drawer full. My shoes were courtesy of skilled hands and my hair, even as it disappeared, was skilfully shaped.
And it seemed to work. Trophy wife, company cars and a nodding acquaintance with every good beach in Italy. Had I been into bikes at that point I would probably have invested in a dozen items of Rapha-like quality.
But with age comes a sort of wisdom and gradually the whole shebang lost its appeal. My attitudes to life and success mellowed and the wife kicked me out, keeping the dogs. The Lexus was replaced by a bike and the brogues by sandals. Endura now supplies most of my cycle clothing although I still worship at the shrine of steel and spend a decent amount on frames. Would I buy Rapha/Castelli now? No thanks; I have a shrewd idea how the law of diminishing returns affects prices.
But would I decry the need of another person to buy into the whole fancy clothes thing? Never. Live and let live.
Well said
Perfectly reasoned post on forum shocker!
Nice. What kind? I live in my Keen sandals. They're cool. Crocs on the other hand …
My Rapha club Jersey is great, I find it works at a wider range of temperatures compared to many jerseys, its comfy and looks stylish (obviously a matter of opinion). I bought it half price in the sale (full price is too much for me). I don't care what people say about me for wearing it, or the winter hat I treated myself too,they are excellent products and If you can afford it then why not? I don't belittle people for wearing aldi kit, which is exceptional value, most my kit is dhb. Labelling everybody who owns a piece of Rapha kit is childish.
Rapha and Castelli do great kit. Personally, it's the way you wear it that makes it cool or not.
Legs rolled up, unzipped to the waist and three sizes too small. That's how I roll.
The act of feeling cool bestows immediate and lasting coolness, which will be sensed by those who are also cool. doesn't matter if you are wearing complete, autographed Sky kit or a light coat of WD 40 and fluffy bunny slippers..
The most uncool thing you can do is to want to be cool or to care about being cool. If you believe that you're cool, then you're not.
But you are cool, because you think you're cool and who cares what everyone else thinks?
It's not your decision. Cool can only be bestowed upon you by others.
Wrong. Only those who can keep up with you are allowed to pass judgement, and even if they can, fuck what they think anyway.
I may think he's a chopper, however if that dude in the Wallace and Grommet jersey, crocs and melon helmet thinks he's cool, dude's cool.
If Castelli is not cool then that mean I like it a lot, I mean I ride a bike, I value comfort and performance above cool. As I find my gabba sorpasso tights o be the best performing kit around, I'm so happy im not cool. Only problem is do I bin my 3 year old Morvello kit now it's cool? Plus I'm too old to be cool! Perhaps being old (ish) uncool could be the new cool,

Or we could just enjoy riding and stop being told by marketing bods what is cool or uncool, or would that be cool or uncool, this is more confusing than the top gear cool wall, oops top gear is uncool erm or is it cool coz its uncool arghh !!!!
If you're happy not being cool then you're not cool. Leave being cool to the cool kids. Because of this your Morvelo kit is too cool for you, bin it.
Unless it's that old original Tokyo CC design, then just give it to me. I'll give it a cool home.
Control this...
ヾ (✿>﹏ ⊙〃)ノ
I was, in fact, referring to Italian stuff being cool rather than just Castelli.
That said, I find the performance of my Gabba is superior to that of my Capo. Must have missed something in the marketing bumf.
You cannot deny that Rapha has found a market for their products, so they must be doing something right.
They are not even the most expensive gear out their either.
Rapha is out of my price range - but then so is Jaguar, and I still like their cars, and Pinerallo, and I still like their bikes...
Road cycling has always been snobbish IMO, most upmarket independent bike shops are horribly elitist and can just be rude.
I love Rapha stuff too, it looks good, works and you don't look like you've just got off your bike if you ride into town on your lunch break. It's not even that expensive either compared to most of the bike clothing brands reviewed on this site.
According to Rapha (who just posted a photo on Instagram) it's their new Team Sky Training range and will be available early next year. Looks great.
Aye till now Antonio
Crikey, comments galore and not even a helmet mention!
I wonder if this post would attract as much criticism if Sky were sporting Castelli or any other brand.
I'm also surprised that it still seen as headline material now that Wiggo's is no longer the big Sky attraction.
For me the difference between Castelli and Rapha is that Castelli has grown with, and been a supporter of cycling since for ever. They have grown with the technologies and the the associated prices. Rapha doesn't have that heritage, they came into the market with outrageously expensive kit that was supported with outrageously expensive marketing speak and people reacted.
Castelli is Italian too, so automatically cool.
Castelli is not cool, it is the circa 2002 Burberry of cycling.
Morvelo is cool, capo is cool, Le Col is cool, Poc is cool, even some Attaquer stuff is cool. Castelli is not, I can't remember Castelli designed something aesthetically pleasing. Sportful however is castelli's slightly cool arm.
Anyway, people bagging on Rapha is the cycling forum version of Godwin's law. Inevitable and boring. Can we all just stop it?
Apart form Team Sky kit, that's rightly year-round open season.
Now-now, let's not soil our Sky blue merino pro-team underpants TM.
Is Bontrager cool? I used to think they were but now i'm not so sure, they seem more and more mainstream. Its terribly confusing.
Dear God no, if there's more than one person wearing or riding anything in a group or you see more than one during your ride, it's instantly not cool.
If you're riding a Cinelli Laser, clad head to toe in Morvelo Death Spray kit, rocking a Poc helmet / sunglasses combo and wearing Giro Empires. You're a style god, fact.
Performance? Let's not let that get in the way of style. (I actually really like my Fawesome vest and nano flex arm / knee warmers i am of course being all tongue in cheek about this whole subject.)
I must be cool all the time then as I'm nearly always riding solo (I only really commute these days)!
Iamelectron, do lighten up a touch and try not to take it all too seriously will you ? If you want to pony up to sport team kit, go for it and learn to be comfortable in your own individual decision.
It is sadly true that those who have an expensive bike and can afford quality kit etc are often decried for it if they're not perceived as 'good enough'. Jealousy? Snobbery?
If you're not up to 'standard' (who's? what?) then you should ride some old bone shaker and go out looking like a sack of spuds?
Not me. I'll ride my nice bike in my nice kit because I can afford to and choose to. I'd don't have a go at those who are faster/better (which is just about everyone) as they go by for being in poundstretcher kit - so leave me alone I'm doing my thing and hurting nobody!
Getting more people cycling at any level should be encouraged but the 'mamil' tag is starting to become an object of derision which is very sad.
PS I don't wear 'advert' kit, nor do I have any Rapha.