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Video: London cyclist tells fellow rider: "If you're scared you shouldn't be on the f*cking road"

Incident happened on Evelyn Street near Surrey Quays shopping centre after rider chose not to go up inside of tipper truck

A London cyclist who decided to hang back rather than go up the inside of a tipper truck at a junction near the Surrey Quays shopping centre was told by another rider:  "If you're scared you shouldn't be on the f*cking road."

Footage of the incident was posted online last Thursday bu YouTube user CBL, who had been waiting behind the lorry at the start of a gyratory at the junction of Evelyn Street, Bestwood Street and Lower Road.

Another cyclist said to him, "come on mate!" to which CBL replied: "I'm not going down the side of that, mate. You want me to die?"

Shortly afterwards, the other rider says to him as he overtakes:  "If you're scared you shouldn't be on the f*cking road"

CBL replied: You think I'm scared? That's how other people have died," the other rider giving him a 'wanker' sign in response as he rode off.

"I'm a wanker because I don't want to die down the side of a truck?" CBL shouted after him.

He caught up with the other cyclist at a set of traffic lights just past Bermondsey Station on Jamaica Road, around a mile from where the original exchange took place.

"Can you do me one favour, mate?" he asked, as other cyclists watched.

"Just say to the camera, 'You're a scared wanker if you don't ride down the side of a tipper truck' - because I'll show this to the friends and family of the people who have been killed by them, yeah?"

As the lights changed, he added: "Just have a little patience in your life. It's okay if you want to do it, but if I don't, shut your f*cking mouth."

Posting the video to Youtube, CBL said: "Please excuse me, I'm not at my most articulate so early in the morning. 

"I don't feel like squeezing down the side of a tipper truck which is turning left to get around road works. This guy calls me a wanker and tells me I shouldn't be on the road."

He added: "I wonder how the friends and families of people killed by these hulking trucks feel about this guy's opinion?"

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Yorkshire wallet | 7 years ago
6 likes process of elimination we can figure out who this guy is. It's not Superpython as he's got a helmet AND disc brakes, it's not me as I don't live in London AND I'm scared of trucks. It's not Leviathan as that guy wasn't a leviathan and it's not Dinosaur Jr. as he obviously hates the guy.

At this point I give up, the only other people I think we need to call are The Fashion Police, they'll catch him as I'm pretty sure hipster SHOULD NOT be riding GT Grades with Claris groupsets. The shame.

surly_by_name | 7 years ago

Bloke with a beard comes across as a dickhead. But maybe he's on his way to work in an orphanage for three legged cats who have been mistreated and is a bit tired after spending the night escorting lost dogs home. Dunno, everyone's a dickhead now and again. And even if Beardy IS in fact a dickhead ALL the time, bloke with the camera chasing after him for footage is a bit of a dick as well, especially with the sanctimonius "I'll send it to victims' families". If a dickhead calls you a wanker, resist the urge to lower yourself to his/her level. I imagine eveyone arrived at work happy. 

While on the subject of beards - Beardy's beard is like the Pirate Captain's. Surely that must take a lot of maintenance.

midgetdutts | 7 years ago

Being cautious = Good

Loving yourself as a "cycling warrior" = Bad

alansmurphy | 7 years ago
1 like

I'm with the lid, cap, glasses, stupide beard, cycology top, non matching shorts, garmin, silly bag, cycle to work scheme guy on this one; his cous cous was getting too warm!

HowardR | 7 years ago

And - whilst we're all happily waving our pitchforks n' torches at the beardy cunt / hipster road warrior.... is it my imagination or is his saddle set so low that he's almost ridding chimp style?

ct | 7 years ago

Can't we all just get along?

beezus fufoon | 7 years ago

he's giving disc brake users a bad name!

gazpacho | 7 years ago

*slopes off to the bathroom to shave my beard off...*

Nemesis | 7 years ago


"Kudos for keeping so level headed...."


Whilst the beardy bloke has an opinion I don't agree with and there wasn't a gap worth cycling up anyway.... the bloke filming does not keep his cool. 

He doesn't shut up once and keeps on and on at beardy bloke (and commits various prima facade public order offences)

Like many of you, he needs to grow up - those of you who say you would have 'spread his beardy face' - you don't know his history and if you do that he might take you apart. 

Just be careful out there - there are some quiet, reserved, evil bastards out there who are fed up with your pathetic wingeing. 

Cycle safely y'all 

gawl07 | 7 years ago

Complete and utter cunt.

Hopefully he'll choke on that ridiculous face muff

SingleSpeed | 7 years ago

What a complete Jebend

Judge dreadful | 7 years ago
1 like

If brains were dynamite, beardy wouldn't have enough to blow his lid off. I wouldn't have wasted my breath speaking to him.

Mungecrundle | 7 years ago

2 thoughts.

I think that being a little bit scared in a hazardous environment is conducive to survival.

Hipster beards suck ass.

biketime | 7 years ago
1 like

Wow.  Whether or not he's bearded, he is one  macho Trump guy  who is better and tougher than the rest. "I alone" can slip by that very large truck and "losers" like you are soft "snowflakes" not to go for it.   

Don't see much of that crap here in the States. Here he would be refered to as a dick. As in, "Wadda dick."  I mean, fuck that guy.



Bob Wheeler CX | 7 years ago

another london twat with a headcam, plus ca change

nick h. | 7 years ago

Mr Beardy Bellend is always grumpy because nobody likes him. He's hoping this will change when he's finally recognised as a ZZ Top tribute. But it's never going to happen for him. And he'll be sad when he reads this page.  

drosco | 7 years ago

Are cycling hipsters any better or worse than pompous overbearing middle class mamils? Perhaps should run a feature on cycling's most disliked sub-cultures?

lbalc | 7 years ago

Haven't scrolled down and read all the comment so maybe someone has mentioned this, but had this cyclist filming paid attention he would have given way to the the pedestrian at the Zebra crossing at the beginning of the video. That may have given the rude cyclist behind something else to moan about or diverted the focus completely away from the truck, but that was the first issue with the video and then secondly the rude chap behind. I see a lot of this from my fellow cyclists running red lights and pedestrian crossings. Otherwise the chap filming did a good job not to get pressured to go inside the truck- shame about language though.

madcarew | 7 years ago

Both Beardy and Camera guy are w*nkrs in my book. "Just say in to the camera... and I'll show it to the families of people who have died".

Jesus, What a tit.

(Full disclosure, owner and occasional wearer of well trimmed beard, but never, ever a mudguard)

Flewbags | 7 years ago

London is so shit for riding a bike.

Billy1mate | 7 years ago

I think because he has a hipster beard that makes him cool and everyone knows it's  cool to ride up the near side of a lorry turning left............Not!

Flying Scot | 7 years ago
1 like

Ahhh a fixie hipster on a disc braked bike with gears, wearing Castelli and a hi viz pack?

I dont think so, both of them are bell ends though, of course you shouldnt go through that gap, but all the high and mighty bollocks for the video does my box in.

You may know that the home of the 'fixie hipsters' as many of you refer to them.

They are well aware of this guy too...

So if he was trying to join that crowd, he has failed!

JohnnyRemo | 7 years ago


Hipsters! I hate Hipsters...


With their hairy faces, vegan diets, their shiny wheels, all that straw bedding and their liitle claws poking through their cage bars.


Oh - wait a minute - that's hamsters, isn't it?


Hamsters! I hate hamsters...

peted76 replied to surly_by_name | 7 years ago

surly_by_name wrote:

Bloke with a beard comes across as a dickhead. But maybe he's on his way to work in an orphanage for three legged cats who have been mistreated and is a bit tired after spending the night escorting lost dogs home. Dunno, everyone's a dickhead now and again. And even if Beardy IS in fact a dickhead ALL the time, bloke with the camera chasing after him for footage is a bit of a dick as well, especially with the sanctimonius "I'll send it to victims' families". If a dickhead calls you a wanker, resist the urge to lower yourself to his/her level. I imagine eveyone arrived at work happy. 

Amen brother!


Yorkshire wallet replied to ct | 7 years ago

ct wrote:

Can't we all just get along?

No, no we can't. Not when  a combination of beards, caps under helmets, moral highgrounds and cameras are involved. You're just asking too much.


PaulBox replied to beezus fufoon | 7 years ago

beezus fufoon wrote:

he's giving disc brake users a bad name!

Lol, don't be silly, we already know that they're all c*nts... How much worse can it get?

Leviathan replied to Yorkshire wallet | 7 years ago

Yorkshire wallet wrote:

At this point I give up, the only other people I think we need to call are The Fashion Police, they'll catch him as I'm pretty sure hipster SHOULD NOT be riding GT Grades with Claris groupsets. The shame.

Strava police
Arrest this man, his hipster beard
Is making me feel ill and we have crashed our fixie.


don simon fbpe replied to Judge dreadful | 7 years ago

Judge dreadful wrote:

If brains were dynamite, beardy wouldn't have enough to blow his lid off. I wouldn't have wasted my breath speaking to him.

People only wear lids if they're scared, perhaps he should fuck off.

I don't see any tattos either, which makes him a wannabe hipster (I guess that not quite as bad as being a fully developed hipster though).

Yorkshire wallet replied to drosco | 7 years ago

drosco wrote:

Are cycling hipsters any better or worse than pompous overbearing middle class mamils? Perhaps should run a feature on cycling's most disliked sub-cultures?

Personally I dislike the lyrca MTBer. It's perverse.

adamthekiwi replied to Yorkshire wallet | 7 years ago
1 like

Yorkshire wallet wrote:

ct wrote:

Can't we all just get along?

No, no we can't. Not when  a combination of beards, caps under helmets, moral highgrounds and cameras are involved. You're just asking too much.

Hell's bells. I have a beard, I wear a cap under my helmet *and* I use a camera (when commuting)!


I feel judged...


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