A London cyclist has died in hospital following a collision involving a lorry on Chelsea Bridge this morning. Earlier, the driver of the vehicle had been arrested on suspicion of causing serious injury through dangerous driving.
The Metropolitan Police said that the incident took place shortly before 8am this morning and that a female cyclist aged 36 had been taken to a west London hospital where she died this afternoon.
A photo uploaded to the Stop Killing Cyclists group on Facebook by Melanie Anna Katharina shows that the collision happened at the northern end of Chelsea Bridge.
One witness, Amber Mills, said on Twitter that the cyclist had already passed the junction and was turning when the lorry driver also turned left, running her over.
She added: “The driver didn't even get out. It was horrific and I pray she pulls through.”
It appears both were turning onto the bridge from Grosvenor Road, which forms part of the route of Cycle Superhighway 8, one of the city’s early, non-protected routes.
Unlike many other bridges in London, Chelsea Bridge does not have protected cycle lanes.
The lorry is fitted with a sideguard, mandatory for tipper trucks since September 2015 under Transport for London’s Safer Lorry Scheme, and designed to prevent cyclists or pedestrians from being dragged under the wheels.
The scheme requires that such guard rails be no more than 550mm from the ground.
The lorry bears the livery of HCD London Ltd, which was granted an operator’s licence by the Traffic Commissioner for London and the South East in March 2015.
It is also registered under the Fleet Operators Registration Scheme.
Duncan Dollimore, head of campaigns at the charity Cycling UK, told road.cc: “When you read reports of yet another cyclist fatality following a collision with a lorry in London it can seem like Groundhog Day: the same story, different victim.
“The facts in this case are still to be determined, but in many of the other tragic cases the design of the lorry, inadequate infrastructure, unsafe junctions, and the lorry company’s corporate approach to road safety have been shown to be contributing factors.
“Hopefully, some of these will be considered in the forthcoming review of cyclists’ safety the Government announced last week, and not just what cyclists should do to protect themselves from larger vehicles.”
The Metropolitan Police have appealed for witnesses or anyone with information to contact them on 020 8543 5157 or via Twitter @MetCC.
Information can also been given anonymously to the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or online at crimestoppers-uk.org.
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