A Facebook post about a bike mechanic who lost his job at Halfords and his home after he was diagnosed with cancer and is now fixing people’s bikes outside Liverpool Street station in London has gone viral, being shared more than 1,400 times on the social network in the past month.
On 9 November, Karun Chhokar posted that he had gone to a Cyclehoop Deluxe Repair Station by the bike racks at the station with his brother Saran, whose front brake needed replacing.
There, they discovered 56-year-old Maxwell Emmanuel, originally from Guyana, who offered his services to them and also fixed a puncture for a Deliveroo rider who had stopped to see what was going on.
“We all got chatting and established that he used to be a bike mechanic at Halfords,” Chhakar wrote.
“Unfortunately, Maxwell was diagnosed with cancer in the bladder last year. Therefore, he could not work during the period of having his bladder removed and going through chemotherapy treatment, so he lost his job.
“Subsequently, Maxwell had no income to pay his rent and once he actually beat cancer, there was no other choice for him but to live on the streets.”
For fixing the brake and the puncture, Maxwell made £15, and since the news spread, Cyclehoop says that more than 20 people have approached him and offered him donations in exchange for repairs to their bikes.
Karun and Maxwell (picture via Cyclehoop)
Karun wrote in his post: “A hardworking man who wants to earn a living has been dealt a difficult hand, however all he needs is the support and belief to get his life back on track. Our aim is to get Maxwell into permanent accommodation as well as getting the word around that he is eager to offer his skills in exchange for a fair price.”
He added:
This post isn’t about us getting recognition, it’s to spread awareness of the following points:
1) Maxwell the mechanic is outside Liverpool Street station between 3pm – 8pm everyday (Bishopsgate entrance, in the direction towards Shoreditch, opposite the police station, usually where the Stansted coach service stops off) and he is more than happy to help anyone with a bike issue, so spread the message to anyone you know who would benefit from his expertise!
2) There are a lot of homeless people out in London who could do with a little human interaction – it only takes a couple of minutes out of your day to stop and talk with a homeless individual. You really don’t know what surprises might pop out of this conversation and how you may be able to eventually support them.
3) See past the stigma attached to homeless people, a lot of them just need someone to understand their situation and give them belief that they can turn their lives around.
4) The CC Foundation will be holding a food/clothes bank donation point down the Brentwood High Street on Saturday 16th of December, from which we will be able to assist Maxwell and other individuals like him survive through the winter months.
Cyclehoop added that it was “happy that one of our products has enabled someone to earn a bit of money and hopefully improve their circumstances and want to share this story with our community to raise awareness of Maxwell’s story.”
The company has asked anyone who may be able to helpnicky [at] cyclehoop.com ( to email them).
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Big props to Karun Chhokar who's getting a bit left out of this discussion.
I am not aware of any conflict in Guyana which would have easily put him in the 'asylum' category. Perhaps he came as an unaccompanied child migrant. Perhaps he came as an illegal.
... he's cost the NHS a packet.
Why don't you bleeding-heart liberals invite him to come and live in your middle-class gaff?
Which calamity resulted in you being a UK resident, then?
You're an awful human being. He's been paying his tax whilst at halfords. Hope you enjoy your Brexit...
Not even a troll, just a prick. What if it did cost the NHS a packet? He was working, he was paying tax.
You are putting a few quid over the well being of another person, I think your priorities are so out of line. I'd give you some sympathy, but I can't afford it.
Do you work in the Halfords PR department? Nobody likes you, you must remember from being at school. You’re quite clearly an idiot, and getting people calling you out as a twat probably feeds whatever moronic urge it is that makes you spout hateful nonsense like your comments above. But whatever, it’s good to see the high ratio of normal people to fuckwits like yourself.
Now I’m sure you’re mums making your tea, so eat your beans and shave your head.
Also not letting people die isn’t a liberal thing, it’s a human thing, it’s what you are supposed to do as a society.
"My country is at war" isn't the only criterion for claiming asylum, I think. There are all sorts of other criteria for claiming it isn't safe for you to go back (religious, cultural, &c).
It doesn't even say anywhere that he was an asylum seeker- people can just move for better or different opportunities, you know (like you came out from under the bridge to seek the sunlight
Ultimately, the guy was working, paying taxes, clearly had the right paperwork or else Halfords would not have been employing him, so I honestly don't have a problem with him using the NHS.
Let's face it you are just another racist, probably brexiteering scumbag who is trolling for attention. Well done you've got it.
Guayna was a British Commonwealth Country that gained independance in 1966. People born up until the early 1970's were entitled to live in the Mother Country; that's also know as the UK you pig ignorant louse.
Racists never have their facts straight.
If you are off on very long term sick then it may come down to a firm letting you go. I know somebody who was suffering from anorexia and off on long term absence - she lost her job.
It's not a Halford's exclusive but it does indeed raise the question about a firm's moral compass and the general attitude towards staff.
You are correct and the state of the NHS is exacerbating the situation. Most employers will only pay sick pay for a number of months, indeed statutory sick pay only lasts 28 weeks. I was faced with a potentially similar position to this gent being unable to work whilst waiting for spinal surgery, waiting time for urgent surgery 18 months.
The lengths that I had to go to through to get surgery brought forward involving the media were unacceptable and even with this it took 10 months for surgery. In other parts of the UK the wait for similar surgery is 3 years! The moral compass is the NHS funding.
Road.cc have you reached out to Halfords for comment on this at all?
What a sad story.
Someone born here first in line? WTF. I think most cycle shops struggle to find decent mechanics. So let’s be grateful for immigrant workers willing to come and do what is often a low paid and insecure job.
Whether Halfords were right or wrong in law to lose him as an employee will depend on what limited employment rights he had and that would depend on his contract and also length of employment. Morally? Well that’s another issue. Few employers continue to employ and pay those that they have no legal obligation to do so. Perhaps they should re employ him.
Fwiw it’s worth recently a LBS screwed up a transfer of components from one frameset to another. Middle aged English mechanic. I needed it urgently resolved and chose to use a home bike mechanic service. The guy, from Hungary and part of a team of 4 that work local markets as well, came out twice, late Friday evening and then Saturday morning to resolve a niggling issue. Great service and outcome. And, of course, perfect English and tremendous communication skills. Transpired he and colleagues service bikes for police and the Prudential ride amongst others.
Surely someone born in the UK should be first in the line for a job as a cycle mechanic. I am not aware of any skills shortage in the field of cycle mechanics.
That's harsh. He's a middle-aged guy trying to put his life back together. He's not begging: he's trying to earn a living. I'll be taking my Brompton to him on Monday. You may not live in London, I don't know, but I haven't met many British cycling mechs in my 25 years here... as an economic migrant from Yorkshire
If there is a shortage of those willing to do the job might it be explained by the fact that if they become seriously ill they could lose their job and home?
Someone born in the U.K?
So what’s the difference of someone born here or someone legally moved here and achieved citizenship paying tax?
I’d rather give him money than some of the useless spotty shop assistants in some cycle shops born here or not.
Halfords - you’ve lost the £1000’s I spend at your stores.
I think you need to ask why the native population aren't doing these jobs rather than why immigrants are. I'm pretty sure Halfords isn't some SJW employer like the local gourmet coffee shop or whatever.
Which job is that then?
The story implies that Halfords basically sacked him for cancer.
Then it tells of a helpful homeless guy who is making a bit of money through helping out at a public bike stand.
Nowhere does it say he jumped any queue for a job.
I'm aware that I've bitten, but whether you believe what you write, or are writing it to troll, you really are a pathetic piece of shit.
Jesus, you're a soulless fuck aren't you. Small minded schmohawk.
Obviously there weren't any decent ones around who wanted the position when this gent applied, was interviewed then got the job.
Someone in the UK? What a shoddy and incredibly ignorant thing to say.
Why can't some people understand that people are just people. Doesn't matter where they were born, what language they speak, what colour their skin, what strange customs they have. Inside they're just people like you or me. If you actually spent time getting to know some of these "foreigners" you'd understand this. There are lazy/criminal/generally unpleasant people from all places including here. Just cause you have heard of some nasty ones from other countries doesn't make people from other countries a lower form of human who should go to the back of every queue. And how local do you want to take things? Or how much like you do people have to be to "deserve" anything? Born in same country? Same county? Same town? Same road? Same house? Your immediate family? Or perhaps there's just one guy in the world that deserves a job?
I've got to hand it to you, I'm not sure if this is trolling or you're just a twat?
Going by the frequency you post up such tripe I guess you qualify for both labels.
What a bunch of bastards Halfords are if this true. Where I work someone has been off for 2 years and their job is still open.
Weird, in Belgium sickness isn't an excuse to fire someone, don't know what the rules in the Brextit is but man Halfords should get a punishment for this!
Perhaps we should start a boycott petition: Reinstate Maxwell or we won't shop there!
Doesn't sound like the history reflects too well on Halfords
What a nice story. Apart from the bit about Halfords - did they really fire somebody for being ill?