Transport for London has announced that the Western Extension of the London Congestion Charging zone is to be abolished.
The original central London congestion charging zone was extended westward in 2007 creating a single enlarged zone in which the same charges, discounts and exemptions apply
The scheme has helped reduce emissions of climate change gases and environmental pollutants from vehicles and encouraged people travelling in the area to use public transport, to walk or cycle.
Sixty two per cent of respondents to Transport for London's (TfL) public consultation on the Western Extension backed its removal. The last charging day in the Western Extension will be on Christmas Eve, 24 December 2010.
The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, said: “The people of west London had the Western Extension unfairly foisted upon them and they have now voiced their antipathy for it loud and clear on several occasions.
"After negotiating a testing course of several legal hurdles, I am delighted to be able to confirm that it will now be removed by Christmas.
“It will be vanquished, annihilated and obliterated, with road markings literally blasted from the earth over the festive period.
“It is essential that the Congestion Charge is made fairer and more effective, but also that it continues to do what it says on the tin and remains a deterrent to all but essential journeys into the heart of the Capital. I have therefore taken the difficult, but nevertheless crucial decision to increase the daily charge to £10.”
I agree! I'd keep the ban and remove powermeters as well, personally, though I'd keep radios for safety reasons.
That, and the idea that motorists keep below the 20mph limit stretches credulity...
there you are just driving along listening to music, and your car flips into a ditch....
not always if the card processing system glitches or the authentication keys arent accepted for whatever reason, or the system thinks its a fraud...
How can that work when lots of shared paths are just pavements barely more than 2 metres wide (and often less) with a line of white paint and the...
It looks great. My pockets probably aren't deep enough sadly.
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he frequently displays a total ignorance of the law which presumably made even the police glad to see him go...
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They should be forced to have number plates so that the drivers could be held to account...