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Witnesses sought to attack on 73-year-old cyclist hospitalised after being pushed off bike

Greater Mancchester Police seek information on attack in Bolton last Sunday

A 73-year-old cyclist from Bolton has been hospitalised after an occupant of a passing car pushed him off the bike. The victim, who has not been named, ended up underneath a parked van and suffered injuries to his elbow and legs, and may need a skin graft. Police have issued an appeal to try and trace his assailant.

The incident took place at around 3pm last Sunday 27 March as the cyclist made his way along Crompton Way towards Thicketford Road. He was unable to provide a description of the car, but said that his attacker was wearing red clothing, says Greater Manchester Police.

Detective Sergeant Denise Pye from Bolton CID commented: "This was an extremely cruel and callous assault on the victim, who is a keen cyclist and who was out enjoying a ride.

"Whoever is responsible should be thoroughly ashamed that their cowardly act will no doubt irreversibly take away some of the enjoyment this man finds in cycling.

"I believe there would have been others in the car or someone else who knows who is responsible that will be as appalled by this as I am and I would encourage you to think how you would feel if this was your dad or granddad.

"Such reckless acts could have resulted in much more serious injuries and I want to assure anyone who knows anything about the person responsible that we will treat the information you give us in strict confidence."

Anyone who has information relating to the attack is requested to call Bolton CID on 0161 856 0961, or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

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OldRidgeback | 13 years ago

Yep, has to be said that the likes of Jeremy Clarkson encourage this sort of thuggish behaviour. I hope the perpetrators are caught.

On a lighter note I see Jeremy Clarkson has had his fence vandalised at one of his properties.

Canis Cibo | 13 years ago

Dilemma for the daily mail there- cyclist versus yob?

Willie B | 13 years ago

This type of attack is the logical conclusion of the humour of Jeremy "It's just a joke" Clarkson.

AuraTodd1 | 13 years ago

Lets hope they catch the motorist thug arsholes who did this, do the right thing and shop them before they actually kill someone?!!

antonio | 13 years ago

This is his second incident in twelve months, last time he was off the bike for five months and was getting ready for a few time trials. He is a mate of mine and a nicer bloke you have yet to meet, I truly hope the perpetraters are found and prosecuted.

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