More than 7,000 riders took to the streets of Bristol and beyond yesterday (Sunday June 22) as it celebrated its first ‘Biggest Bike Ride’ event since Cycling City status.
The cyclists gathered in Millennium Square and rode down the Portway - under the city’s famous Suspension Bridge – before splitting of to tackle five different routes.
The first rides to set off were the 38-mile Clevedon Challenge and, the 24-mile Sustrans Ride to Portishead, followed by the Failand Heights Ride. Later, cyclists taking part in the Family Fiesta left Millennium Square on a nine-mile route as far as Sea Mills where they turned back to join the rest of the cyclists at the Harbourside.
At the Lloyds Amphitheatre finish line, cyclists were able to collect ride certificates, meet up with others and enjoy an extreme mountain bike show, BMX competitions, whacky bikes, bicycle ballet, children's entertainment marquee, music stage, cycling information stalls and refreshments.
Matthew Barrett, team manager of Bristol's transport planning team, said: "We've had about 7,000 people cycling and lots more at the end of the event watching the BMX displays. The whole day has been really successful and we're very pleased. There was a bit of rain at the end of the race but it hasn't put people off and they stayed and enjoyed a nice afternoon."
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when the killer's colleagues showed up, he claimed the cyclist "Came out of nowhere". And, until the local news station investigated and found the...
You have to not just obey the legal requirements of The Highway Code (riding on the road not the pavement, have lights and reflectors, etc.), but...
More confusing clutter I think it would be better if folk just learnt to drive. Most folk manage it, it's just a handful of eejits who don't
I don't personally agree with the protesters, but they are not idiots. They are not convinced by the arguments for an LTN, but those arguments are...
Just got back from my local recycle and reuse place to buy a bike for my granddaugher, £5 it cost Me, they have lots of bikes. The palce does well,...
I thought if things got that bad the rear cassette could crack open a bottle!
Most of those people aren't cycling as sport, though, which is the relevant outcome for BC's purposes....
Not sure how that snuck in! Now changed :)
Can Death by Dangerous Driving be upgraded to just 'Manslaughter' as well please? Oh wait, Tory speaking against the car-lobby... never ever gonna...