The website has released a video that summarises the findings of research conducted among cyclists and motorists regarding their perceptions of each other – but misses the point that many people who drive cars also ride bikes, and vice-versa.
The short film – it clocks in at a little over a minute – does a reasonably good job of clearly presenting some of the survey findings in a way that’s perhaps more engaging than setting them out in a few paragraphs of text.
It goes by the title, Cyclists vs Motorists, A Difference in Perception, and while your view of the road and experience of using it may vary depending on the mode of transpotr you're using, it strikes us the website has missed a crucial point – namely, that motorists and cyclists are more often than not one and the same person.
The vast majority of adult cyclists hold a driving licence, and research shows that car ownership is actually higher than average among those who cycle regularly.
Nevertheless, after the video, invites site users to “Please comment below and tell us what annoys you about cyclists.”
Here’s what the website says in its introduction to the video: recently surveyed two specific road-using tribes, who at times, don’t always see eye-to-eye. The tribes were motorists and cyclists. More than 500 people’s perceptions of other road users were logged, with questions ranging from the most annoying cycling habits to how safe cyclists feel when they are on the road.
The use of the word “tribes” is particularly worthy of note, since it’s the same one AA president Edmund King used last year when he called for an end to the “two tribes mentality” that often sees cyclists and motorists viewed as distinct, mutually inclusive groups.
Writing in the AA Magazine in November, Mr King said: “We really must get past the dangerous ‘them and us’ mentality that sours interactions between different groups (and even sub-groups) of road users – be they pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists or drivers of vehicles large and small.
The AA may be the UK’s largest motoring organisation, but it seems that wasn’t paying attention to the man who runs it…
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61% of cyclists said driving on the road was dangerous. Where on earth did they get that from? There are lies Damned lies and then there are statistics.
Question to cyclist: "How bad are you?"
Question to motorist: "How bad are cyclists?"
Oh FFS. This isn't a survey. It's an adventure playground in stupidity. Fortunately, even the comments on the website are almost entirely negative.
Anyone like to ride to 8 St. John Street, Manchester, M3 4DU and record a video of you asking them WHAT THE HELL THEY'RE PLAYING AT? That's a video I'd watch!
Completely biased. How about x% of motorists are too busy using their mobiles to notice anything, y% exceed speed limit (have been known to do it myself), but no, those statistics won't show cyclists as a problem. Come on and remember scott Johnson's view of statistics - they're like a bikini because they show you lots but not everything.
I don't have a driving licence. I don't give a shit what drivers think of me. Nor do I lose a moment's sleep over whether my cycling inconveniences them. Does that make me a bad person? I have never broken a single law as laid out in the Highway Code, and I've never come remotely close to endangering another road user. I doubt 99.99% of motorists could say the same.
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61% of cyclists said driving on the road was dangerous. Where on earth did they get that from? There are lies Damned lies and then there are statistics.
Question to cyclist: "How bad are you?"
Question to motorist: "How bad are cyclists?"
Oh FFS. This isn't a survey. It's an adventure playground in stupidity. Fortunately, even the comments on the website are almost entirely negative.
Anyone like to ride to 8 St. John Street, Manchester, M3 4DU and record a video of you asking them WHAT THE HELL THEY'RE PLAYING AT? That's a video I'd watch!
Completely biased. How about x% of motorists are too busy using their mobiles to notice anything, y% exceed speed limit (have been known to do it myself), but no, those statistics won't show cyclists as a problem. Come on and remember scott Johnson's view of statistics - they're like a bikini because they show you lots but not everything.
Yup completely missing the point and completely biased
I often see drivers weave in and out of traffic on m-ways etc to get ahead, often without signalling.
On the up side, one of the cyclists seems to be riding a Moulton Mk3
Seriously? Not a single criticism of motorists included
Well that's me convinced - cyclists are clearly the whole problem and should all be taken out back and whipped
I don't have a driving licence. I don't give a shit what drivers think of me. Nor do I lose a moment's sleep over whether my cycling inconveniences them. Does that make me a bad person? I have never broken a single law as laid out in the Highway Code, and I've never come remotely close to endangering another road user. I doubt 99.99% of motorists could say the same.
i have to agree with the findings!
the only one not mentioned was running red lights!
that really annoys me.
if you asked me what annoys me about motorists - i'd probably end up with the same list!
it is more to do with the behaviours of the road users rather than the individual's choice of transport.