Norman Tebbit is perhaps best well known for his (slightly apocryphal) message to the unemployed back in the early 1980s: "get on your bike and look for work". He doesn't seem so keen on bikes these days though, suggesting that cyclists 'habitually' break the law by giving false details when pulled up for traffic offences, and recommending that they be compelled to carry identification.
The exchange is part of a discussion on the saftey of cyclists (that's what it was supposed to be about, anyway) in the House of Lords yesterday. The full debate is shown in the video below; the section on cycling starts 23 minutes in.
It takes the Lords less than three minutes to get off the topic of making cyclists safer to blaming them for the incidents they're involved in, and then accusing them of flouting road laws; that's not counting a short foray into the legality or otherwise of headphones. Baroness Sharples is first to wander: "Would my noble friend agree that cyclists should wear some form of identification? I was nearly knocked over outside Millbank," she says, leading us to wonder what her recourse would have been if the incident had involved a car; going to the police with the registration number of a vehicle that 'nearly knocked you over' would get short shrift, in our opinion.
Earl Atlee responds sensibly, pointing out that there are times when it would be helpful if pedestrians carried ID but they're not required to do so. The debate then moves on to children's helmets (very advisable but not to be mandated, in Earl Atlee's opinion) while Lord Winston suggests that the health beneifts of cycling might be offset by air pollution, missing the point that the drivers – who are causing the pollution – are also breathing it.
Lord Taverne is next to speak up, in favour of Dutch-style infrastructure, while Baroness Butler-Sloss wonders what can be done about cyclists "with ear things otherwise filled with music, turning right across the traffic when the light is red against them."
Lord Davies of Oldham attempts to get the debate back on track by highlighting the Times' Cities Fit for Cycling campaign, before Lord Tebbit weighs in. "My Lords, how many cyclists actually pay the fixed-penalty tickets which are issued to them for offences such as riding on the pavement to the danger of pedestrians?" he asks. "My noble friend may know that they habitually give false names and addresses; there is no way for the police officer issuing the penalty notice to know that. What are we going to do? Are we going to compel cyclists to have some form of identification so that, if issued with a penalty ticket, they are required to pay it instead of just scoffing at the law?"
Quite where Lord Tebbit has received this information that cyclists 'habitually' give false information – and of course, we're not suggesting it's simply based on his own pejudices – is unclear. The CTC were quick to rebuff him via twitter: "Ld Tebbit demands ID for cyclists who "habitually" give false names to avoid fines. Where's his evidence? Police have NEVER said this to us," they tweeted. Certainly it's not a habitual problem we're aware of, and it hasn't stopped the police from targeting cyclists in a succession of 'crackdowns', usually to do with lights or pavement cycling.
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Dave is a founding father of, having previously worked on Cycling Plus and What Mountain Bike magazines back in the day. He also writes about e-bikes for our sister publication ebiketips. He's won three mountain bike bog snorkelling World Championships, and races at the back of the third cats.
Tebbit: if you're going to get on your bike, you should be made to carry ID?
What about : If you are going to talk in the House of Lords you need a letter from your doctor to say you are not senile? Or just plain stupid, or both.
Travel into London regularly and have to say I am often shocked by the actions of a small minority of cyclists, which doesn't help with some people's prejudices against us.
However today I saw the worst yet, travelling the wrong way down the middle of the opposite carriageway, then flying up onto the pavement across the pavement at speed, onto another crossing, almost knocked over a pedestrian, who only just managed to get out of the way, pulled directly in front of a car and then proceeded at speed up the middle of the carriageway, at least in the right direction this time. All around me, including me, people stood open mouthed.
The best bit is it was an older guy in a wheelchair propelling himself along with two crutches, as a result I think we should ban all wheelchairs unless they have full insurance, number plates and carry ID, and of course pay 'road tax'
I am joking but only about the banning wheelchairs etc bit, the rest actually happened
It looks like ctc & bc could do a much better job informing & lobbying their lordships on the cycling safety facts. I also wonder where the input was from the department of transport & home office on safety & law infringement data too?
Industry, unions, charities etc seem very good at lobbying. Why are the cyclists so poor? Perhaps some one should ask cookson?
Sound like an episode of grumpy old men! If this is the best the lords can come up with then it really is time to reform them. It's unbeleivable that people with the power to legislate think this type of ill informed, opinionated "debait" is reasonable and a justified use of tax payers money.
If this is a typical example of the quality of their deliberations and debait it's no wonder the country's f**cked, and we should put these senile old dinasours our to grass soonest.
I'm surprised they didn't get road tax in to complete the set of misinformed opinion.
Good on Lord Tebbit.. These lycra-clad thugs have got away with too much for too long... personally I would ban them from our roads altogether.. Cyclist are a menace to drivers and a danger to themselves...
Good on Lord Tebbit.. These lycra-clad thugs have got away with too much for too long... personally I would ban them from our roads altogether.. Cyclist are a menace to drivers and a danger to themselves...
Clearly trolling so I'll save you all the trouble - cyclists are a net benefit to the economy, the environment. They reduce pressure on the NHS and reduce congestion in towns and cities.
Cars do none of these things - the social cost of the car is not fully paid for by the driver but by wider society.
Good on Lord Tebbit.. These lycra-clad thugs have got away with too much for too long... personally I would ban them from our roads altogether.. Cyclist are a menace to drivers and a danger to themselves...
Clearly trolling so I'll save you all the trouble - cyclists are a net benefit to the economy, the environment. They reduce pressure on the NHS and reduce congestion in towns and cities.
Cars do none of these things - the social cost of the car is not fully paid for by the driver but by wider society.
Frankly fuck you and your bullshit prejudices.
I thought they were being ironic. Genuine Trolls are a bit more subtle.
Dear oh dear - your summary of the debate suggests it was little more than a bunch of old timers swapping prejudices. I've heard more intelligently argued conversations in the pub at closing time. If this is the best they can do we are in an even bigger mess than I thought. Loved the 'sea cucumber on crack' analogy though - genius!!!
Are these feckers that daft. Going on and on about headphones.
Think about this for a moment. I have twin cousin's who are TOTALLY deaf....they cycle around and have never had a problem.
As for the ID issue. I normally always have some for of ID on my when cycling, even if its just a bank card with my name on it, its not always photo ID, but something where if I was involved in an accident, then it could be worked out who I was in hospital or wherever. NOT to enable the police to stop and fine me
I'd just like to say it was Tebbit who inspired me to take up cycling when I was an unemployed young man in north-west England in the 1980s.
However, I used my bike to go in the opposite direction of any available work. I would encourage the young of today to compost their CVs and do the same.
Look it is just a place to park the loony fringe of ones political friends, don't expect brilliant debate, give them a break they are doing the best that they can with the few brain cells political life has left them.
'Ribena' got it right further up. Car drivers are not required by law to carry any form of identification so why should we? Please don’t say a number plate is because that relies on the owner giving the right details for their address and that doesn’t always happen. Personally I do carry identification so they know who to contact if I get hospitalised or killed by some f**kwitted driver.
The minister appears to actually be reasonably well-informed, and able to talk sense. Bit mealy-mouthed on the Times campaign targets, but otherwise better than I was expecting.
On a par with his comments on gay marriage. I think there should be a new Britishness test. If you think that Lord Tebbit is an aris, then you are probably British.
Following on that theory of cyclists carrying ID means that mobility scooter users should be made to carry id as they can be a menace. What about all other non-licenced road users such as horse riders!
you will be required to carry ID and you have to have one issued by the government which we'll only cost you £100 per year... expect to hear that next lol
I find it hard to imagine any normal person going out without some form of ID, these days (credit card, tesco club card etc etc).
Perhaps Mr Tebbit and his Right Honourable colleagues are referring to the "hooded yoofs" who carry out various "anti-social" misdemeaners in our town centres and estates, while also happening to be (coincidentally) on a bike? Hardly your typical commuting class...
If you are stopped on your bike by the Police it's likely you to be an offence dealt with by a fixed penalty fine.
However giving false details to the police is far more serious.
I doubt there are many people who would risk this to avoid a fine.
Odd that Lord Tebbit voted against ID cards a few years back but now would seem to be in favour. If you don't have a passport or driving licence I'm not sure what he would want you to carry.
Is this for real?? He should be given a ticket for lying in a position of influence.
Sounds to me like he has had an incident with a cyclist and now he has made up some cock-and-bull story to satisfy his own annoyance. The fact that these people are allowed to address such an issue is both dangerous and damaging.
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Seriously, such frothing at the mouth about carrying ID?
Can't see a problem with it myself.
Tebbit: if you're going to get on your bike, you should be made to carry ID?
What about : If you are going to talk in the House of Lords you need a letter from your doctor to say you are not senile? Or just plain stupid, or both.
If this is the level of debate in the House of "Lords", we should get rid of them. It can't be any better on any other subject.
Travel into London regularly and have to say I am often shocked by the actions of a small minority of cyclists, which doesn't help with some people's prejudices against us.
However today I saw the worst yet, travelling the wrong way down the middle of the opposite carriageway, then flying up onto the pavement across the pavement at speed, onto another crossing, almost knocked over a pedestrian, who only just managed to get out of the way, pulled directly in front of a car and then proceeded at speed up the middle of the carriageway, at least in the right direction this time. All around me, including me, people stood open mouthed.
The best bit is it was an older guy in a wheelchair propelling himself along with two crutches, as a result I think we should ban all wheelchairs unless they have full insurance, number plates and carry ID, and of course pay 'road tax'
I am joking but only about the banning wheelchairs etc bit, the rest actually happened
It looks like ctc & bc could do a much better job informing & lobbying their lordships on the cycling safety facts. I also wonder where the input was from the department of transport & home office on safety & law infringement data too?
Industry, unions, charities etc seem very good at lobbying. Why are the cyclists so poor? Perhaps some one should ask cookson?
CTC is a charity isn't it? So charities aren't universally good at lobbying...
Sound like an episode of grumpy old men! If this is the best the lords can come up with then it really is time to reform them. It's unbeleivable that people with the power to legislate think this type of ill informed, opinionated "debait" is reasonable and a justified use of tax payers money.
If this is a typical example of the quality of their deliberations and debait it's no wonder the country's f**cked, and we should put these senile old dinasours our to grass soonest.
I'm surprised they didn't get road tax in to complete the set of misinformed opinion.
Very disapointed but not surprised
That's not Tebbit, that's Skeletor
Good on Lord Tebbit.. These lycra-clad thugs have got away with too much for too long... personally I would ban them from our roads altogether.. Cyclist are a menace to drivers and a danger to themselves...
Clearly trolling so I'll save you all the trouble - cyclists are a net benefit to the economy, the environment. They reduce pressure on the NHS and reduce congestion in towns and cities.
Cars do none of these things - the social cost of the car is not fully paid for by the driver but by wider society.
Frankly fuck you and your bullshit prejudices.
I thought they were being ironic. Genuine Trolls are a bit more subtle.
Dear oh dear - your summary of the debate suggests it was little more than a bunch of old timers swapping prejudices. I've heard more intelligently argued conversations in the pub at closing time. If this is the best they can do we are in an even bigger mess than I thought.
Loved the 'sea cucumber on crack' analogy though - genius!!!
Are these feckers that daft. Going on and on about headphones.
Think about this for a moment. I have twin cousin's who are TOTALLY deaf....they cycle around and have never had a problem.
As for the ID issue. I normally always have some for of ID on my when cycling, even if its just a bank card with my name on it, its not always photo ID, but something where if I was involved in an accident, then it could be worked out who I was in hospital or wherever. NOT to enable the police to stop and fine me
I'd just like to say it was Tebbit who inspired me to take up cycling when I was an unemployed young man in north-west England in the 1980s.
However, I used my bike to go in the opposite direction of any available work. I would encourage the young of today to compost their CVs and do the same.
Cheers Norman.
If you give your name and address they do a voters check to confirm that your of the residency you say you are...
That said if you (god-forbid) got injured it isn't all that bad an idea to have id on you as a just in case!
Look it is just a place to park the loony fringe of ones political friends, don't expect brilliant debate, give them a break they are doing the best that they can with the few brain cells political life has left them.
'Ribena' got it right further up. Car drivers are not required by law to carry any form of identification so why should we? Please don’t say a number plate is because that relies on the owner giving the right details for their address and that doesn’t always happen. Personally I do carry identification so they know who to contact if I get hospitalised or killed by some f**kwitted driver.
The minister appears to actually be reasonably well-informed, and able to talk sense. Bit mealy-mouthed on the Times campaign targets, but otherwise better than I was expecting.
On a par with his comments on gay marriage. I think there should be a new Britishness test. If you think that Lord Tebbit is an aris, then you are probably British.
Following on that theory of cyclists carrying ID means that mobility scooter users should be made to carry id as they can be a menace. What about all other non-licenced road users such as horse riders!
you will be required to carry ID and you have to have one issued by the government which we'll only cost you £100 per year... expect to hear that next lol
I find it hard to imagine any normal person going out without some form of ID, these days (credit card, tesco club card etc etc).

Perhaps Mr Tebbit and his Right Honourable colleagues are referring to the "hooded yoofs" who carry out various "anti-social" misdemeaners in our town centres and estates, while also happening to be (coincidentally) on a bike? Hardly your typical commuting class...
Oh the irony...perhaps we all need to carry ID so some stupid old gits making a nuisance of themselves can be readily identified:
(Apologies for Daily Mail content, first link to hand...)
Heaven help us all.
It's also notable that most of the people who are complaining about cyclists appear to be over the age of 125.
I take it Lord Sugar wasn't there to chip in?
If you are stopped on your bike by the Police it's likely you to be an offence dealt with by a fixed penalty fine.
However giving false details to the police is far more serious.
I doubt there are many people who would risk this to avoid a fine.
Odd that Lord Tebbit voted against ID cards a few years back but now would seem to be in favour. If you don't have a passport or driving licence I'm not sure what he would want you to carry.
Is this for real?? He should be given a ticket for lying in a position of influence.
Sounds to me like he has had an incident with a cyclist and now he has made up some cock-and-bull story to satisfy his own annoyance. The fact that these people are allowed to address such an issue is both dangerous and damaging.
Sit down.
What about those menacing kids and adults on push scooters? Skateboarders have four wheels, they should carry two forms of ID! Capital Cycles
They sound pay "road tax" as well,