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Giro stage winner Demare pays tribute to dad's scooter - but Thomas out of the race; Cyclist given police warning for swearing after being punched for filtering; Why Premier League clubs may start hiring out bikes; Join the Evil Cycle Lobby + more

Today's live blog with Alex Bowden (daytime) and Simon MacMichael (evening)...
06 October 2020, 15:40
"Yeah but no-one will cycle when the weather turns bad..."
06 October 2020, 15:38
Demare savours win
06 October 2020, 15:01
Bad crash at the finish may have been caused by helicopter

Etienne Van Empel was also involved, but managed to get to the finish.

06 October 2020, 14:38
Stage 4 winner Arnaud Demare pays tribute to his dad's scooter

Speaking after the stage finish, the stage winner Arnaud Démare said: “Behind my dad's scooter I often train for the last jump. Today it paid off but I wasn't sure that I'd won when I crossed the line. It was so tight. It's fantastic to have won a Giro stage already in the first days of the race.”

Meanwhile race leader João Almeida grabbed a couple of seconds at the intermediate sprint.

“I tried to go for the time bonus at the intermediate sprint,” he said. “I can be fast in a small group. I am very happy to wear the Maglia Rosa another day.”

06 October 2020, 14:05
Arnaud Demare wins Stage 4 of the Giro d'Italia

Arnaud Demare edged out Peter Sagan by a matter of millimetres in today's sprint finish.

Fair to say the Frenchman knew what was coming on this stage.

06 October 2020, 13:22
Sagan attempting to reduce his number of sprint rivals at the finish
06 October 2020, 12:47
Evil bidons
06 October 2020, 11:30
Cyclist given police warning for swearing after being punched for filtering

In October 2019, David Brennan encountered a queue of slow-moving traffic on his commute to work in Glasgow.

As he filtered up the inside, one driver appeared to take exception, accelerating to within inches of Brennan’s rear wheel.

This video features a lot of swearing.

“I thought I was in danger and reacted to the fast approaching vehicle by slapping the bonnet with the palm of my hand,” he said.

“The driver got out and was incredibly aggressive, hurling abuse at me. He pushed me and then punched me in the face. I was left with a swollen lip and in a state of shock.”

Brennan reported the incident to police. He said he had video footage from front and rear facing cameras, plus a witness from the driver of the vehicle behind who confirmed that the man had driven at him.

Brennan repeatedly chased the force and was eventually told that the driver had been given a written warning.

After later seeing the footage online, the police told Brennan they were going to investigate ‘further criminality’.

This turned out to be Brennan’s own behaviour. He was given a written warning stating that he ‘Did shout and swear causing fear to others’.

After taking advice from Cycling UK and Cycle Law Scotland, and with Cycling UK committed to covering legal costs through its' Cyclists’ Defence Fund Brennan appealed the warning.

Seven months later he was informed that the case had been dropped as it was ‘disproportionate’.

Cycling UK is calling for significant changes in the way vulnerable road users are treated in Scotland.

Jim Densham, Cycling UK’s policy and campaigns manager in Scotland, said: “David’s experience on the road that morning must have been frightening and the shock compounded by his subsequent treatment. Too often we hear of people who are out enjoying a cycle ride but experience a dangerous situation through no fault of their own.

“Dangerous incidents reported to the police on the road must be dealt with fairly and they must recognise that people who cycle are vulnerable road users. We believe that helmetcam and dashcam technology can help the police do their job and that’s why we are calling for Police Scotland to introduce a straightforward system which enables anyone to submit this footage.”

More on this here.

06 October 2020, 10:43
Cardboard pump track anyone?
06 October 2020, 10:23
Geraint Thomas during Stage 3 of 2020 Giro d'Italia (picture credit LaPresse, RCS Sport)
Thomas felt he may have been in better shape than when he won the Tour

Confirming Geraint Thomas's withdrawal, Ineos Grenadiers Doctor Phil Riley said: “Geraint had an MRI and a CT scan this morning which revealed a small undisplaced fracture in the lower part of the pelvis which wasn’t picked up on the X-rays yesterday. As a precaution he will be withdrawn from the race as it's an injury that could easily be aggravated.”

Thomas said: “It’s so frustrating. I’d put so much work in to this race. I did everything I could and feel like I was in just as good, if not better shape, than when I won the Tour. I was feeling really good. So for it just to end like this is gutting.

“I was really up for starting today. I woke up and wanted to start with the boys and at least help them go for stages over the next few days, but deep down I knew something wasn’t right, so we went to get these extra scans. It does make the decision easier when there’s a fracture in some ways, because obviously I don’t want to do anymore damage.”
06 October 2020, 09:42
Thomas out of the Giro

Ineos Grenadiers have reportedly since confirmed that Geraint Thomas won't start Stage 4 of the Giro d'Italia following his crash in the neutral zone of Stage 3.

Further scans this morning revealed a fractured hip.

The obvious question is: could Thomas race the Vuelta a Espana later in the month?

Physically, it's impossible for us to say, but he'd most likely be allowed.

The UCI needs to give permission but it has happened before.

06 October 2020, 09:10
Evil Cycle Lobby
Flaunt your membership of the Evil Cycle Lobby

T-shirts and other clobber available here.

All profits donated to cycling campaigns.

06 October 2020, 08:42
Bike hire bikes (pic by jezzzer)
Premier League clubs could turn to bike hire to combat public transport concerns

One of the big concerns about having fans in football stadiums is not them sitting around in the stands - it's how they get there in the first place.

The Sun reports that Premier League clubs are considering hiring out bikes so that people can get to grounds without using public transport.

They hope that this could convince public health officials to allow fans back into grounds again.

06 October 2020, 08:38
Jonathan Caicedo's family watching him win
06 October 2020, 08:37
The latest from Thomas himself
06 October 2020, 08:30
Stage 4, 2020 Giro
Stage 4

Nothing too obviously remarkable terrain-wise. That hefty looking climb only averages 4%.

This year's edition of the Giro is promising toddler-at-mealtimes levels of messiness though, so who knows what'll happen.

06 October 2020, 08:14
Geraint Thomas at 2020 Giro d'Italia presentation (picture credit LaPresse, RCS Sport).JPG
The situation with Geraint Thomas (and everyone else) in the Giro d'Italia

Let's start with a quick recap.

Already ahead of his rivals after the opening time trial, Geraint Thomas was sitting pretty in the Giro d'Italia at the start of Stage 3.

He then fell heavily while still in the neutral zone when a water bottle that had become dislodged from another rider’s bike got stuck in his front wheel.

The latest from Ineos Grenadiers is that he doesn't have any broken bones.

However, he lost contact with the main group 10km before the final climb and lost 11 minutes.

It was a bad day for Simon Yates too. Distanced on Mount Etna, he lost three minutes.

So where does that leave us?

João Almeida (Deceuninck-Quick Step) leads overall on the same time as yesterday's stage winner, Jonathan Caicedo (EF Pro Cycling).

Pello Bilbao (Bahrain-McLaren) is in third, 37 seconds back and then it's another five seconds to Wilco Kelderman (Team Sunweb).

Former winner Vincenzo Nibali (Trek-Segafredo) is also conspicuous in sixth, 55 seconds back.


Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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Rome73 | 3 years ago

Looking at the comments I see that too many of us have risen to the bait thrown in by Blowjob and Pratcyclist. Ignore them and they'll go away. There are plenty of other thing to discuss and comment on. 

kil0ran | 3 years ago

Can't believe that's happened again - very similar incident at either the Giro or Vuelta a couple of years ago. Advertising hoardings and barriers blown into the finish area on a seafront finish by a chopper.

AlsoSomniloquism replied to kil0ran | 3 years ago

In Lanterne Rouge twitter thread, someone has posted the video to the incident you mentioned and it was the Vuelta. 

Gkam84 | 3 years ago

David Brennan again, I thought he'd disappeared and become a better human, I guess not...Although this was 10 months ago, he used to go out looking for problems, he's complaining that this driver could have hung back, the same applies to him, where did passing get him? Yes, there was a bit of room, but hardly enough to be squeezing through.

grumpygramp replied to Gkam84 | 3 years ago

Bet you're a lovely chap.

At this point there's a good half-mile or more of queuing traffic, so of course a cyclist should be filtering past the queue of cars. The only reason Mr Brennan hit the car was because the driver was getting aggressively close after failing to prevent the cyclist passing. The driver was the first to start swearing and the only one to raise his fists.

The police attempting to give Mr Brennan a warning was because they didn't like being criticised for being lenient with the driver.


Captain Badger replied to Gkam84 | 3 years ago

Gkam84 wrote:

David Brennan again, I thought he'd disappeared and become a better human, I guess not...Although this was 10 months ago, he used to go out looking for problems, he's complaining that this driver could have hung back, the same applies to him, where did passing get him? Yes, there was a bit of room, but hardly enough to be squeezing through.

I don't know the individual. However, I think your judgement of the situation has been clouded by your view of the victim. 

The behaviour of the driver was unacceptable and inexcusable. And that's it. Past behaviour is irrelevant in this case.

AlsoSomniloquism replied to Captain Badger | 3 years ago

I would also wonder why campaigning for better cycling infrastruture and rules doesn't make him a better person anyway.

Maybe it is the same as some view Cycling Mikey. Most see him as campaigning for safe roads by stopping or filming law breaking. A minority see him as a "Snitch" who causes drivers to hate cyclists. I'm asuming from some comments on here that some of this minority also want all video devices banned from any vehicles and just want all road incidents to be "one word against the other" like the old days. 

hawkinspeter replied to Captain Badger | 3 years ago

I don't see why it'd be a problem if someone did go out specifically "looking for problems" - isn't that what the police are doing as part of their job? (It's not vigilantism if they then report problems to the authorities, only if they attempt to enforce the law themselves).

To my mind, it's like complaining if someone decides to pick up litter on the streets - they're going out "looking for litter".

AlsoSomniloquism replied to hawkinspeter | 3 years ago
1 like

Those  banks are really looking for trouble with the amount of cameras they have.

Captain Badger replied to hawkinspeter | 3 years ago

Nice analogy!

eburtthebike | 3 years ago

It is difficult to find words to comment on David Brennan's story; not without swearing and risking prosecution anyway.  There is something very, very wrong there, was this an off duty policeman, or the chief constable's son?

Glad it was taken on by CUK and the CDF so at least the threat of prosecution of the victim has been dropped, but this should be taken further, and his vid says that he will be doing so.  At the very least take it to the chief constable, his MP, and make an official complaint.

We cannot be expected to both share the road with such dangerous criminals and for them not to be punished when they attack us.  If the government want a golden age of cycling, we need law changes fast.

NZ Vegan Rider replied to eburtthebike | 3 years ago


The driver was over the white line when the rider passed the truck and was waiting behind the driver - like the driver was trying to prevent the rider getting past on his right. He already had a bad attitude to the rider.

It was ok to touch (near the headlight) the car.

It was not ok for the driver to get out and assault the

rider (Glasgow kiss/!).

The Police were pathetic - no sympathy, no follow up and no conviction ;-(

brooksby | 3 years ago


Mr Brennan broke the most serious of commandments - "Thou shalt not touch a motorist's car" - and clearly deserves everything he got!  He was lucky - in some parts of the UK, touching a motorist's car warrants the death penalty IIRC.


AlsoSomniloquism replied to brooksby | 3 years ago

Surpising how far to the right the car went leading up to the incident leaving such a big gap and how far to the left he came when the gap was used. I'm sure I have seen people complain about similar weaving around in the lane before by certain vehicle owners. 

Kendalred | 3 years ago
1 like

Blimey. A real Annus Horribilis for Ineos (and I realise it's not been a bed of roses for anyone other than Amazon perhaps).

captain_slog replied to Kendalred | 3 years ago

Kendalred wrote:

other than Amazon perhaps

Yeah c'mon Jeff, sponsor a cycle team or three.

Kapelmuur replied to captain_slog | 3 years ago
1 like

A few seasons ago there was a Shrewsbury Town supporter who cycled to every away game (for charity).

Early in the season he cycled home too, then the club heard about him and offered to give him lifts back on the team bus.

Steve K replied to Kapelmuur | 3 years ago
1 like
Kapelmuur wrote:

A few seasons ago there was a Shrewsbury Town supporter who cycled to every away game (for charity).

Early in the season he cycled home too, then the club heard about him and offered to give him lifts back on the team bus.

That's what I did with Palace matches - cycling there and back. I hadn't realised someone had done it before me. (Palace didn't offer me lifts, but they did invite me to the Directors' Box for one match and did a publicity video at training - which you can still watch here is you're really bored )

HarrogateSpa replied to captain_slog | 3 years ago
1 like

Don't be daft, Jeff won't be happy until he's got All the Money in the World, and nobody else don't got none.

Steve K | 3 years ago

In 2016-17 I cycled to and from every Crystal Palace match. I now feel like a trailblazer! 😀

AlsoSomniloquism replied to Steve K | 3 years ago

I don't think Manu Fans could make the trip from Cornwall though. 

OldRidgeback replied to Steve K | 3 years ago
1 like

As getting to Selhurst involves a climb up a long and steep hill from my house, I generally go on my motorbike. We probably crossed paths at some point if you locked up your bike with the rest of the others in the carpark. I've been a few times by bicycle but the motorbike is easier!

lesterama replied to Steve K | 3 years ago

Since I discovered that the Chas Roberts head tube logo was based on a Crystal Palace one, I've had to rekindle my love for Ron Coopers instead.

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