A video that showed a car passenger leaning out of the vehicle’s window to push a cyclist off his bike has been viewed almost 700,000 times and receiving thousands of ‘likes’ and shares.
The footage was posted on Saturday evening by Facebook user Eoin Maughan, who denied in subsequent post that he was the person doing the pushing, although he may well be the one filming. The video opens with the words, “Right boys, this is the new challenge here.”
As of Monday afternoon, it was not possible to access the video, although it is unclear whether Facebook or the user removed it, or whether it was made private.
It is unclear where it was shot, although the poster appears to be based in the Republic of Ireland, as are many of those commenting on the video, some of whom said they would try something similar themselves – although many others condemned the footage.
It is similar to an incident we reported on in March, prompting concerns that people would mimic that and similar assaults on cyclists and the post footage to social media.
On that occasion, the footage was removed from Facebook by the original poster, although the social network had responded to earlier complaints by refusing to take the post down, saying it was not in breach of its community guidelines.
Cycling Ireland CEO Geoff Liffey, quoted on Independent.ie, said of the latest incident: "There has also been attempts to disrupt cycling events and regular cycling paths by introducing serious hazards on these routes.
"Many of these attacks are of a very serious nature and we would advise any persons who experience or witnesses these attacks to report them to the relevant authorities in the area.
"This incident was a disturbing, cowardly and deliberate attack on a vulnerable cyclist. This kind of behaviour is nothing new, but it's becoming more prevalent," he added.
The newspaper said that the Gardai are appealing for any cyclist involved in such an incident to report the matter.
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You can't assume that they intended to kill or severely injure them, and give them the appropriate punishment for attempting to kill or severely injure them, if it's plausible - and you can't otherwise prove - that they were not aware their conduct was liable to lead to death or severe injury.
I'd ask what's so hard to understand about that, but you clearly have difficulty understanding what's racist about obviously racist generalisations, so perhaps the point is moot.
What's hard about it is trying to imagine how someone can fail to be aware that pushing someone from a moving bike is likely to hurt them. Sounds like an implausible attempt to excuse a violent thug to me.
No, this is why the law has a test of reasonability.
The question is whether a reasonable person could have foreseen that the conduct was liable to lead to death or serious injury. And I think it highly unlikely that pushing someone off a moving bicycle could be found to not to have that risk in the mind of a reasonable person.
Otherwise intelligent people would be subject to a higher standard of conduct than stupid people, to put it bluntly. Reasonable people don't push other people off bikes.
Also, the word 'moot' doesn't mean what it appears you think it means.
welcome to the wonderful world of the Irish Traveller, or knacker as they are more widely known. A law onto themselves...and they wonder why they get such a bad name..... Report it to the police and they will do nothing, they're afraid of them.
Screw facebook, their attitude is appalling.
In defence of Mr Maughan, who is clearly not the sharpest original thinker on the planet, as long as people such as Dom Joly are allowed to post their hatred and threats of violence without legal challenge, lowlifes such as this will be encouraged to follow in their tracks.
I've asked Facebook to let me know what levels of violence they consider acceptable/unacceptable. I won't be holding my breath.
Be interesting to know if a video of taking an angle grinder to somebody's car would be acceptable, or is it only violence against people these bastards condone?
You know Facebook host videos of beheadings?
Seriously? I mean, really - seriously???
Unless the cyclist come forward I doubt the police will do anything ... and even then I doubt they'd do much.
Would be good to see the occupants of the car (I'm guessing at least 3: driver, cameraman, shover) being chased by police for encouraging an offence for every single follow up crime to this.
Jesus wept.
Pikey scum !
More of the same.
Does Road.cc have a moderation policy regarding racist slurs?
Eoin Maughan is clearly a vile little shit, and the Garda Síochána should clearly have him in the cells by day's end. But whether or not he's a traveller has nothing to do with that.
Have you seen the way many 'travellers' behave? At some point it becomes difficult to conclude that the unpleasant antics displayed by every one of them one encounters are anything other than a group characteristic.
No, that's stupid and offensive claptrap.
And if you don't think so, substitute "black people" for "travellers" and the n-word for "pikeys", read the thread back, and see how comfortable you feel with your racist generalisation.
I wonder would someone that likes pushing people off bicycles be also un/likely to pretend that they were $insert-hated-minority-here?
I use the same argument to assume all internet commentors are racist.
Ninja rocks.
Keep reporting it, maybe Facebook will reach some dim form of understanding. Eventually.
Doubt it. they've clearly decided violent scum is their core market.
Travellers http://ask.fm/EoinMaughan
Excuse me for asking, but what is that?
A page where you can ask Eoin Maughan a question
A page where you can ask Eoin Maughan a question
And the question are where? In fact, where are the f***ing words?
I suspect I'm just showing my age, but what language is that? Can anyone translate it into English?
What has that to do with anything at all?
Racist idiot.
if you want the police to investigate then you'll have to report it.
Time to use your D-locks! If they or any other fucker even attempted this on me they would get it on their head or a big dent in every panel of their car.