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UCI invites WADA to observe drug testing at Tour de France

Anti-doping body to supply independent observers to ensure everything above board

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) will be acting as independent observers to the drug testing programme administered by world cycling’s governing body, the UCI, at this year’s Tour de France, which gets under way in Rotterdam a week on Saturday.

The two organisations announced the news in a joint press release, and say the partnership is aimed at “ensuring the total transparency of the UCI’s activities in the fight against doping at the most important race on the calendar.

Under an agreement signed by the UCI and WADA yesterday, the observers “will have the right to observe all phases of the anti-doping controls conducted by the UCI, from the selection of riders to be tested to the management of the results of the analyses conducted, with access to all related documentation.”

Following the end of the race, the observers will compile and publish a report regarding the UCI’s drug-testing activities at the race.

The partnership results from an invitation extended to WADA by the UCI, which last year came under criticism, notably from the French government anti-doping body, the AFLD, for allegedly favouring riders from Team Astana, whose riders included Lance Armstrong and yellow jersey winner Alberto Contador.

Commenting on the co-operation with the UCI, WADA President John Fahey: “The presence of Independent Observers at major sporting events contributes to strengthen the protection provided to clean athletes and to enhance their confidence, as well as the public’s confidence, in the doping control and results management processes.”

He continued: “Independent Observers conduct their mission in a neutral and unbiased manner and subsequently publish a report with their observations. We thank UCI for inviting Independent Observers at the Tour de France.”

UCI President Pat McQuaid likewise welcomed the agreement with WADA, saying: "Without doubt the UCI is one of the most active and most effective International Federations in terms of the fight against doping, in particular with the introduction of the biological passport.

“I asked WADA to send independent observers to the 2010 Tour de France so that our activities can be submitted to their impartial examination. I would like to thank WADA for having accepted this request. I look forward to hearing their conclusions with every confidence as the UCI works very strictly within the standards drawn up by WADA."

Simon joined as news editor in 2009 and is now the site’s community editor, acting as a link between the team producing the content and our readers. A law and languages graduate, published translator and former retail analyst, he has reported on issues as diverse as cycling-related court cases, anti-doping investigations, the latest developments in the bike industry and the sport’s biggest races. Now back in London full-time after 15 years living in Oxford and Cambridge, he loves cycling along the Thames but misses having his former riding buddy, Elodie the miniature schnauzer, in the basket in front of him.

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skippy | 14 years ago

Continually hear reports of several agencies arriving on athletes doorsteps, perhaps with some finetuning the 3 agencies involved with the TDF can work together with one person of each agency in the team arriving at the hotels!
One set of samples going to one lab should do the trick and thus set a precedent for future cooperation in other events.
About time the athletes were treated with more respect and consideration by all. Like everyone i am tired of the "Rotten apples in the barrel" syndrome albeit there are reasons for suspicion of continuing "Smart arse behaviour"!
Can we PLEASE have a moritorium on the start of the TDF so that past malpractice can be declared and after the TDF has finished any discoveries can be the subject of "Lifetime bans"!
Should be sufficient incentive for those with "Skeletons" to own up !

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