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Video: "You're not a motorbike" - driver in four-letter rant at cyclist

CAUTION - Extreme swearing in video shot on rider's South London commute last Friday...

A cyclist has posted helmet camera footage to YouTube of his encounter last Friday with a motorist who unleashed a four letter rant on him in South London.

Despite being in a slow-moving queue of motorised traffic, it seems the driver was upset with the rider being in the middle of the lane.

His anger, and use of some extremely colourful language, increased when the cyclist declined to use a cycle lane – although there is no legal requirement to do so, and often road layout means it is safer to use the main carriageway.

In the description of the video on YouTube, user 4ChordsNoNet said: “This is a fine example of how some, and I stress some, motorists think that cyclists should cycle on the left and keep out of their way.

“When he first tooted me there was literally nowhere for him to go. I wasn't holding him up, in fact throughout the entire video I didn't delay his journey for one second.

“I chose to ignore him, rather than engage with him, and this seemed to wind him up a tad,” he added, with supreme understatement.

In the video, shot at Mitcham Common, the motorist shouted at the cyclist: “You really don’t want to get run over you know.

“You’re in the middle of the road like a motorbike.

“You’re not a motorbike. Go back to cycling school.”

With the bike rider continuing to take the lane, as he is fully entitled to do, the motorist became increasingly angry.

He said: “If you get run over, what are going to tell me then? “You c*nt. Can you see the cycle lane on your f*cking left?

“Can you see it? You fucking tosspot. You fucking c*nt,” he added.

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bikebot | 8 years ago

This is why I don't really like republishing video stories, it's all gone a bit youtube.

That means an opportunity for a few people to mamilsplain whatever they think the cyclist should have done, and how they always avoid such issues due to their superior [knowledge|training|god given ability] at riding bikes.

Personnally, I'd pay attention to Mr 4chords, who has probably ridden that route hundreds of times, and must know every possible way he could end up having a really bad day.  Alternatively, give it a try yourself and film the results for everyone to review. Personally, I do my best to avoid the Mitcham one way system,  it's full of nutters and lorries.


alansmurphy | 8 years ago

To most of your arguments above, moving up the inside is always a potential risk; drivers don't always drive in straight lines, the queue of traffic can begin to move at any point and then a left hook on the roundabout becomes a possibility.


I massively disagree with the "couple of bell-ends winding each other up" - there is one law abiding citizen taking a perfectly reasonable and safe road position and a thick, foul mouthed lout upset due to not being 6 feet further forwards...


Indeed, the analogy may be deemed extreme, but any victim blaming is victim blaming. The actions of the idiot are massively disproportionate to the perceived inconvenience, the fact that anyone blames the cyclist 0.00000001% is truly mind boggling!

P3t3 replied to alansmurphy | 8 years ago

alansmurphy wrote:

To most of your arguments above, moving up the inside is always a potential risk; drivers don't always drive in straight lines, the queue of traffic can begin to move at any point and then a left hook on the roundabout becomes a possibility.

Yeah yeah, but in the real world most cyclists filter because lets face it, its not dangerous most of the time.  I'm sure you don't treat this as a black and white issue yourself, where its safe, I bet you filter.  In most of the video it was safe to filter.  Of course Mr Helmet cam has the "right" to do what he wants.  Of course it would be nice if nobody shouted at him.   

alansmurphy wrote:

I massively disagree with the "couple of bell-ends winding each other up" - there is one law abiding citizen taking a perfectly reasonable and safe road position and a thick, foul mouthed lout upset due to not being 6 feet further forwards...

Law abiding obstinate cyclist meets law abiding thick foul mothed driver, they wind each other up.  Its that simple.  

alansmurphy wrote:

Indeed, the analogy may be deemed extreme, but any victim blaming is victim blaming. The actions of the idiot are massively disproportionate to the perceived inconvenience, the fact that anyone blames the cyclist 0.00000001% is truly mind boggling!

There is no victim to be victim blamed here, just an argument.  Pick a better case to get on your high horse.  

Jimnm | 8 years ago

Moron with a loud mouth. 

WillRod | 8 years ago
1 like

I think it's good that I haven't had this sort of thing happen to me, as he would have a broken nose by now!

Either that, or I would have attempted the old car key grab.

Perhaps I should take meditation lessons if I ever start cycling in a city  1


a1white | 8 years ago

Not anywhere near as bad as this, but I've had cars do this to me before, I've moved over and let them catch up the car in front and then just cycled straight past them.

alansmurphy | 8 years ago

Also, because other people decide to take a risk doesn't mean you should.


If there was no cycle lane, would he be right to move up the inside of traffic? No.


Is it sensible to ride up the inside of traffic with the potential to turn left? No.


Is it within the highway code that he is allowed to sit in the lane in a position he feels it is safe to do so? Yes.


It really shouldn't be beyond your comprehension.


"if he'd done what all the other cyclists in the film had done and filtered through the traffic no one would be posting vidoes or  swearing and he would have got there quicker"


How do you know he wanted to get anywhere quickly? 


Are victims of sexual assault asking for it by wearing the wrong clothes?



P3t3 replied to alansmurphy | 8 years ago
1 like


"Also, because other people decide to take a risk doesn't mean you should."

What risk!? Safely move two cars up the queue from the shouty man he isn't part of the problem any more.  Face it - Mr helmet cam was being stuck up and stubborn, there is no victim blaming or any other nonsense here.  Its just 2 people winding each other up.  



"If there was no cycle lane, would he be right to move up the inside of traffic? No."

Yeah, if he wanted to, why not?  Cyclists do this all the time, its not unusual.  Its legal and if there isn't an exit then where is the left hook risk.  



"Is it sensible to ride up the inside of traffic with the potential to turn left? No."

Most of the video there is no left hook risk on account of there being no side roads for people to drive their cars onto...



"Is it within the highway code that he is allowed to sit in the lane in a position he feels it is safe to do so? Yes."

I don't really understand why you think I want to disagree with the highway code, of cousre he can stand in the middle of the road if he wants! But Mr Helmet-Cam was making a point, you can get on your high horse about highway codes and rights but at the end of the day its playground stuff.  It isn't about cycling, just two people winding each other up.  



"It really shouldn't be beyond your comprehension."

My comprehension skills are not being taxed here.  I live in the real world, this problem wouldn't have happened to me. When did we become such a bunch of sissies?  Its like monty python: "don't you oppress me!"



"if he'd done what all the other cyclists in the film had done and filtered through the traffic no one would be posting vidoes or  swearing and he would have got there quicker"

"How do you know he wanted to get anywhere quickly? "

I'm making a gross assumption.  I find standing with my bike in the middle of a road full of cars and exhaust fumes unplesant, adding a shouty man would really stress me out.  I'd leave Mr Puegot to stew in his Puegot and move a few cars up the line, nobody would be put in danger, least of all myself.  



"Are victims of sexual assault asking for it by wearing the wrong clothes?"

I always hate this analogy being applied to petty arguments, it really is out of proportion here.   The analogy nearly fits when a cyclist is killed and is then held as culpable because they wren't wearing hi-vis, but lets get some sense of proportion in this instance.  Nobody in the video is the" VICTIM OF CRIME"! Its just a couple of bell-ends winding each other up.  Most of us grow out of this before we leave school.  



Leviathan | 8 years ago

I think Yoda said "Mistakes lead to embarrassment, embarrassment leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to youtube." 

gazzaputt | 8 years ago
1 like

Did the best thing. Ignore him.

STiG911 | 8 years ago

I could add to the comments about how much of an amoeba the driver is, but a picture says a thousand words...

CXR94Di2 | 8 years ago

Report to police, for aggressive behaviour.  Cyclst could of mitigated his exposure to such behaviour by cycling on ahead a few vehicle, given the level of traffic ghe would of never caught up.

Christopher TR1 | 8 years ago

The scary thing is that people that thick are allowed to drive. What he really needs is to be sat down calmly and have somebody explain to him that cyclists have the same rights on the roads as him. Connecting electrodes to his gonads and generous use of the ON switch should help his understanding.

zanf | 8 years ago

I'm glad that guy was so stressed. Hopefully his heart will pop soon and he'll die.

You can't reason with self entitled cunts like that so I wish them all an early and rapid death.

antigee | 8 years ago

"Dunno about the UK, but our road code says cyclists should go through roundabouts in the middle of the lane so it is not a ridiculous idea."

its a very good idea, useful piece of research here:        

(you have to register, at no cost, to read it) 

"Assessment of the Effectiveness of On-road Bicycle Lanes at Roundabouts in Australia and New Zealand"

"Strong evidence was found that lane markings that encourage cyclists to “claim the lane” (for example sharrows) can be effective and are recommended where speeds are equitable. Cycle lanes on the approach should terminate some distance behind the holding line where speeds are low. Where equitable speeds are achieved, approach lanes should not exceed 3.0 m in width so that drivers do not attempt to enter the roundabout alongside cyclists."

sadly Vicroads and some local councils continue to install lanes on roundabouts - good news is that there aren't many roundabouts in Melbourne and the good councils are very busy marking those with sharrows and reducing speed limitssmiley


muffies | 8 years ago

Had a similar thing last week in SF.. well except I was in the bike lane and the car went into that lane without warning.. then started insults and gestures about how he hates bikes.. then swerved in my path attempting to hit me. Probably my worst encounter so far.


Maybe I should buy a camera.

DaveE128 | 8 years ago

What a very unpleasant bloke. Hope he gets done for something, even if it's just mobile phone use while driving.

mcmahonsport | 8 years ago

Cyclists should be allowed to carry sidearms.

ConcordeCX replied to mcmahonsport | 8 years ago

mcmahonsport wrote:

Cyclists should be allowed to carry sidearms.


ah, the good old days!



antigee | 8 years ago




I don't get it, why didn't he just use the cycle lane?"

filled by bollards, disappeared, reappeared and there is an artic' truck 3 cars in front - anyone for up the inside in the apparent safety of a well thought out cycle lane? 



dafyddp | 8 years ago

Ride wherever you feel safest. If that means using cycle lanes on occasion and regular traffic lanes at other times,  so be it - your life is more precious than their time and car, no matter what nonsense they spout.

bikebot | 8 years ago

Danger. High probability of wind up in progress.

All users, please install fresh batteries in your sarcasm detectors.

powergoose | 8 years ago
1 like

Despite the driver being a bit of a tw*t, the rider really should have just used the cycle lane...

wycombewheeler replied to powergoose | 8 years ago
powergoose wrote:

Despite the driver being a bit of a tw*t, the rider really should have just used the cycle lane...

Cycle lane is dangerous not nearly wide enough and put cyclists who aren't turning left into a fatal position at the roundabout.

Don't blindly use dangerous infrastructure. Think of that line was not there and this lane was a little wider would I be comfortable riding along beside a car in the same lane?

vonhelmet replied to powergoose | 8 years ago

powergoose wrote:

Despite the driver being a bit of a tw*t, the rider really should have just used the cycle lane...

Any particular reason?

DavidJ replied to powergoose | 8 years ago
1 like

powergoose wrote:

Despite the driver being a bit of a tw*t, the rider really should have just used the cycle lane...



4ChordsNoNet replied to powergoose | 8 years ago

powergoose wrote:

Despite the driver being a bit of a tw*t, the rider really should have just used the cycle lane...


If you watch the video again and look at the description under EDIT at the end you'll see two videos of the same roundabout that show the two main risks there, Left Hooks and SMIDSYs. That is why I didn't take the cycle lane at that point.

Mungecrundle | 8 years ago

That's actually rather good advice. In traffic, ride like you are on a motorcycle.

P3t3 | 8 years ago
1 like

I don't get it, why didn't he just use the cycle lane?



vonhelmet replied to P3t3 | 8 years ago

P3t3 wrote:

I don't get it, why didn't he just use the cycle lane?



Because he was going straight on at the roundabout and didn't want to have to use the land crossing the first exit where some berk in, say, a Peugeot, might want to sweep off the roundabout at speed.

Now, how about you tell us why he should "just use the cycle lane"?


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