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Aussie cyclist fined $152 for passing a stationary car

Police say that the pass of a left-turning vehicle on the left is dangerous; the Melbourne cyclist says the car wasn't moving and pass was safe...

A cyclist in Melbourne, Australia, has been fined $152 for passing a vehicle that he says was stationary and waiting for pedestrians to cross the road in the city's central business district.

The cyclist was 65-year old Laurie Duncan, a long-time member of Australia's cycling inclusion organisation the Bicycle Network. He told newspaper The Age that his pass of the vehicle was safe, and while the car had its indicator on, informing other road users that it was turning left, it wasn't moving because pedestrians were crossing the road.

"I was unaware I was doing anything wrong," Mr Duncan said in a police statment. "I didn't think it was dangerous."

Dangerous or not, Australia's road laws are clear when it comes to the majority of cycling infractions - often to the bewilderment of cyclists in the country.

Australia is renowned for its often criticised bike laws which appear to dissuade many people from cycling. Here on we've covered stories of bizarre fines for violations of helmet laws, bike light laws, and even no brake laws, but this is a first for passing a stationary vehicle.

>Read more: Cyclist in New South Wales fined for no bell, no helmet, and no brake (on a fixie)

By the book, Mr Duncan was in the wrong. Australia's Road Safety Road Rules 2009, specifically regulation 141(2) show that he broke the law; the regulation reads "the rider of a bicycle must not ride past, or overtake, to the left of a vehicle that is turning left and is giving a left change of direction signal."

To contest the fine Mr Duncan hired a lawyer, and took the case to Melbourne Magistrates Court in September, but lost.

Mr Duncan says he sees many cyclists doing what he did and argued that if the law was rigorously enforced it would "cause chaos."

"Hundreds of cyclists do exactly what I did every day of the week, in the [central business district] alone, and the police do nothing about it because they know that if they enforced this interpretation of the law it would cause chaos," he said.

"I get, 100 per cent, that if you pass on the left and there aren't pedestrians there you're an idiot because you'll get knocked over. 

"But when a car is stationary and can't turn because either there's a red light or there's pedestrians there, it happens thousands of times a day that cyclists stream past cars.

"If they enforce this law, what's going to happen now is that cyclists will have to get off their bike and just wait there. It will be just ridiculous."

While Mr Duncan may be incredulous as to how his behaviour has resulted in a fine, the Australian bike organisation, Bicycle Network, which he is a member of has said that the Victoria Roads Comission (VicRoads) is researching behaviour at intersections with the view of changing the laws with regards to Mr Duncan's situation.

Senior policy advisor for Bicycle Network, Garry Brennan, said: "VicRoads has commissioned a study to Monash University, which has set up cameras at intersections to observe behaviour and analyse what is actually happening."

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jova54 replied to MrLikerBiker | 7 years ago

MrLikerBiker wrote:

Simples... Never pass a car on the inside even stationary, if we want to be taken seriousley then follow the highway code.  This law is there for everyones safety .

Own the road, overtake on the right, move to the center in narrow lanes, dont jump on and off pavements.



And what about the filter lanes at traffic lights that lead to ASZs?


Oh yeah forgot about those.

bikebot replied to MrLikerBiker | 7 years ago

MrLikerBiker wrote:

Simples... Never pass a car on the inside even stationary, if we want to be taken seriousley then follow the highway code.  This law is there for everyones safety .

Own the road, overtake on the right, move to the center in narrow lanes, dont jump on and off pavements.

Another universal law, those most likely to reference the highway code, are invariably those least likely to have actually read it...


wycombewheeler replied to MrLikerBiker | 7 years ago
MrLikerBiker wrote:

Simples... Never pass a car on the inside even stationary, if we want to be taken seriousley then follow the highway code.  This law is there for everyones safety .

Own the road, overtake on the right, move to the center in narrow lanes, dont jump on and off pavements.


So when a car in the right lane is waiting to turn right, everyone should wait?

The highway code is explicit that cycles can filter on either side

Clearly the only issue here is left indicator on.

FluffyKittenofT... replied to MrLikerBiker | 7 years ago
MrLikerBiker wrote:

Simples... Never pass a car on the inside even stationary, if we want to be taken seriousley then follow the highway code.  This law is there for everyones safety .


Ridiculous advice.

So if there's a bike lane on the inside, and the queue of traffic is stuck in a traffic jam next to you, you have to stop and force all the cyclists behind you to stop as well? Presumably you can start up for a few yards every time the cars in the jam move forward a bit, then you have to stop again?

The only issue in this case is that the car was indicating. Given that, the cyclist, I think, made an error or was taking a bit of a chance. But I'd be less cynical about it if I believed the Oz authorities were equally keen to fine every similar small error by motorists. Somehow I doubt they are, given their anti-cycling track record.

Ride2Wk replied to MrLikerBiker | 7 years ago

MrLikerBiker wrote:

Simples... Never pass a car on the inside even stationary, if we want to be taken seriousley then follow the highway code.  This law is there for everyones safety .

Own the road, overtake on the right, move to the center in narrow lanes, dont jump on and off pavements.


What BS. Car drivers & pedestrians don't follow road rules and most of them don't even know the road rules correctly.

Everyone breaks whatever rules they know they can get away with so quit being a victim of their bullying and stop bleating about being taken seriously if we obey the rules. They don't really care if we break the rules, it's just an urban myth excuse to whinge about bikes.

Hamster | 7 years ago

Which American city had it's cyclists cycle according to the law bringing motorised traffic to a halt? Maybe the Australian cyclists should take the same approach.

burtthebike | 7 years ago

Australia, the country where the obesity rate is spiralling out of control and the government says it's doing everything to encourage cycling.

Meanwhile, on planet Earth..............

hawkinspeter | 7 years ago

I do that in similar circumstances and I'd be very surprised to be caught yet alone fined for doing that. I don't know if it's legal or not in the UK.

I just hope that the Melbourne police are similarly strict with all traffic and not just bikes.


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