Brooks England, the world’s oldest bicycle saddle manufacturer, are inviting 100 people to try their yet-to-be-launched Cambium model. This is Brooks’ first non-leather saddle in a long time and they reckon it’s unlike any other on the market.
As part of Brooks’ final test phase of the new saddle, they will be selecting a diverse group of 100 cyclists worldwide to test the saddle over the next month and offer feedback that will then be published on the Cambium website.

According to Brooks, "The Cambium is made from a uniquely flexible natural rubber and organic cotton top, enhanced by a thin layer of structural textile for added resilience. This vulcanized, waterproof top, which follows the rider’s movements, is immediately comfortable, maintenance-free, and highly abrasion-resistant to offer the longevity for which Brooks is legendary.”
The saddle will not be released for sale until 17 June, hence the enigmatic photography.
Brooks will select men and women of differing body type and age, using a variety of bicycles.
• 33 will be long-time users of Brooks leather saddles.
• 33 will be cyclists who have used both Brooks leather saddles and other saddles.
• 34 will be cyclists who have never used a Brooks leather saddle.

If you wish be considered you need to register at before 17 May. All registrants will receive a 10% discount to the Brooks online shop.
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I's a tester. Anyone else?
Site seems to be working alright now.
Me too! I wrote a great essay too, but really can't be fussed to do it all over again!
Glad to see I'm not the only frustrated poster, I have sent Brooks an email about the questionaire rejection.
Let's hope the design of the saddle has been tested more thoroughly than the online registration process!
I haven't owned a Brooks for 25 years and I'd really like to try one of these. However, I have better things to do than click through questions, write a long essay and attempt to jump through non-existent hoops so that I might be one of 250,000 who expressed an interest in doing so.
Mmm, jumped through all the hoops, null registration..... can't be bothered to repeat, they'd better not spam me tho!
Registered. Wrote the kind of essay Orwell would be proud of. Got the thank you screen. Registration confirmation link didn't work. Have been informed that I need to submit again.
I can't see that being ideal for high-cadence road riding? Surely the texture would cause ridiculous levels of friction / inflammation?
I'm looking forward to the Brooks Cambrian saddle, the design will be based on the first complex multicellular saddles to emerge from the Earth's primordial seas.
Tried registering, painful number of questions, only to receive SQL errors that froze the browser.
I guess I don't want to test a saddle enough to go through that again.
can't even register
Looks nice and I'd be very grateful to test one but I aint enamored by the many emails asking me to verify my account since I registered.
Looks very Regal-ish
Does it have bag loops? Hard to tell from the pictures, but if I can't fit a Carradice Nelson to it, I'M OUT.
/folds arms and sits back.