Gran Fondo Avesani: Verona
Feel the excitement of more than an Italian Gran Fondo.
Verona, the City of Giulietta.. the Gran Fondo Avesani and Cronoscalata Notturna?
Bespoke Velo are offering you a chance to feel a unique cycling experience while you enjoy the scenery in this wonderful part of Italy.
The Gran Fondo Avesani is a fantastic way to experience all that Italian cycling offers, not only cycling but tourism, culture and food.
The course takes in the most beautiful and scenic parts of the region including the majestic Lago di Garda and you will have 3 distances to choose from to match your level of fitness.
now or you lose
I've never understood why Rorshach tests always using pictures of squirrels fighting
That makes more sense, still makes for a very unsightly front end though in my opinion; I would definitely prefer a separate port on the side of...
So did Wokingham suddenly discover a lock-up full of white paint at near its expiry date?
Oh god I just noticed that!
Yes - I wouldn't include comments on as harmful as most readers would already have a strong opinion about helmets and their effectiveness....
So does that mean that Something Will Be Done if I submit clips showing me being inconvenienced and held up all the f-ing time by nose to tail...
The bike hangars in Bristol and other places have no chevrons. Also, the ones on skips and lorries are red and yellow, these look red and white.
Shouldnt this say - after forcing Stages into bankruptcy, waiting 9 months for the products to die, Giant has bought the remaining distressed...
I have been buying Rapha for 20 years. The 'urban' stuff rather than the road stuff. And it's very good and it looks good. I do think the quality...
The bikes may be good, but their after sales support is terrible. Maybe their financials are weak, after the post pandemic slump in sales, but...