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Reporting Dangerous/careless driving

Kent Police appearw to be one of the few UK police forces that doesn't accept video reports from Nextbase. Having lodged a number of careless driving complaints with Kent Police I have had no response whatsoever apart from the acknowledgement email. Can anyone recommend a site that I might be able to use as a conduit? 

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KentRider | 2 years ago

Sorry, I was late to notice this question, but commenting now just in case it’s useful.

I have been a regular reporter of close passes to Kent Police. Pre-2022 they were responsive to my reports and followed up with a request for the video footage in 100% of cases. But they appear to have had a policy change from about March 2022. After I had submitted several reports that resulted in no request for the video (and hence inevitably no further action), I queried why they weren’t responding. I was told that they are prioritising their response to incidents where there is collision and injury. If you aren't reporting collision and injury, they aren't even interested in viewing the evidence of the careless/dangerous driving. So, basically, close-passing drivers now get a free pass from Kent Police. Those drivers won’t even receive the “written advice” to alert them to the poor standard of their driving. It’s dispiriting.

Secret_squirrel | 2 years ago
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Seems to be policy for them. Covered in NMOTD this week.  They will request video if they plan to take it any further. In reality they won't be arsed too. 

lonpfrb replied to Secret_squirrel | 2 years ago
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Secret_squirrel wrote:

Seems to be policy for them. Covered in NMOTD this week.  They will request video if they plan to take it any further.

True, and a bit frustrating as a rate payer since the NextBase system should save them time and effort. So they would have more time for investigation and enforcement...

It turns out that Kent PCC plans their own DashCam upload application, as shown

Secret_squirrel wrote:

In reality they won't be arsed too.

Not true, though I only have a sample size of one so this remains to be proven. Though there is the Freedom of Information route, you would think that a PCC who prioritises road safety would want some open and transparent reporting of the relevant action. I will ask them...

wtjs replied to lonpfrb | 2 years ago

you would think that a PCC who prioritises road safety would want some open and transparent reporting of the relevant action. I will ask them...

No you wouldn't, if you live under the reign of Lancashire Constabulary and Lancashire PCC. If you have a persistently corrupt and inept police force, you have to assume a supine and inept PCC to go with it. Lancashire PCC actually advertises around neighbourhood websites here that people dissatisfied with the response of the police should write to the PCC. That's where they hope to bury almost all of them- by terminal delay. We're so busy!, they say. In practice, you hear nothing at all for 3 weeks-then there's a letter apologising for the delay. In another couple of weeks, you'll still be waiting...

lonpfrb replied to wtjs | 2 years ago

Kent have now taken a slightly different approach, with a similar outcome: the HaveYourSay@Kent... email-box is now shut and rejects 100% of messages. Apparently that was shut to save IT cost and complexity...

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