The Lochaber businesswoman who was calling for "assertive action" against two bike rides scheduled to use the A82 on the same day has abandoned the idea of a protest because of lack of local support.
Some 800 riders taking part in the Deloitte Ride Across Britain, who will tackle the Land’s End to John O’Groats route, are due to ride along the A82 between Fort William and Inverness on Friday 12 and Saturday 13 September.
Campaign group A82 Partnership, which is demanding the A82 be upgraded and has opposed a change in the road's speed limit from 60mph to 50mph said recently that it was “cycling madness” that the riders taking part in the event would be passing along that stretch of road at the same time as more than 250 people taking part in the Rat Race Coast to Coast event from Nairn to Ballachulish were travelling the other way.
Anita Nicholls, who together with her husband Simon runs a Lochaber-based training firm whose clients are mainly from the voluntary sector, last week said she was willing to organise "assertive action which stays within the law, but frustrates this event and shows the strength and resilience of the Lochaber community in the face of massive disruption and a lack of meaningful negotiation."
It turns out, though, that the community isn't that strongly united against the rides after all.
Ms Nicholls told the Aberdeen Press & Journal that nobody had taken her up on her offer, and she was giving up on the idea.
She said: “It needed to be a community initiative. The organisers are not going to listen if it’s just me. And it’s too late to do anything now so it won’t be happening.
“I’ve been accused of NIMBYism and of planning to do all sorts of illegal things, which we never said we would do. Some of the messages were very personal and hurtful.
“I pointed out that much of the community’s intent was motivated towards protecting the cyclists, as well as ensuring that lives were not put at risk.
“This road is lethal and claims many lives every year. If it becomes blocked, emergency vehicles cannot get through as there is a steep rock face on one side and a 400ft deep loch on the other.
“We rely on tourism in this part of the world to boost our local economy. We do not want to deter cyclists from coming here, but the unique geography poses serious questions that the organisers refuse to accept.”
The A82 Partnership distanced itself from Ms Nicholls original appeal. Spokesman Stewart MacLean said: “As an organisation we would not wish to get involved in any demonstration or ‘assertive’ action.”
Organisers of both the cycling events in question have also sought to reassure people living in the area that disruption will be kept to a minimum, and that the needs of the local communities have been taken into account.
A spokesperson for the Rat Race Coast to Coast event said: “We have liaised with the organisers of the RAB on the interaction of both events for this year, which occurs at a location off the A82.”
Meanwhile, Threshold Sports, who organise the Deloitte Ride Across Britain, said: “We are working with the key local authorities to minimise disruption as much as possible and will continue to do so until the event has passed through the area.”
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I agree with Sideburn here, I think Anita Nicholls has acted perfectly reasonably, whether you agree with her stance or not (I don't actually know enough about the events or roads concerned to comment).
She made a stand, realised she didn't have popular support, and backed down, fairly gracefully as far as I can see.
You've quoted here a little out of context there, i.e. she is implicitly agreeing that cyclists are tourists and she doesn't wish to deter them.
Lambasting her for stating
is a bit unfair also, bordering on semantics/pedantry.
Displays of self righteousness and entitlement like some of these comments aren't really going to endear us as cyclists to the non-cycling population, it's fuel to the fire of the anti-cyclist lobbyists...
Not at all pedantic.
Calling a road "lethal" is an attempt to shift responsibility away from incompetent drivers.
It is up to a driver (or a rider, come to that) to cope with road conditions as they are.
This woman gets to vote on a much more important issue next week... oh dear.
I'm going to take up procrastination...I think I might start tomorrow...or the next day....
At least she realized that she was in an 'army of one' and surrendered to the greater force..common sense prevailed...(hope Specialized don't sue me for using one of their words...)
To be fair to her she has seen what she sees is a problem decided to do something, decided that she is in a minority and walked away...
Many would carry on with their sword of righteousness and shield of justice anyway.... and purchase a box of tacks
So, she tried to arrange mass-outrage, and found she was the only one upset?

What a dimwit she is - "we rely on tourism" - these cyclists will mainly be from out of town - i.e tourists. - the narrow-mindedness of some people is astonishing!
Or shes developing misanthropic tourism?
“This road is lethal and claims many lives every year."
This kind of statement says a lot about the mentality of this person and is heard all too frequently, unfortunately. I've never seen a road attack or kill anyone; however, on a daily basis I do see multiple people driving inappropriately for the conditions and situations they find themselves in.
Its that quote that shows she has no ability to logically reason or deconstruct an issue.
This is the best outcome of the situation: being shown that she has no local support whatsoever
We all know what's really happened here... ; )
Loved this bit
How is a bike (or even a group of bikes) going to 'block' the road
A cycle accident is cleared in minutes unlike a car crash
Glad to see this nonsense got nowhere
She wasn't thinking of that kind of accident though, she was thinking about the sort where a car driver who is so important, overtakes cyclists and implants themselves into the front of an oncoming HGV. We all know the cyclist is responsible and not the driver for trying a stupid overtake.
Not sure that's universally true. An accident which happened just before I reached that point on my commute, between a cyclist and car, closed the road for 6 hours for investigations to take place. Serious injuries but, thankfully, neither life threatening or changing.
Sounds like an outbreak of common sense
Good to see that New Forest-like idiocy isn't universal!