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Cyclist who hit driver with bike lock sentenced to community service

Also asked to pay £800 for actions judge accepts were ‘entirely out of character’

A cyclist convicted of a road rage attack in which he hit a driver and his car with a heavy bike lock has been ordered to complete 150 hours of community service, reports Get West London. James Bromet, who admitted charges of assault, causing criminal damage and using threatening words to provoke violence at Hammersmith magistrates’ court last week, was also ordered to pay £590 in compensation, a courts charge of £150 and a victim surcharge of £60.

The 51-year-old was cycling on Goldhawk Road when he cycled around and cut up Alfa Romeo driver Robert Jackson as he indicated to turn right. The victim beeped his horn, which prompted Bromet to shout at him and stick up his middle finger.

Bromet then shouted: “I’m going to hit your car” and taking his Kryptonite bike lock, he smashed the bodywork. When Jackson got out, Bromet swung the lock at him too, causing bruising and a cut chin.

Bromet’s actions were seen by a police officer who immediately arrested him. He later apologised for the attack and said he was “mortified” about the assault.

In a police statement read to court, he said: “This car came up behind very aggressively, tooting, obviously taking offence at something, but it didn’t stop, and came up behind us again. It was then that I reacted badly.”

Ben Lansbury, defending, said:

“We cannot gainsay why the driver of the vehicle stopped, but stop he did, and even in his own words he said he ran towards Mr Bromet in order to detain him, which I take to mean restrain him. And at that stage he waved the bike lock about to keep him away – unfortunately there was contact. That went beyond what would be admissible as self-defence at that stage.”

The court also heard that a close friend of Bromet’s had been knocked off his bike at the same roundabout earlier in the year, leaving him in a persistent vegetative state.

District Judge Fiona Barrie accepted that Bromet’s actions were “entirely out of character” but concluded: “This was an aggressive and frightening incident for (Mr Jackson) — notwithstanding any anxiety and fear you held as a cyclist. Whether you were cycling aggressively or not there plainly came a point where you lost your temper when the complainant repeatedly tooted his horn at you.”

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Airzound | 9 years ago

Cyclist hating cops, CPS and judges. They all appeared to have made no allowance of the arse driving the Alfa Romeo who imtimidated the cyclist with his dangerouse and aggressive driving. I mean, even the name of the vehicle is an indicator that an arse is going to be behind the wheel -  A L P H A  R O M E O. Generally I have found drivers of these makes of vehicles to be impatient aggressive arses. The driver used his vehicle as a weapon, the cyclist used his lock in self defence. The cyclist should appeal, only he pleaded guilty. Bummer!

Mark By | 9 years ago

My apologies as I missed out on the assault bit. But the comparison still holds true.

Mark By | 9 years ago

Perhaps he'll be sharing his community service with a killer?

This is not the first recent case where damage to a motor vehicle is put into the same category as killing someone with one.

Using your horn repeatedly is a motoring offence as it is clearly aggressive driving.  Was the driver penalised for doing that?

In this situation, if the cyclists claim's are correct, then they could have tried the alternative: a citizen's arrest.

The other means of justice is the video camera.


multifrag | 9 years ago

Lorry driver got 250 hours for killing cyclist, cyclist gets 150 hours for banging on the car. This is some next level bullshit. I still don't understand how you can go to jail for 20 years by having some marijuana and have community work for killing somebody...

oldstrath | 9 years ago
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I'm  also surprised  the judge didn't  acknowledge that the previous incident  must have been preying  on the cyclist's mind.  Given the pitiful excuses they use to let killer motorists  off, this surely should  have been  enough to let the cyclist off?

mrmo | 9 years ago

any link to the earlier incident? 


Just curious what the outcome for leaving a cyclist in a persistent vegetative state was?

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