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#mycyclingweekend - sunrise, sunset, & broken bike bits

You went out for bright morning rides and dark dusk adventures + potholes & skate parks got involved

For the lucky ones among us choosing when we get to ride is a given. We get to head out onto beautifully quiet Saturday morning roads, or we saunter out on our bikes in the evening to take in a sunset, it only depends on how we're feeling.

Not all of us are so lucky, we have to grasp ride-length windows of time in our weekend by the handlebars. No matter what the weather, what time of day it is, or how we're feeling, we ride, and we try to find the silver linings of a super early morning, or an after dinner burner.

It's not too hard to find those silver linings though. There's plenty to be said for taking in a sunrise from the saddle of your bike, just ask Instagram users Ian Dagnall,  Nigel Schütte, Ian Humphries, and anders68. The photos that these four early birds sent in have us looking guiltily at our 10am Saturday morning alarms.



Early morning fog over Kitakyushu #mycyclingweekend

A photo posted by @iandagnall on




Sun coming up on the way down from Hiraodai #mycyclingweekend

A photo posted by @iandagnall on








Fortunately, fellow Instagram user Sebastian Zdyb made us feel a little better. He's got his #mycyclingweekend ride set up so he doesn't really even have to leave bed to get a workout in.



While we're talking about early #mycyclingweekend starts, it's worth us pointing out that we in fact started our weekend earlier than any of the early risers above. Friday lunchtime's really when the weekend starts, right?

Check out Friday's Ride Out from our Bath headquarters. You can join us next time, just sign up to be a member of Team and you'll be able to join in the fun, free beers, and laughs next time.

- Join Team today



Of course, we're not all morning people. Plenty of us prefer an evening ride. Whether it's for the milder temperatures, the slowly setting sun,  or a phobia of weekend alarms, there's plenty going on in the evening, as we discovered from these fantastic photos from Instagram users zer0sandones, and Twitter user Peter Curno. Beautiful.





There's a third time of day we've explicitly overlook so far, mostly because the views are less dramatic, but daytime rides - if you've got the time - are probably the most predictable when it comes to riding conditions.

Sure, the sky's not as beautiful, and you don't have the inherent fear or excitement of racing the sun home, but there are plenty of ways to make a daytime ride more enjoyable.

Taking your bike for a spin at a skate park is one of them, eh John Grenfell?



The time of day doesn't change the roads though. They're the real calling and they're all the same, pretty much, whether it's bright and early, dark, or just damp and grey like it is so often at this time of year.

Riding up a 20% gradient in  Cumbria is just as rewarding whether it's an early morning or a late afternoon.



Of course, a #mycyclingweekend wouldn't be complete without a couple  of incidents to report. Kurt la Force hit a pothole and ended his #mycyclingweekend a little bumped and bruised. Fortunately his helmet came off worse than he did.



Also, dayleguy on Instagram had a bizarre mudguard malfunction, or should we say explosion?



It's not too late to get involved in the #mycyclingweekend fun. Head on over to Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, upload a photo, pop the #mycyclingweekend hashtag into the caption box, and send away!

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srchar | 8 years ago

That FSA crank arm looks nasty. Hopefully no injuries.

My mate's mech hanger snapped apropos of nothing on our Thursday ride. Cue one heavy Ultegra Di2 mech flying into the spokes of his Zipp 303s.

mortbone | 8 years ago

If we're sharing broken parts my FSA crank fell apart last week.

Not happy. 

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