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LA Mayor injured in cycling accident

Accident likely to fuel safety debate in Los Angeles

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa broke his right elbow in a cycling accident at the weekend.

The Mayor underwent surgery following the accident and is expected to make a full and swift recovery.

The LA Times reports that Los Angeles police said they didn’t know who was driving the taxi, which suddenly pulled in front of the mayor at around 6:50pm on Saturday, causing him to hit his brakes and fall.

The taxi was not at the scene when police arrived. In such an incident a police officer would usually have to witness the accident to issue a citation, so it’s unclear whether there will be any further investigation.

On Sunday afternoon, the Mayor posted a Twitter message: "Last night I broke my elbow in a bicycling accident. Thanks to everyone for the well wishes. It means a lot to me!"

The LA Times says the accident is likely to fuel the cycling safety debate in LA. The LAPD recently decreed that a motorist can be held responsible for causing a bicycle accident even if he or she did not make direct contact with the rider -- and can be arrested for fleeing the scene.

Safety campaigners have been calling for more dedicated bike lanes and increased safety measures, while some drivers accuse cyclists of making dangerous moves that threaten the safety of others.

Lifelong lover of most things cycling-related, from Moulton Mini adventures in the 70s to London bike messengering in the 80s, commuting in the 90s, mountain biking in the noughties and road cycling throughout. Editor of Simpson Magazine ( 

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diego | 14 years ago

interesting how "some drivers accuse cyclists of making dangerous moves that threaten the safety of others"

something like happily riding on a straight road and being hit by a car suddenly U-turning without even taking care of watching for oncoming traffic... (she also had the guts to ask me why I was so upset: "accidents happen after all", then she left without providing me her details, which I had asked for)

obviously, no chance of any satisfaction as there were no witnesses and the driver flew the scene

mad_scot_rider | 14 years ago

If only every cycling accident happened to someone this high profile

As it is poor slobs like me have no chance of any action being taken unless I get a DNA sample and signed confession at the scene

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