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Near Miss of the Day 174: Three close passes in 10 seconds

Our regular feature highlighting close passes caught on camera from around the country – today it’s Croydon

Today's video in our Near Miss of the Day series shows a cyclist being subjected to close passes by three drivers in the space of 10 seconds, with the third and final one particularly bad.

It happened to reader David, who said: "Three in a row through central Croydon. The last one is really close. You can see just how close it is just after he goes past.

"The camera makes it look further away than it was but it's only a few centimetres of space (and at high speed)."

David told us: "Not often I feel they're close enough to endanger me but this guy was centimetres away and going pretty quickly.

"I didn't report it (seems little point) and didn't catch him up again," he added.

> Near Miss of the Day turns 100 - Why do we do the feature and what have we learnt from it?

Over the years has reported on literally hundreds of close passes and near misses involving badly driven vehicles from every corner of the country – so many, in fact, that we’ve decided to turn the phenomenon into a regular feature on the site. One day hopefully we will run out of close passes and near misses to report on, but until that happy day arrives, Near Miss of the Day will keep rolling on.

If you’ve caught on camera a close encounter of the uncomfortable kind with another road user that you’d like to share with the wider cycling community please send it to us at info [at] or send us a message via the Facebook page.

If the video is on YouTube, please send us a link, if not we can add any footage you supply to our YouTube channel as an unlisted video (so it won't show up on searches).

Please also let us know whether you contacted the police and if so what their reaction was, as well as the reaction of the vehicle operator if it was a bus, lorry or van with company markings etc.

> What to do if you capture a near miss or close pass (or worse) on camera while cycling

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welshcyclist | 6 years ago

Hi there,

Call me a wimp, I commute regularly and there is no way I'd use such a road. On such roads you are inviting trouble. Until you have separation from the majority of drivers, why risk it?


Innerlube | 6 years ago
1 like

hmm. So the driving was not ideal, but the road design is truly awful, for bikes.

having done a Croydon commute last year I learned on pretty much day one that this was not a road for cycling. There are alternative routes round if you really want to go north south through the town centre. Can’t believe he stayed on the road through the underpass.

At what point do we begin to question whether people arefishing for close passes to up their YouTube hits??

Yes, car drivers have clear responsibilities. But equally, you are also responsible for the choices you make. One day there will be no cars and all the land will be ours. But meantime you need to do a bit of personal risk assessment.

As fOr the road positioning argument, well, yes. But, smart road positioning would mean avoiding duel carriage ways through tunnels, and putting up with a couple of sets of lights above ground.

iandusud | 6 years ago

I came off on those tram lines a couple of year ago following the directions for cyclists! 

Al__S | 6 years ago

wondered what was up with the bike lane slip visible just before the tram tracks, so looked it up on streetview and really what the hell?

Your choices are:

  1. cross the tracks at an inadvisable angle, like the guy in the video
  2. Come to a halt, cross the tracks at 90°, try and rejoin the speeding (literally) traffic from a position where you're stopped in front of any oncoming trams

It appears that if you've survived that you can take the following bus lane slip to avoid the underpass, but you'll have traffic lights (and buses). Whichever way you go, if straight on you'll end up at a four lane roundabout approach


a1white replied to Al__S | 6 years ago

Al__S wrote:

wondered what was up with the bike lane slip visible just before the tram tracks, so looked it up on streetview and really what the hell?

Your choices are:

  1. cross the tracks at an inadvisable angle, like the guy in the video
  2. Come to a halt, cross the tracks at 90°, try and rejoin the speeding (literally) traffic from a position where you're stopped in front of any oncoming trams

It appears that if you've survived that you can take the following bus lane slip to avoid the underpass, but you'll have traffic lights (and buses). Whichever way you go, if straight on you'll end up at a four lane roundabout approach



Wow, that is ridiculous. look at all that expanse of concrete and carparking on the left of this road. too. Surely they could fit a bike lane amongst all that?

ChrisB200SX | 6 years ago

I found it odd that the drivers travelling fastest were in the inside lane, and not the overtaking lane. Clearly 3 scumbags who are racing to get to work because those extra few seconds are incredibly important.

jaysa | 6 years ago

Oh my goodness, what a horrid place to ride!

Shallow angled tram lines likely to tip you under the wheels of cars, confusing slip exits (can a bike use the bus slips?), busy traffic in narrow lanes ...

Poor you - that must have been scary.

a1white | 6 years ago

punsihment passes for using the underpass and not the bus/tram lane. Needs reporting.

Zebulebu | 6 years ago

I lived in Croydon for 12 years. 12 miserable, soil destroying years. Can confirm that Wellesley Road is indeed an absolute shite of a road to ride on, at any time of day or night. Its not just the traffic, or the fact that Croydonites in the main are truly horrendous people - the road itself is one of those roads that people 'in the know' avoid like the plague

Paul_C | 6 years ago

take the lane... take the lane, make them overtake you properly. That road is no place to be riding in secondary.


Anyway, get a spiky wrist band and slap it down on their roof...

nappe | 6 years ago

Those tram lines look lethal.

vonhelmet | 6 years ago

Ugh. That doesn’t look like a road I’d ever want to cycle down.

kevvjj | 6 years ago

report it here

not treporting it means the tool in the Golf keeps on doing it and eventually someone gets injured

Dresbo replied to kevvjj | 6 years ago
kevvjj wrote:

report it here

not treporting it means the tool in the Golf keeps on doing it and eventually someone gets injured

You're right. I've done that. I'll keep the link for the next time.

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