The Ministry of Defence is investigating a security guard at the oil fuel depot near Faslane who was reportedly filmed threatening a teenage cyclist. The oil depot is run by the Oil and Pipelines Agency, a public corporation of the Ministry of Defence. According to the Helensburgh Advertiser, who broke the story and has seen the full video, the security guard can be heard telling the 18-year-old cyclist, "when I’m out in my car you’re going to come off that f***ing bike."
Alex Sidney told the local news outlet he had been riding in the area on May 7 when he stopped to drink some water on the public road which runs next to the depot. A security guard then approached him and can be heard in the video telling the cyclist to "f**k off" and asking "why you being a c**k? Have you got nothing better to do with your f***ing time?"
Alex is silent throughout the video, while the guard continues to verbally abuse him, saying: "You’re just an arsehole eh? A f***ing waster in life. If I had my way, you wouldn’t be sitting up on that f***ing bike. When I’m out in my car, you’re going to come off that f***ing bike."
In a separate video, also seen by the Advertiser, the guard tells the young cyclist to "give me a pose" and calls him a "f***ing c*** s***er".
Alex explained that the threats did not bother him..."I’m not bothered by the remarks, but my main worry is that they are paid to be professional, and if they are not doing that, and instead are verbally abusing people, then that might not be the right line of work for them.
"I was on a bike ride and pulled into a lay-by for a water break, next to one of the closed gates to the oil fuel depot. The guard came out and started shouting at me. I was always on public land but he seemed to think it was MoD property, despite having asked police later, who confirmed that it was public.
"I was never blocking any entrances or causing any disruption to work or traffic so I don’t see what the issue was. I had just stopped for a few minutes to catch my breath, but evidently this guard was already in a bad place and wanted to take out his frustration on somebody."
An MoD spokesperson confirmed the incident is currently being investigated.