It’s delayed by some 31 days but we finally have a “well-intentioned” New Year resolution from a local who’s decided it’s time to stop being “grumpy” at drivers, dog owners… and of course, cyclists.
“This grumpy old woman plans to be less grumpy in 2025. Is this possible?” asks Jane France, in a column published in the Eastern Daily Press.
Her first object of ire is drivers who park on double yellow lines. “Even traffic wardens do not seem to deter them,” she says. “Cars [sic] also park on the verges in front of houses churning up the grass and on some occasions completely blocking resident's access to and from their property.”
The next naughty bunch on her list is, you guessed it, cyclists. “Another thing that makes me grumpy is the behaviour of some cyclists who often put their safety and that of others at risk.
“Some cyclists wear dark clothing with hoods up and no lights on their bicycle - not even a reflector. Recently I saw a cyclist who only became apparent due to his white socks – that was a real trigger to my grumpiness.
“It amazes me that many cyclists do not appear to think that a red traffic light applies to them. Today I gave way to a cyclist who, in freezing conditions, came down the road wearing headphones and with his hands in his pockets — at least he wasn't texting.”
Next up is dog owners. “It’s amazing just how many people do take their dogs in – Is my grumpiness because they're ignoring the signs, or a little bit of jealousy that they don't appear to care?
“I could go on forever - litter, wheelie bins left on pavements, and e-scooters with their silent motors.”
She ends by saying: “The WI has a long history of campaigning so perhaps instead of being grumpy I should put my energy into positivity and see whether a resolution leading to a campaign for possibly safer conditions for delivery e-bikes, whose riders are required to deliver at speed and do not always have reliable safe bikes that meet legal requirements. Just a thought.”
That would be a good thought, indeed.
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I prefer the gumpy woman to most moaners as at least she said "some cyclists" and not all
Social pressure is not a new thing.
love that first sign - "Table Jump Ahead - woo-hoo!"
The French have such élan - throwing a bunny-hop coming back from the boulangerie on your town bike with the petit-déjeuner!
The culture warriors would insist you can achieve similar results in Croydon - French elan nothing - what abaht British values!
Only it would involve a (hacked) Lime Bike & a take away Nando's.
It looks like they've hit the speedbump so fast, that in the next photo they've flown right over the heads of the horserider and pedestrian. Impressive.