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Video: Lone cyclist stops ‘People’s Convoy’ trucker protest in Washington DC

Cross-country anti-mask and vaccination protest drew inspiration from Freedom Convoy in Canada

One cyclist was all it took to bring the so-called ‘People’s Convoy’ protest by American truckers grinding to a halt in Washington DC yesterday, reports Newsweek.

A video posted to Twitter on Saturday showing the cyclist riding slowly in front of the lead truck went viral on the social network, attracting more than 4 million views at the time of writing.

Posted from the account @ShutDown_DC, which describes itself in its biography as “an organizing space where individuals and groups can come together to organize direct action in the fight for justice,” the tweet said: “Big powerful convoy slowed down by… a single bicyclist.”

It was accompanied by the hashtags, #DCMeansDontCome and #ConvoyGoHome.

A subsequent tweet said: “Shoutout to all the activists who have been tracking and fucking with this silly convoy since they got to the area.”

Comprising hundreds of drivers of trucks and other vehicles, the ‘People’s Convoy’ is said to have been inspired by the ‘Freedom Convoy’ protest in Ottawa last month that brought the Canadian capital to a standstill.

Setting off in February from Adelanto, California, among other things it protests against what a spokesperson quoted in the Washington Post describes as “unscientific and illogical mandates” to wear masks and get vaccinated against COVID-19.

Brian Brase, one of the organisers of the convoy, told the newspaper: “It’s time to remind the government, not just here in the US but across the world, that they work for us.

“This convoy, and these truckers, believe in freedom and your right to do, to think, to act and say what you feel. At this point, it is the civic duty of the American people to stand up.

“Freedom takes sacrifice, and since it’s been lost, it is this convoy that will begin to stand up and take it back.”

While the convoy may have received a warm reception as it travelled through America’s heartland, the reaction in Washington DC has been rather less welcoming, with people in this video shot by Axios reporter Andrew Solender heard telling the truckers to “go home” and “fuck off.”

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Adam Sutton replied to hawkinspeter | 2 years ago
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hawkinspeter wrote:
JustTryingToGetFromAtoB wrote:

Unfortunately, for the vast majority claiming they are stopping murder, they could just given men the snip until such time they can consensually bring a life into the world. No sperm, no conception, no "murder". And reversible... unlike an ectopic pregnancy that some of these fuckwits tried to legislate against. They'll never go for it which is why I call bullshit on these stated beliefs.

Some religions frown on birth control, so that may not be a viable solution.

Personally, I find it extremely distasteful that people try to encode specific religious beliefs into law though maybe that's my atheism talking.

How else do you ensure you have a guaranteed following. Reject birth control, reject abortion and make sex about procreation. In its extreme you end up with a family like the Duggers in the USA of 19 kids and counting fame, who used that fame to influence legislation and tear down the rights designed to protect the LGBTQ+ community. I have come across some Catholics in the UK with a similar mindset. The irony is it is the likes of these who cry the most about cancel culture.

JustTryingToGet... replied to Rich_cb | 2 years ago
Rich_cb wrote:

Once you invoke 'the greater good' you're always in a tricky situation.

There will be many people in the US who argue that an abortion ban is good for society as a whole even if it leads to significant harm for individuals.

The same argument is used in favour of mandatory vaccination.

Your viewpoint on either will depend on how much weight you place on the respective harms and benefits.

The trouble is, as a sweeping assumption, the individuals advocating enforced birth have virtually zero knowledge of biology. It would be funny if it wasn't so horrific that legislators signing in 'six week' legislation have know idea that the six week clock starts a couple of weeks before conception. Of course, zero knowledge us baked in, the same people advocating enforced birth are the same advocating that reproductive health is removed from schools curriculums. And you can't have a sensible conversation about false equivalence regarding abortion/masks/vaxwhen ignorance is baked into the process.

Generally speaking, I find the loudest proponents of freedom are far more vocal on thier own freedom to do something than they are on the freedom of other to be free of the thing they want to do.

On a more cheerful note, who knows the motivations or political leaning of the lone cyclist. But it is amusing.

Rich_cb replied to JustTryingToGetFromAtoB | 2 years ago

I have very little time for most anti-abortionists but, as with all viewpoints, I do try to empathise with their perspective.

If you are devoutly religious, genuinely believe that life begins at conception and that the 5th commandment therefore applies, then I can see why you'd be vehemently opposed to abortion.

I'm not in any way religious but that perspective does at least make sense to me. I don't, however, believe that most anti-abortionists are genuinely that devout.

There is a lot of ignorance in society in general.

Most of those in favour of vaccine passports (in my experience) have no idea that the efficacy of a double vaccination (on infection) is pretty much zero after 6 months.

I'm very much in favour of this cyclists actions, a nice peaceful protest. From that (very short) clip it does appear that the truck drivers were behaving safely which is also good to seen

JustTryingToGet... replied to Rich_cb | 2 years ago
Rich_cb wrote:

I have very little time for most anti-abortionists but, as with all viewpoints, I do try to empathise with their perspective.

If you are devoutly religious, genuinely believe that life begins at conception and that the 5th commandment therefore applies, then I can see why you'd be vehemently opposed to abortion.

I'm not in any way religious but that perspective does at least make sense to me. I don't, however, believe that most anti-abortionists are genuinely that devout.

There is a lot of ignorance in society in general.

Most of those in favour of vaccine passports (in my experience) have no idea that the efficacy of a double vaccination (on infection) is pretty much zero after 6 months.

I'm very much in favour of this cyclists actions, a nice peaceful protest. From that (very short) clip it does appear that the truck drivers were behaving safely which is also good to seen

Likewise, I can have some sympathy with the religious belief but can't reconcile enforcing the religious belief on others to their harm. And let's be clear, birth causes harm.

A good rule of thumb is whether the proponent of enforced birth gives a shit about life once exit occurs from the birth canel. If not, I think we can probably conclude it's a form of control and nothing to do with every sperm being sacred etc etc.

Rich_cb replied to JustTryingToGetFromAtoB | 2 years ago

That is an excellent rule of thumb.

Contrasting politicians' voting records on abortion and early years education is always enlightening.

OldRidgeback replied to cmedred | 2 years ago

The last time I checked the statistics, teenagers were on average 4x as likely to be murdered in the US as in the UK. 

eburtthebike replied to Roulereo | 2 years ago
Roulereo wrote:

The Left can't cope with any opposing opinion, this is just another example. . 

There are no greater hypocrits than those on the Left, who claim to be for free speech and people's rights. 

I can't help wondering what evidence you have that the cyclist is left wing?  If, as I suspect, you don't have any, then your entire diatribe is pointless; but I think everyone has already worked that out.

Oh, and "hypocrites" has a "e" in it.

Roulereo replied to eburtthebike | 2 years ago
1 like

Sure it's an assumption that the Cyclist is Left wing (as he is trying to block a non Left wing protest), but if it smells like it, looks like it, etc....

Condescending has an "e" in it too, how about that?  

Rendel Harris replied to Roulereo | 2 years ago
Roulereo wrote:

Condescending has an "e" in it too, how about that?  

Actually if you look carefully it has two Es.

chrisonabike replied to Rendel Harris | 2 years ago

Maybe the first "e" caused his vision to get a bit fuzzy...

stomec replied to Roulereo | 2 years ago
Roulereo wrote:

Sure it's an assumption that the Cyclist is Left wing (as he is trying to block a non Left wing protest), but if it smells like it, looks like it, etc....

Condescending has an "e" in it too, how about that?  

It is also very possible that the cyclist did not want to see the harassment and noise pollution that blighted Ottowa to overtake a city they lived in.  It is also very possible that the cyclist is a vaccinated truck driver (like the 90% Canadian truck drivers that are vaccinated) who does not want the actions of a vocal minority to draw attention away from the real issues of low pay and safety that really affect them.

jaymack replied to Roulereo | 2 years ago

Nope, hypocrisy is beholden to no political philosophy. It's as warm and comfortable on one side as the other. Still if you can't take comfort from someone standing up for their beliefs in a peaceful and persuasive manner you're no friend of freedom however much you assert to the contrary. There's a word for that, hmmm...whatever could it be?

Roulereo replied to jaymack | 2 years ago

Interesting take, that he is somehow standing up for his freedoms (whatever they are), but clearly he is seeking to deny others theirs. 

I would take comfort in him standing up for his beliefs, if he was, say a vaccinated truck driver in disguise (that was very funny, @stomec albeit unintentional). But he's just an unpaid patsy lining up with the elites, Klaus Schwab and the Big Tech bosses, the cancel culture, the "Hunter Biden's Laptop is a lie" media etc. They're the ones sneering at working class people to "f... off". 

No amount of links to waffling left wing rags will help that argument either. 

Rendel Harris replied to Roulereo | 2 years ago
Roulereo wrote:

Interesting take, that he is somehow standing up for his freedoms (whatever they are), but clearly he is seeking to deny others theirs. 

The truckers are standing up for freedom but anyone who exercises their freedom to disrupt their demonstration for their freedom shouldn't have the freedom to exercise their freedom! 

"You're free to agree with me" seems to be your take on freedom.


jaymack replied to Roulereo | 2 years ago

Left wing links? There were none. You should get down to Specsavers.

stomec replied to Roulereo | 2 years ago
Roulereo wrote:

Interesting take, that he is somehow standing up for his freedoms (whatever they are), but clearly he is seeking to deny others theirs. 

I would take comfort in him standing up for his beliefs, if he was, say a vaccinated truck driver in disguise (that was very funny, @stomec albeit unintentional). But he's just an unpaid patsy lining up with the elites, Klaus Schwab and the Big Tech bosses, the cancel culture, the "Hunter Biden's Laptop is a lie" media etc. They're the ones sneering at working class people to "f... off". 

No amount of links to waffling left wing rags will help that argument either. 

How do you know he was an "unpaid patsy lining up with the elites"?  Is this secret intel from JFK Jnr?

What links to waffling left wing rags are you talking about?



Adam Sutton replied to Roulereo | 2 years ago

On the flipside everyone who disagrees with your world view is an elite on the left yadyadayada, and anyone calling out YouTube researchers advocating driking piss and taking horse dewormer are trying to "cancel" people.

Vaccines work, masks are effective to a degree, social distancing and lockdowns were a blunt tool as we enetered the uknown with hospitals filling and people dying. I was lucky, I didn't lose anyone close to me, I know people who did and I have a family member who makes coffins, lets just say they did a lot of businsess!

It was ironic that at the point goverment were easing restrictions and I was largely going about my life normally, mass protests abounded, pepole gathering in large numbers risking undoing what had been achived. But yes it is people like myself who give a damn about the vulnerable, the immunocompromised who cannot take the vaccine, that are the bad ones. The leftists blah blah blah. 

You haven't got a clue about free speech and rights. Your like don't give a damn about the rights of the vulnerable in society, and protecting them from disease, you lack empathy.

AlsoSomniloquism | 2 years ago

At least we now know one of Previously banned poster Boos / Nigel / Lance new alter egos on this site. 

Weird name - Check.
Intentionally misconstruing a video - check
Stating something to show he is an Alt Right dick - check.


Rich_cb | 2 years ago

Looks like a peaceful protest and a peaceful counter-protest.

Democracy at its best.

AlsoSomniloquism replied to Rich_cb | 2 years ago

Agree on first video, second one I suppose depends on the definition of "peaceful". 

100 Decibels of truck engines and 150 decibels of truck horn multiple times is not that peaceful. 

Rich_cb replied to AlsoSomniloquism | 2 years ago
1 like

I think most protests are noisy, I was obviously referring to the, apparent, lack of violence and/or property damage.

The truck horns would annoy me if I lived nearby but that's very much a price worth paying for the freedom to protest.

Compact Corned Beef replied to Rich_cb | 2 years ago

Weird to think that's now at risk in the UK as it'd be at risk of causing 'serious annoyance' - or similar language - if the new crime bill goes through.

Rich_cb replied to Compact Corned Beef | 2 years ago

The right to peaceful protest should be sacrosanct but I am concerned about protests on railways/motorways etc as the risk to public safety is high and the definition of peaceful protest is therefore stretched IMO.

AlsoSomniloquism replied to Rich_cb | 2 years ago

Most protests are indeed noisy, although not sure if the combined chanting of a crowd (About 90 decibels) is comparable to noises that all health guidances state can cause hearing damages if happening for more then a few mins.

NOtotheEU | 2 years ago
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So a group called ShutDownDC is complaining about the trucker convoy attempting to . . . . . shut down DC?

Am I missing something?

Rendel Harris replied to NOtotheEU | 2 years ago
NOtotheEU wrote:

Am I missing something?

Common sense, basic understanding and about 50 IQ points, I'd reckon. When the good people of the East End demonstrated against Mosley's blackshirts demonstrating there, were they wrong to use a demonstration to stop a demonstration?

NOtotheEU replied to Rendel Harris | 2 years ago
1 like

WOW, you are incredibly rude, having a bad day? 

I'm pretty sure the good people of the East End did not want Fascism, while the truckers and (unless I'm really misunderstanding their name) ShutDownDC both want to, er, shut down DC.

Anyway, I hope your day improves.

Rendel Harris replied to NOtotheEU | 2 years ago
NOtotheEU wrote:

the truckers and (unless I'm really misunderstanding their name) ShutDownDC both want to, er, shut down DC.

My dog has four legs and a tail, my cat has four legs and a tail, therefore my dog is a cat. The police want to close Whitehall for Remembrance Day ceremonies, Insulate Britain want close Whitehall to protest about environmental issues, so hey, they must have basically the same aims? I apologise for my assumption about your IQ, I was being way too generous.

NOtotheEU replied to Rendel Harris | 2 years ago
1 like

I was originally trying to make an amusing comment on the situation and obviously failed miserably to understand the complete lack of a sense of humour in the readers of this website so I apologise sincerely for that.

If you mistakenly thought I was making some sort of political point and decided to troll me then well done. You fooled me and I took it seriously so maybe my IQ isn't as high as I thought. If however you are trying to make a serious point then you are not doing yourself any favours with your analogies, none so far have been in any way comparable to this situation, at least in the way you intended. 

@ShutDownDC say "ShutdownDC uses strategic direct action to advance justice and hold officials accountable. Based on the statements I have read the truckers have similar aims. The politics of both sides may be different but their aims are, on the surface, very similar, which is what my failed attempt at humour was implying.

Fascists and anti-Fascists have very different aims, as do the police and Insulate Britain. Cats and dogs do not protest as far as I know, but they do often dislike each other at the same time as wanting the same things (survival and reproduction) so this was at least a similar situation, although you obviously used it in a completely different context.

If you are trying seriously to show us how superior your 'common sense, basic understanding and I.Q points' are you'll have to try much harder. If you are just trolling me then well done, you got me again!

Please don't forget we are all (I assume) cyclists here and face the same dangers and problems every day so whether you are being serious or just trolling, please try to keep it civil and have a nice day.

Rendel Harris replied to NOtotheEU | 2 years ago
NOtotheEU wrote:

I was originally trying to make an amusing comment on the situation and obviously failed miserably

Spot on.


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