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Spurs and Chelsea fans urged to cycle to ‘world’s first net zero carbon football match’

Spectators at London derby a week on Sunday also encouraged to choose plant-based food options – but initiative hasn’t proven universally popular on social media

Spurs and Chelsea fans attending the London derby between the two clubs on Sunday 19 September are being encouraged to travel to the Tottenham Hotspur stadium by bike or public transport in what is being billed as the world’s first net zero carbon football match – although the initiative has not been greeted with universal approval on social media.

Branded #GameZero, the match comes six weeks ahead of the UK hosting the United Nations COP26 Climate Change Conference in Glasgow and is backed by the government, the FA Premier League, and broadcaster Sky.

It aims to raise awareness of the impact of climate change as well as encouraging fans to make small changes to their daily lives that can help reduce their carbon footprint.

Besides calling on spectators to cycle, walk or take public transport to the ground, they will be encouraged to choose plant-based food options once inside.

Players, meanwhile, will arrive at the stadium on buses powered by biofuel, and during the game will drink water from cartons, rather than plastic bottles.

It’s fair to say there’s been a bit of kickback about the initiative on social media, with the idea of vegan food apparently anathema to many – although one commenter on this BBC Sport thread on Twitter pointed out that Gloucestershire-based Forest Green Rovers FC also came under criticism when it first promoted plant-based food.

Others, like this West Ham fan, queried the wisdom of cycling to a football match in the capital.

Some, like this Twitter users, highlighted how motor racing fans in the Netherlands had reached the Zandvoort circuit last weekend.

And we know that this may come as a shock, but a number of people replying to that BBC Sport tweet clearly hadn’t clicked through to read the article before chipping in their tuppence worth.

Spurs chairman Daniel Levy said: “We are delighted to be the chosen partner of Sky on this ground-breaking initiative that will demonstrate the role our game can play in addressing the urgent issue of climate change.

“As the Premier League's greenest club, Tottenham Hotspur is passionate about our planet – we look forward to showcasing our wide range of sustainable measures that are already in place and encouraging our fans to take simple actions that can make a huge difference.”

Cabinet Office minister and COP26 President-Designate Alok Sharma said: “Climate change affects every aspect of our lives, including the sports that we love to watch and play.

“We can all take steps to help protect the planet for future generations, including in major sporting events.

“That is why I am delighted COP26 is working with Sky, Tottenham Hotspur, Chelsea and the Premier League to show how football is going One Step Greener by hosting the world's first major net-zero football match.”

According to the Getting Here page on the Spurs website, “We encourage spectators to cycle to Tottenham Hotspur Stadium. There is ample cycle parking around the stadium and at the Tottenham Community Sports Centre and St Francis De Sales School, with capacity for 220 bicycles across the two sites” – although with a capacity of 62,850, that only works out at one space for every 285 spectators.

Down the other end of the Seven Sisters Road, meanwhile, besides on-street facilities in the area, Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium also has secure on-site parking for up to 150 bicycles, although it can take a bit of finding (it’s next to the club’s admin block, Highbury House, on Drayton Park).

Spurs also point out that “Cycling equipment such as puncture kits and removable seats will be allowed into the stadium. Helmets (but not those with a full mask attached) will also be permitted” – that puncture repair kit presumably coming in handy last season, when they topped the Premier League in December but ended up finishing seventh.

In his previous job as manager of Wolverhampton Wanderers, Spurs boss Nuno Espirito Santo apparently used to cycle six miles each way without fail to and from the club’s training ground at Compton Park, and the team would often take the train to away games.

While that has had us idly wondering whether he may be a bit of an eco-warrior on the side, we did particularly enjoy this exchange between two fans of his former team.

Hopefully none of the fans cycling to the match a week on Sunday will suffer the fate encountered by an unfortunate Roma fan who emerged from the Stadio Flaminio after a game against Modena in the years after the Second World War and unwittingly found himself playing a key role in the denouement of Vittorio Di Sica’s Oscar-winning neorealist masterpiece, Ladri di Biciclette, better known in English as Bicycle Thieves.

The film follows the journey of Antonio and his young son Bruno as they trudge around Rome, the father desperately trying to recover his bike which has been stolen and which he needs for his new-found job as a bill-poster.

> 18 of the best cycling films

At the climax of the film, out of desperation he himself steals a bike from outside the stadium, just after the match has ended – and rather than employing extras, De Sica had bet on the fact that as the theft was taking place, the bike’s owner would emerge, oblivious to the fact he was walking onto a film set.

That is exactly what happened, with other Roma fans who helped chase down Antonio and even the carabinieri who apprehended him entirely unaware at the time of the contribution they were making to the final scene of what would become a classic of world cinema.

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ktache | 3 years ago

I had my covid jabs at the madjeski, foolishly followed the signs, which of course were meant for car users, no worries for me, would have been awful for any pedestrian, so rode through the massive car park, couldn't find anywhere proper to lock my bike up to but I had my New York chain so locked it to a massive post.

Looked on streetwise to try any find the cycle parking for getting my second, couldn't find it.

But when I did go for it, I took the most direct route to where the jab entrance was and they were really obvious, the carist only testing tent had obscured them the first time.

Quite good, thickish staples well concreted Into concrete below pebbles. Much closer to the stadium than most of the carpark.  Not enough really, but probably enough for the numbers actually needed.

Steve K | 3 years ago

I cycled to Crystal Palace for the first time this season.  You can no longer lock up the bike where I and a handful of others used to (it was just some railings outside some portakabins, but it was pretty secure - but covid changes mean you can't anymore).

On its guide to getting to the ground, the Palace website says "We encourage supporters to cycle to the stadium where possible. Bicycle storage is available for free on request at the Information Centre, which is located by Entrance 9 and open three hours before kick-off."  This sounded like a big step forward.  But the reality didn't quite live up to it...

I got there early and there was one other bike there before mine.  When I picked up the bike after the game, there were about half a dozen.

Sam3 | 3 years ago
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A "net zero" game? With teams funded by offshore money, a lot of it generated from dirty, heavy industries and oil and gas ? Does not add up.

It's unconscionable for the media to willingly pass on this sort of blatant greenwashing.

Philh68 | 3 years ago

Net zero carbon football? Surely there's two nets, wouldn't want that carbon football ending up as a spectator's trophy 😉

mdavidford replied to Philh68 | 3 years ago
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Isn't a carbon football one of these?

Probably quite hard to catch in a net.

Philh68 replied to mdavidford | 3 years ago

Good point. A buckyball would make kickoff a challenge, maybe the nets are unnecessary.

Awavey | 3 years ago

It's a local London derby game why on earth would anyone be driving a car to it in the first place ?

As for the players unless these biofuel buses are doing house to house pickups,I suspect your collection of footballers bling motors will be left at the training grounds instead.

It's the being seen to do stuff rather than actually taking valid action that annoys me about these types of initiatives, when the game has been moved to a Sunday which will limit on public transport availability,and kick off at 16:30 so theyll probably have to use the floodlights, just so they can have it on TV as their net zero game.

OldRidgeback | 3 years ago

Public transport is the best way to get to a football game. If you drive, you have to park miles away. So I go on the bus, which also means I can get a beer. The hills are a bit steep between here and the local stadium and bikes do get nicked round there, though my old clunker would probably be safe.

wycombewheeler replied to OldRidgeback | 3 years ago
OldRidgeback wrote:

Public transport is the best way to get to a football game. If you drive, you have to park miles away. So I go on the bus, which also means I can get a beer. The hills are a bit steep between here and the local stadium and bikes do get nicked round there, though my old clunker would probably be safe.

When I go to Chelsea, I do indeed have to park between 1 and 2 miles away. It's quicker to get to the game by train/tube. BUT its far quicker to get home afterwards by car, as it takes up to half an hour to get into the tube station, and for midweek games finishing at 10pm (or later if there is extra time) getting home quicker is most important.

For a weekend game public transport all the way, due to parking restrictions.

FrankH | 3 years ago
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It's going to be epic watching the hordes of cyclists up and down the A1 when they play Newcastle.

Steve K replied to FrankH | 3 years ago
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Five years ago today I set off from South London by bike to watch Palace play at Middlesbrough.

Rich_cb replied to Steve K | 3 years ago

Have you got there yet?

mdavidford replied to Steve K | 3 years ago

Don't worry - I don't imagine you've missed much.

Steve K replied to mdavidford | 3 years ago
mdavidford wrote:

Don't worry - I don't imagine you've missed much.

It was actually quite a good game.  Palace won 2-1.

brooksby | 3 years ago

... although with a capacity of 62,850, that only works out at one space for every 285 spectators.

I thought you weren't allowed to carry 285 people on a bike unless it had been specifically modified for the purpose... 

BaselGooner | 3 years ago

Needs A) Culture Shift B) Infrastructure to safely get there and C) Secure Parking.. I go to games here in Switzerland & Germany - would estimate 70-80% travel by bike/Public Transport - will see around 3-4000 bikes. In Germany the price of the Match Ticket INCLUDES local transport travel. Bike lanes to and from grounds are safe and people use bikes for every day activity so of course they go tot he match on a bike.. don't need secure parking as main issue is trying to find your own bike after the game!

Steve K replied to BaselGooner | 3 years ago

Agreed.  If people don't generally see cycling as their main way from getting from A to B, they are unlikely to decide that it is specifically for going to football.  In that sense, your C is probaly the least important of the three.

Steve K | 3 years ago

As it happens, I cycled to the first ever game at the new Spurs stadium.  I tried to park at the school mentioned, but went to the wrong entrance and the steward there had no idea.  So I parked in the car park of the Sainsbury's next to the ground.  But having cycled to football grounds all round the country, I reckon a well locked up bike is pretty safe, mainly because of the number of police around - they're not likely to take kindly to someone with an angle grinder.  Here's a pic of my bike at Spurs's old ground as an example.


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