Every morning I disappear sometime between 7-7.30, I live 4 miles from work, I could feasibly leave at 8.45 and arrive on time but I want to get an hour or more on the bike before I get to the office. On Saturdays I disappear for half the day... it's accepted. My kids are used to seeing me dressed in my lycra, sloping off down the shed to get my bike. Despite all this, they still ask: “Where's daddy going?”... I don't want it to be the only thing they remember about early childhood.
I like racing. But this year I'm not (at the moment) planning on pinning on a number. Last year I was going well early season, scored a point (whoop!), got ill, tried to power through, coughed up blood at a crit, had a long time off the bike during the best of the summer, got depressed about being off the bike, got depressed about losing form, never regained it, moped around a lot. 2013 didn't go well.
What's changed?
I like riding my bike. Just riding... not unlike VecchioJo's recent blog. Targeted sessions, structured training, specific work to improve weaknesses? I've learned over the last few years that they're not my thing. I'm not a big fan of the dreaded turbo either... I've always been doomed to fail.
Partly my avoidance of structure is down to not knowing how to improve the areas in which I am weak. I've got mates that do the structured sessions; they're focussed; they investigate and plan well, it shows in their results. They've got jobs, they've got kids, they've got commitments like I have; whatever they do to fit it all in is admirable (see my mate Owen's handy blog about such matters).
Then there's the time spent scouring the British Cycling website for races, entering, hoping you get a start, not planning anything for those weekends, declining social invitations just in case. Then when you get a start, it's generally a whole day taken out of the weekend. Daddy's disappeared again.
I've been putting off writing this blog for a few months, mainly because it feels like a failure to admit that I'm not going to be racing. There's been more than one thing that's contributed to this decision, but this is how I felt last year:
If I was getting enough time on the bike, I was feeling guilty about not spending enough time with the kids... If I felt I was spending some quality time with the kids, I was worrying about all the work that my friends/rival racers were putting in while I was building towers out of Lego.
It's not concrete that I won't race this year, if there's a feeling like I could do something useful in a race, then I'll consider it. As it is, the Category 4 (and 3 / 4) events in Scotland are generally oversubscribed so someone who's really dedicated to it should get a start, not me.
Looking forward
Despite how this blog reads, I'm feeling pretty confident and happy about cycling this year. It feels like a pressure has been lifted and I can do what I want without worrying about whether I'm riding enough or if I'm spending too much time with the kids. Racing is something I will come back to when the children are older (who knows, it might be next year) and they're more interested in knocking about with their mates than their dad, but at the moment, they're the priority.
Bloody hell... this must be how David Millar felt when announcing his retirement! (Now how do I make that read as a joke, without using a
For 2014, I will mostly be just enjoying riding my bike...
...and playing with Lego.
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It's a tough one. My kids are 1 and 4, so I want to spend as much time with them as possible (as my wife wants me to too!).
My solution has been mentioned already which is more or less the only one available to me - a decent light (Exposure Toro in my case) and the rather underrated experience of night time training, all on rural backroads, after kids' bedtime.
Here, here. There is something very special about night riding. I'm very lucky in that I'm surrounded by quiet rural back roads with very little light pollution. There is something mesmerising about cycling in that tiny bubble of light with total isolation from every other distraction. It's about you, the bike and the next few seconds; requiring total concentration. Maybe I just need better lights?
As a bonus in this total darkness a car can be seen coming from miles away so no (less) nasty surprises around the next bend. Just watch out for the rabbits!
I'm not one for racing, but I do appreciate the sentiment of this post in terms of finding the balance between time on the bike and time with family.
Much like firmo123, I'm an advocate of the very early morning rides, as I can often get a couple of hours in before the wife and boy are out of bed, with the added bonus of little-to-no traffic about.
I commute to work as well, so can occasionally squeeze a lunchtime ride in or take the long way home, without then feeling guilty about neglecting the family!
I also really appreciate the balance between kids and rides. I was unfortunate to split up with my partner a few years ago which was horrible not seeing my little girl everyday, but I filled the time with rides when not seeing her. A harsh silver lining.
Nice post. At the end of the day it's supposed to be fun isn't it? Bikes are toys for us MAMILs, despite all the crap we surround them with. Something tells me you'll have more fun on your bike this year than you did in 2013. I certainly hope so anyway.
It's a tricky balance. But remember, there is that wonderful time when the roads are empty and the kids are still tucked up in their beds. You just need to set your alarm. Then when you return, they say 'Daddy, where have you been?'. I find that works much better for me. Good luck in 2014.
I fully respect this post.
I keep thinking about getting into racing, pushing myself to train hard enough to do it this year, I just think I am not ready fitness or ability wise. So it will be a year for me of getting faster and enjoying riding my bike on Sportives and leisurely.
I don't have the luxury of such a short commute, 4 days a week I get out around 0600 to get to the station and onward to London. My favourite comment recently from my 6 year old - 'Daddy, I like your bike onesie'.
Spending more time with the kids will be fun, and the roads are open after they've gone to bed so a decent light and you're set for evening training rides!
I prefer to go out early, usually get out of the house at 6 one or two days a week in summer if I can and get a couple of hours riding before work.
Find it really hard to get evening rides done unless I leave straight from work. Evening chain gangs in summer are easy to slot in using this method.