Youth grasstrack races Peterborough
Grasstrack racing under the British Cycling Go ride format means riders will get at least two races. Entries are on the night and are just £4 per rider. Sign on from 6.00 pm with races to start at 6.30. Full changing facilities and refreshments will be available. Races are freewheel, and if there is sufficient interest happy to add fixed wheel events, so please get in touch if interested. Suitable for riders of all abilities, including novices, upto under 16 age group.
Not sure how people react to bells in Australia, but here it can get you comments such as "Don't ring your ******* bell at me!!!"
I wasn't a bike geek or "serious" rider then (not now...) - my ride was a non-suspended 26" wheel "mountain bike" with V-brakes and piano key...
And, bonus, you can get rid of feed zones - just make them carry all their supplies in the basket.
Indistinguishable? I overtook a legal e-bike last week. I am a member of the public and I managed to distinguish it from an illegal e-motorbike...
Reminds me of a similar thing in an area of London, where residents were fed up with their areas being blighted by drug dealing and prostitution....
I tried to make a thread announcing a league code for Velogames, but it seems to have been banished to the aether. The code is 620099424
Speed has nothing to do with it...
I agree! I'd keep the ban and remove powermeters as well, personally, though I'd keep radios for safety reasons.
not always if the card processing system glitches or the authentication keys arent accepted for whatever reason, or the system thinks its a fraud...
It looks great. My pockets probably aren't deep enough sadly.