Date: May 8th 2016
County: Hertfordshire
Event name: Hertfordshire 100/50/25
Start Venue: Stanborough Park, Welwyn Garden City, Herts AL8 6DQ
Start time: 25/50 mile 8.00 – 9.00am; 100 mile 7.00 – 8.00am
Distance: 25/50/100 miles
Advanced entry fee: see Bike Events website
Official Charity: Willow Foundation
Extra info: Come and join us on the third year of this bike ride, cycling through pretty villages and lush Spring countryside in Hertfordshire. Offering a choice of 25, 60 and 100 mile routes through a landscape of beautiful half-timbered cottages and colourful marketplaces, it’s a great way to enjoy cycling in the Spring. For more details and to sign up online, visit: /
Also, the bike people bought then was sold to them as the N+1 killer - marketing has been all around how a gravel bike is the one bike you need. So...
Also, the Bristol247 article:
Is the flat battery still in place, or is it left at home to charge? And does that matter?...
I don't recommend watching the video (!). ...
I generally get a response saying that action will be taken in 90% of cases I submit (I do only submit ones that I believe are absolute certanties)...
If you can't hear me call out a cheery (loud) "excuse me" as I approach them you're not going to hear the pathetic "ting" from a tiny bell....
I got mine FOC with a Galibier gilet, just as versatile as a Buff.
From the outside the US appears to be a Christian fundamentalist country, with the same prudish outlook as other religious fundamentalist countries.
You can't park there, mate!
It's bullshit, a token effort akin to sportswashing....