With a course running out east from it's Reigate start, this is a treat of a ride, flowing from the North Downs out towards Kent Weald around Sevenoaks and Hever Castle.
It's a nicely paced and balanced route, which eases you into your day with it's early miles providing a perfect leg stretcher, before delivering you into a deceptively hilly mid section that set's the biggest of the day's challenges. From there, it's a long and fast run to the finish back through the heart of some truly stunning countryside.
Wrong again....
In fact there are twenty-six examples on that list to which I provided a link, but as ever, don't let the facts get in the way of what you imagine...
That's nearly as bad as 'wall crashed into car'.
You obviously don't understand the distinction between the language and the message; the message can be debated ad infinitum and its positive and...
I'd wager that any woman who describes someone as '..piece of s**t,” ' has left out the bit between her unfuly dogs getting in the way and her...
A 7" spike to replace the steering wheel airbag, perhaps?
I think you need to flip the page in your Roget. The one you're on doesn't seem to fill you with Joie de vivre. Think grey and all you'll get is...
Bit reminiscent of the MTB world Jones bar. About the same price, too!
Well I was inspired by this discussion to try a 20 minute FTP test on Zwift yesterday and found to my surprise that according to it I'm not the 195...
But wouldn't you basically get the same information just by comparing the times it took you to ride it?