Thames Head Challenge
a unique Team Relay Sportive
You will see the River Thames from end to end - and help African children get to school by bike!
This is a unique take on the popular Sportive format for regular distance bike riders. The 140 mile Team Relay cycling challenge event is for Teams of 2 or 3 riders, who will take turns to ride 6 stages of nearly equal distance on public roads.
Each Team member rides their chosen stages of the route, while a Team mate drives to the next stage point in what will be the riders' personal support vehicle.
The ride begins at Putney Bridge, tracing the course of the river through the Thames Valley and ending near its source known as the Thames Head, in the Cotswolds.
The purpose of this Charity Bike Ride is to raise funds for Bikes4Africa - and specifically, to deliver our first shipment of bicycles to schools in Sierra Leone later this year.
Yes, that should obviously be impossible -- but making it so would have little effect. The main occupation of cops in most areas of this country...
I don't personally agree with the protesters, but they are not idiots. They are not convinced by the arguments for an LTN, but those arguments are...
Just got back from my local recycle and reuse place to buy a bike for my granddaugher, £5 it cost Me, they have lots of bikes. The palce does well,...
I thought if things got that bad the rear cassette could crack open a bottle!
It is nonsense. I live in NL now. I bike and drive here. Some are large, some are not. Some are bad, some good. Generally though, if you can't see,...
Most of those people aren't cycling as sport, though, which is the relevant outcome for BC's purposes....
Not sure how that snuck in! Now changed :)
Can Death by Dangerous Driving be upgraded to just 'Manslaughter' as well please? Oh wait, Tory speaking against the car-lobby... never ever gonna...
Interesting review - especially around the dials. ...
Will be debated on 31 March