Ride for Life is an exciting new cycling challenge giving you the opportunity to cycle across East Anglia.
Whether you're a regular cyclist or new to the sport, looking to participate as part of a group or solo - this is the perfect challenge for you!
Package 1
3 day challenge covering approx. 200 miles
Includes: Dinner, bed & breakfast and luggage transfers
Registration fee - £200
Minimum sponsorship - £300
You will be in the saddle for approx. 7-8 hours per day.
Package 2
1 day challenge covering approx. 65 miles
Choose to join us on either day 1, 2 or 3
Registration fee - £50
Minimum sponsorship - £150
All cyclists will benefit from
A fully signed and supported route
First aid assistance
A back-up vehicle for the full journey
Kit list and training information
Daily route information cards
Mechanical support
Refreshments and lunches along the route
Fundraising help and support.
Transport is available to take cyclists (including bicycle) back to the start location each day at an extra cost of £10 per person. This must be booked in advance.
I wholeheartedly agree. I have cycled in many countries and find the Spanish to be the most considerate to cyclists of anywhere I have been.
The bike industry would do well to observe the changes within the automotive sector. Legacy brands are struggling to compete. ...
Indeed, it's a choice of Made in China vs "Designed/Engineered/Built" in England, which we all know means the same thing....
I live near and cycle past a few private schools in Highgate (North London). When they break up it's like 'reclaim the streets'; it's possible to...
We'll see. Positive action taken on every report I've made so far, but my guess is it's just warning letters so far for the zig zag line offence.
Yes, I've got a blind dog. That's the ONLY reason that I own a massive wankpanzer.
He also can't seem to make up his mind as to whether he's the Managing Director or the "CEO".
I guess what is disturbing is that the average price of tires are getting far out of the realm of reasonable. Even with these 7 tires the average...
Love my Lights and Motion lights. But it's not 2010 anymore. Many Chinese lights are better for half the money, without safety issues. Keep in...
Enjoyed the humour in your write up. Stunning paint job too. Loved the glasses will provide" "a better view in the peloton." Cheers!