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Where are they now? The best, worst and wackiest cycling crowdfunders and what happened to them

Since about the early 2010s, Kickstarter and Indiegogo have provided some bike brands with ideal platforms to launch a product. For others it didn't go so well...

Despite plenty of well-publicised horror stories, every year lots of us cyclists will happen across something cool on a crowdfunding platform like Kickstarter or Indiegogo, put down some cash and then expect the finished product to arrive a few months later when the successfully-funded project has gone into full production.

Not to burst anyone's bubble, but... it doesn't always turn out that way, which is why I find myself, five years on, still waiting for a clever cafetiere with a thermometer, timer and coffee grind depository at the bottom for easier clean-up.

This particular crowdfunder was actually too successful, with the small team behind the product unable to fulfil the huge number of orders after securing over $1 million in crowdfunding, and later being named the 'Fyre Festival of French Presses'

funding unsuccessful kickstarter

Having only chucked £35 or so towards the eventual downfall of the Rite Press, it's not something I felt bitter about for long when it became apparent I was never going to receive it. I've never actually backed a cycling product personally, but a quick Google of 'cycling indicator crowdfunder' (or any other product category that appears on our round-up of where cycling products go to die) and you'll find crowdfunding platforms are littered with unsuccessful projects for low value cycling-related items.

You might see some fairly angry comments from disappointed backers, but usually no one gets burned too bad here. If the crowdfunding hopeful can't bring the project to life for whatever reason and isn't in the financial position to refund backers, they have failed to fulfil the agreement entered into; but for pretty much any backer who isn't a particularly resentful millionaire, the cost of bringing legal action will be far too time-consuming and expensive. 

As you'll read below, the consequences can be far worse when hundreds of backers have splashed out on what they think is going to be an expensive bit of cycling tech, or even their next new bike. Crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter state in their terms of use that they are just providing the shop window, and don't get involved in disputes between creators and backers; so it's worth giving these a good read and doing some research on the creator you are backing if you're putting down a considerable amount of money. Especially during these times when the global supply chain is still recovering from the pandemic and shipping and manufacturing costs are high, there's always a chance you might not get the thing you think you've paid for at all. 

Having said all that... it's not all doom and gloom of course! Some hugely successful companies both in the world of cycling and beyond began life on crowdfunding platforms, such as the Swytch e-bike kit (that you'll read more about below) as an example of the former and the Oculus virtual reality headset as an example of the latter. Each crowdfunder mentioned in this listicle has been given a verdict on whether we think it has been successful or not. Some of these verdicts were much more straightforward to arrive at than others... 


Tailfin Carbon Rack - top.jpg

We'll start on a high with the innovative Bristol-based bikepacking luggage specialists Tailfin. We'd never really seen pannier racks this light or luxurious before Tailfin came along, and judging by the comments under our first article on its carbon rack and pannier, some predicted the reason was that there simply wasn't a market for such products. 

The rise of ultra-distance cycling events and bikepacking put paid to the naysayers, though, as Tailfin's first Kickstarter smashed its target in four days back in 2016. The demand for super strong and light luggage racks and packs - and what people are prepared to pay for them - has clearly gone up in recent years, with subsequent Tailfin products receiving rave reviews on and elsewhere.


A post shared by Tailfin (@tailfincycling)

As its regular product launches and popular Instagram page suggests, there are no signs of the demand for Tailfin's products slowing down, and the brand no longer appears to need crowdfunding investment to bring new innovations to life. 

Verdict: Hit  

Brim Brothers

brim brothers 2.jpg

From one of the best examples of a crowdfunding success story in the bike industry, to one of its most notorious failures. Dublin-based Brim Brothers hit Kickstarter in early 2016, having tried and failed to bring its wearable Zone DPMX power meter to the market for several years already. The cleverly designed gadget clipped onto your cycling shoes and measured power from the cleat, with hopeful cyclists backing the project to the tune of €175,443 collectively. 

Unfortunately the struggle to manufacture the product continued even after the cash injection, and in October 2016 Brim Brothers was forced to inform all backers in a statement that it had ceased operations, and the power meter would not be delivered. 

More than five years have passed since Brim Brothers' grim news; and after we contacted him recently, former CEO Barry Redmond, who has since founded sports and wearables consultancy company BR Sensors & Systems, was kind enough to provide us with a comment about what happened. 

Barry told "While our Kickstarter project was a success from a fundraising point of view it was ultimately a disaster for everyone. There is nothing to celebrate.

"The support of all our backers meant a huge amount to us at the time but we did not deliver our part of the bargain. When everything came crashing down at the end of 2016 we let down our families, our investors, and our Kickstarter supporters. It took me a while to learn to live with that.

"You learn most when things go wrong so if there's any positive at all from the experience it's the lessons learnt. Primarily, be very very careful with crowdfunding a product that doesn't quite exist yet - both as a fundraiser and as a funder. It's in the nature of people to be optimistic about something new and exciting - that's how new things are created - but the trick is to balance optimism and imagination with reality."

Verdict: Miss

Knog Oi Bell

Knog Oi Classic Bell.jpg

Knog's wildly successful 2016 crowdfunding campaign for the Oi differed to most plucky start-ups, as the Australian brand founded in 2002 was already pretty well established for its lights and locks. As we said at the time, this was a reinvention of a product that hadn't really changed since it was invented in the 1870s, with the slim design wrapping discreetly around the handlebar. 

It was a neat concept, receiving a largely positive review initially... but then the complaints came in, mostly about the volume (or lack of it) and the spring mechanism breaking off, the latter of which I fell victim to myself. 

Knog Oi Luxe Bell

Knog went away and introduced a nicer-looking, louder and more refined version, the Knog Oi Luxe, which got better feedback overall. The Classic and Luxe bells continue to be sold on Knog's website alongside its other products, most of which are instantly recognisable and successful. 

​Verdict: Eventually a hit 

Nothirst Upright cycling water bottle

Nothirst upright water bottle 1

Nothirst promised to make the slight awkwardness - and claimed 35% drag penalty - when angling a standard bidon to your lips a thing of the past for around £13 with the Upright bottle, which allowed thirsty cyclists to drink from an angled bottleneck that just needs to be squeezed from an upright position to hydrate. As well as the wild purported aero benefits, Nothirst also said the Upright allowed you to keep your eyes on the road ahead more easily, was more comfortable to drink from and would be less likely to roll away if you dropped it, apparently. 

In all honesty, reaction to our news article on the Upright was rather scathing, highlighting the fact that angled bottles have been done before and there are numerous wind-cheating hydration solutions out there already such as aero-shaped bottles and between-the-arms hydration systems with straws. 

Unfortunately for the Upright's creator, the promise of aerodynamic sipping didn't quite chime with enough watt-seeking cyclists, and the crowdfunding closed with 163 backers and less than 30% of the financial target reached. There hasn't been any updates to the Kickstarter page since May of 2022, nor Nothirst's website, so we can only assume there was no thirst to bring the Nothirst into full production without the financial backing required. 

Verdict: Bottled it

STYX power meter

styx 2.jpg

Another innovative power meter that never saw the light of day, and this one was actually fully embedded into the cleat. We were so intrigued that on route to another press launch in the summer of 2017, I actually stopped off to meet with the inventors and have a look at the prototype, writing the story up here. The picture above was taken in an airport cafe as we chatted over some extremely expensive coffees and pastries. 

The impressive PhDs from tech start-up Magnes AG, who worked together at ETH Zurich's Multi-Scale Robotics Lab, explained how the power meter would be incredibly accurate by measuring real force rather than using its own parameter and measuring via a strain gauge. For €610 backers could secure a unit with delivery expected for late 2019... but unfortunately that coffee and pastry was the only thing any cyclist got out of Magnes, as the crowdfunding failed to reach the target and the product never materialised.

We did manage to get in touch with Magnes' Co-Founder, who told us the technology is now being used in hospitals for patient rehabilitation and care. 

Olgac Ergeneman said: "Our crowdfunding campaign was not successful.

"In the next months we shifted our focus to rehabilitation (e.g. to use our technology in pedals for ergometers). We had devices installed at clinics and patients performed exercises with them. We used the input from pedals to gamify the training session, which was a great success to motivate patients.

"Later on we integrated our technology in shoes to analyse the gait of patients. This is our main focus today. We just got the CE marking as a medical device and our shoes are used in hospitals in Switzerland to assess geriatric and neurological patients. We plan to roll out to other European countries now.

"Overall, we could not make it for cyclists but we found another pathway for the company." 

Verdict: Miss (with a happy ending)


Lumo Herne Hill Harrington Jacket - lit up.jpg

As mentioned already, you'll find plenty of cycling products with smart safety tech on Kickstarter that never saw the light of day... but the nifty LED lights on Lumo's smart Herne Hill Harrington jacket and waxed canvas backpack changed all that, raising almost £75,000 back in late 2014 and going into production shortly afterwards. 

The Herne Hill got a good review on, receiving praise for the bright LEDs and comfort of the jacket itself, but less for the £250 price tag. Lumo went to Kickstarter again in 2016 for a new range, and as far as we know the products were delivered after a successful crowdfunder... but the Lumo website no longer exists, and a message on its Instagram page from 2019 says it was acquired by Lumos Helmet. The Lumos website doesn't stock Harringtons or bags with LEDs on, so we can only assume the products are no longer being manufactured. 

Verdict: Hit... then a miss

Swytch e-bike conversion kit

swytch kit 2022

Another crowdfunding success story, the original Swytch e-bike conversion kit was successfully crowdfunded on Indiegogo and received a positive review from our sister site eBikeTips back in 2018. The simple system features a battery pack that sits on your handlebars, a cadence sensor on the crank and a motor built into a wheel to fit your bike. 

Since then the tech has improved and the size reduced dramatically, with versions 2.0 and the latest third iteration both receiving pretty positive reviews on our sister site eBikeTips.  

In late 2021, CEO Oliver Montague told us: "Since crowdfunding, the company has delivered over 30,000 Swytch Kits to 74 countries across the world. 

"Swytch runs a pre-order every month where you can secure 50% off the kit’s RRP but make sure to register on the website as they sell out every month. They are now up to 5,000 units production capacity every 2 months and still selling out!  

"Swytch sold 17,000 kits in 2020, 10,000 of these were to the UK and they have estimated that they have almost tripled the size of the market single-handedly, and captured more than 60% of the UK eBike kit market."

Verdict: Hit

HindSight smart sunglasses

2023 HindSight rear view sunglasses

Raising over £100,000 on Kickstarter, the HindSight team includes former Olympic team sprint champion Callum Skinner and promised a product that would “enhance situational awareness” on the road and “will challenge the very way people cycle” at launch last year. 

The idea was that the £200 Hindsight Edge shades would make looking behind you a thing of the past, with angled lenses so you can see what's going on at the rear... our reviewer thought otherwise, saying that the HindSight glasses are "a good concept, but a long way off being a viable alternative to a good old shoulder check." Looking at the comments on the original HindSight Kickstarter page, a few customers who have received their rewards don't have many nice things to say either. 

It could have been another cycling crowdfunder consigned to the scrapheap, but all credit must go to the folks at Hindsight for presumably taking the feedback on board and revamping its product, announcing the launch of the Artemis and Morpheus shades in early 2023. A sleeker design, new materials, improved hinges and better optics and ergonomics promise a much better experience than the first Hindsight shades, and a pair is with a reviewer right now. Will this product that we originally deemed a crowdfunding miss become a cycling sleeper hit? We're intrigued!

Verdict: Original a miss, but we've been promised greatness from V2. 

Superstrata Bike 

2021 Superstrata reality

The "​world's first 3D-printed custom unibody carbon fibre composite bike and e-bike" was one of the most successful Indiegogo campaigns of all time, raising over £5 million in 2020... but as we reported back in March last year and as you'll see on the photo above, the finished product backers were receiving wasn't quite what was promised... and those were the lucky ones from what we can gather, as the thousands of comments on the Superstrata Indiegogo page suggest that many who have paid thousands for a bike haven't received anything yet. Superstrata has recently claimed 96% of backers have received orders. 

Others have questioned the design, and Superstrata was forced to make numerous changes to improve the strength and ridebility of the chunky, seat tube-less frame. Even with its latest tweaks the bike has received a number of poor reviews, and looking at recent comments on the Indiegogo page, the components backers end up getting on their bikes appears to be something of a lottery. 

There are also numerous recent comments accusing Superstrata of charging exorbitant shipping fees. We've contacted Superstrata for comment, but for now we'll leave its response to a recent query from a backer who claims to have paid $779 just in shipping costs: "...unlike other manufacturers, we complete each order one by one. While we do our best to bundle orders in pursuit of lower freight cost discounts, our shipments don’t come anywhere close to the thousands of units bundled by mass manufacturers who import bikes in large batches. As you opted for the Sea shipping, your bike should arrive by end of March or early April."

Verdict: Missing seat tube, missing bikes... and the ones that have been delivered aren't exactly super



Despite many of the comments under our review of the Zero aero wheel reflectors invariably telling you where to buy far cheaper reflective stickers on eBay, Flectr products have always been successful every time they land on Kickstarter, and our reviewer couldn't deny that the product was a functional and "effective alternative to spoke reflectors and particularly useful for tagalongs/trailers." 

Flectr now sells various types of reflectors for your wheels, cranks and spokes, and most recently took to Kickstarter again to launch its Flectr Zero Blade. That was in March 2022 and Flectr has been quiet on social media since, but all products are still available to purchase on its website

Verdict: A surprise hit

iQ2 pedal-based power meter 

IQ2 power meter in place

The "most crowdfunded cycling power meter campaign ever" appears to have had zero success in actually delivering products to backers, after showing a lot of promise when it was offering single-sided and double-sided power meters for a pledge of just £131 and £219 respectively back in 2018. 

There are a grand total of 2,990 comments on the Kickstarter page and 1,207 on the Indiegogo page at the time of writing, some accusing founders of abandoning the project and speculating on their whereabouts, some threatening legal action and many even more vitriolic than this. 

iQ2 didn't respond to our requests for comment when we first published this article... but then out of nowhere in November 2022, the founder took to Kickstarter and Indiegogo to say production had finally started. 

At the bottom of the most recent update dated 16th March 2023, Erwin Bouwense of iQ2 says: "We will continue with monthly updates moving forward but expect to send out additional updates from China over the next couple of weeks.

"In summary, this has been an exceptionally long journey for both you and the iQsquare team and a very rough one at that. The live updates from our pilot run in China will show that we are personally committed to seeing this pedal priced power meter product through and units delivered to every web pre-sales and crowd platform backer."

Verdict: Miss(ing)... but there is hope!

iTrakit GPS bike tracker

After receiving a few emails urging us to investigate, published an article detailing backers' frustrations after they were left waiting for the iTrakit bike security system more than two years after backing the project on Indiegogo. 

A slightly messy situation emerged, which involved Condor Cycles strongly denying any involvement in the project after originally being cited as a partner on the iTrakit website. iTrakit told us last year that "a combination of critical technical issues with our main chip supplier from the beginning of 2020, the pandemic and a reduced team" severely affected the companies' ability to deliver the product on time, and iTrakit is still working on getting the product to market and fulfilling all backers' pledges. 

When we first published this article, iTrakit was still promising delivery of the product eventually after further testing had taken place, saying: "We remain committed to getting iTrakit 2.0 to market and we will keep you posted in early January as to how thing progress over the next month."

Unfortunately, it appears that is no longer the case, because the campaign is now closed. Of the hundreds of (mostly unkind) comments left on the Indiegogo page, some backers are rather angry and demanding refunds. 

Verdict: iTrash*t

Loffi Glove 

Loffi Adult 2.0 gloves - back.jpg

Loffi hit Kickstarter with the first version of its smiley cycling gloves in 2018, surpassing the £5k crowdfunding goal in 36 hours and eventually raising just shy of £30k. Aiming to "make journeys more enjoyable... in the hope of shifting our road culture towards positivity, rather than anger," the first two iterations of the Glove received positive reviews on and elsewhere, with the decent technical features showing Loffi is "more than just a pretty face" as the brand says so itself. 

Having launched the third version of its smiley Glove last year, Loffi is continuing to flourish with founder Jack Hudspith telling us: "Since the Kickstarter about three years ago, the company has grown fivefold with no outside investments. We are now a very small team and are happy with our slow and steady strategy - it does win the race after all!

"We will send out roughly 7,000 pairs this year and have shipped to over 54 countries to date. I am over the moon that positivity seems to transcend language barriers, and pleased that there are tens of thousands of riders out there who want to spread joy.

"In terms of how Loffi has progressed, if I am being totally honest, we still spend the majority of our time on design and manufacture. We make our gloves in the same factories and with the same materials as the most famous cycling brands out there, but I am constantly astonished at how difficult it is to make high quality clothing at scale."

Verdict: Hit


SpeedX Leopard Pro - riding 1.jpg

We'll leave you with the big daddy of all horrendous crowdfunding fails...

The Chinese startup behind SpeedX had a hugely successful crowdfunding campaign, raising almost $10 million for its original Leopard 'smart' road bike with an integrated computer. Once again, the overwhelming success proved to be part of SpeedX's downfall, as the company had to figure out how to ship bikes to thousands who were promised a cutting edge product head and shoulders above the rest. 

What was delivered fell way short of the mark, so SpeedX went to Kickstarter again and raised hundreds of thousands more for a new model, the Unicorn. As the name suggests, the mythical bike never materialised and countless people worldwide lost every single penny. As SpeedX went bust, owners of the underwhelming Leopard were left with a dud; a smart bike that was no longer smart, because the app no longer supported it. 

The full story involving a wildly ambitious young entrepreneur, the Chinese secret police and hundreds of thousands of blue bikes dumped on construction sites was documented in this Herculean feature by Iain Treloar of Cycling Tips. If you were highly sceptical about purchasing your next bike through a crowdfunding platform already, SpeedX's downfall might just put you off for good... 

Verdict: Hopefully it's already clear

What have we missed? Feel free to mention other crowdfunders that have been successful/unsuccessful/notorious below and they might make the next update. 

Jack has been writing about cycling and multisport for over a decade, arriving at via 220 Triathlon Magazine in 2017. He worked across all areas of the website including tech, news and video, and also contributed to eBikeTips before being named Editor of in 2021 (much to his surprise). Jack has been hooked on cycling since his student days, and currently has a Trek 1.2 for winter riding, a beloved Bickerton folding bike for getting around town and an extra beloved custom Ridley Helium SLX for fantasising about going fast in his stable. Jack has never won a bike race, but does have a master's degree in print journalism and two Guinness World Records for pogo sticking (it's a long story). 

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Paul J | 5 months ago

I was a backer of the Brim Brothers Zone DPMX. It was a really nice idea, and it would have been amazing if it had been possible. I backed it on that basis, and am happy it paid for Brim Brothers to do the R&D on this.

Ultimately, it wasn't possible. Even if the motion tracking and plate had worked out, that strap from the plate to the pod was a big issue on longevity - it wasn't going to last, and solutions were unlikely. The sensor plate was also a physical weakpoint.

It was worth a try though. All the best to Barry.

ktache | 9 months ago

Had a little look at the Fectr site. They do helmet reflectors that they claim will not harm "paintwork"

richliv | 10 months ago

Seem to be many power meter missed attempts, which doesn't surprise me, it's a difficult thing to get right for a decent price. I bought a Limits power meter on Kickstarter. Worked ok for about a month, then overread massively (Zwiftpower thought I was Cav for a bit), then failed. I actually got a 2nd gen replacement but eBayed it on arrival as I was too nervous about its performance. So I came out roughly evens in the end, but I see they've gone into administration now. Shame because, good idea, but the challenges of a startup are very easily underestimated. I know, I've been part of a few.

mitsky | 1 year ago

No mention of ... ?

check12 | 2 years ago

Ding FL1 bike front light (the one that shines a box down on the ground) 5? Can't Trent years later and still going strong at 100% ish of its battery capacity still. I don't use it for the down light box but I'm just front 2 leds it's very good for 3 hours in the pitch black 

fenix replied to check12 | 2 years ago

I got one of those too. Not used it for ages mind you. Wonder if it still works ? It was a great light.

froze | 2 years ago

By the looks of it, some of the unsuccessful projects stole, err, made a lot of money from would be investors.  The Chinese one doesn't surprise me in the least bit that they would steal $10 million dollars from "wealthy" Westerners so they can be rich; thank you for your donation! 

Sheen wheels | 2 years ago

I got a matched pair of Liteloks in a kickstarter campaign. Pretty happy with them and still using them, though I can't say I've put them to a real test of thief resistance.

lolol | 2 years ago

I backed and eventually actually got a Helix folding bike,

It was promised that delivery was around three months, five+ years later, right at the start of the first lockdown it suddenly arrived, and it's pretty blimmin' good, apart from no mudguards on a commuter bike, they are promised to be coming, ha ha.

I dip into the backers forum now and then ( to see if there are any mudguards yet), it's pretty much very angry pitchfork waving people, who have waited 7 years for a bike they paid for. I was number 350 something, 2.5 years later they 700 is still waiting.

The company has prioritised selling full price ones to keep afloat, but I would be fuming if I was still waiting. there is a refund option, and some have taken that and plan to buy a full priced one, I paid about 1 grand, and they are now 2+
No more kickstarter for me, I also bought an oi bell kickstarter, thats in a draw somewhere, total crap


matthewn5 | 3 years ago

Chipped in for a Knog Oi. Did receive a bell, but was disappointed how quiet it was. Put it in a drawer. Eventually put it on a bike I use. Knog apparently didn't realise most road handlebars are 23.8 mm diameter until very late in the day!
Later I picked up a very nice silver Luxe version from a chap who got it for Christmas, on one of the forums. That's now on another bike, and it really does work beautifully.

Steve K | 3 years ago

I dipped my toes into the world of kickstarters for the first time last year, with the Hiplok D1000 and the Jack the Bike Rack.  Both are due for delivery this spring, so fingers crossed.  Comms from both have been good to date.

zero_trooper replied to Steve K | 3 years ago
1 like

PLP & both had the Jack Rack as an 'accessory of the year 2021' (their wording may differ). I don't think that it's shipping until June.

The Hiplock, you're on safe ground. Already an established company crowdfunding in order to bring a product to the table.

Steve K replied to zero_trooper | 3 years ago
1 like

Thanks - yes, I figured the Hiplock was a pretty safe bet.  I've had an email update today on the Jack Rack (which I see has a really good review on here now) saying delivery in April or May.

Hirsute replied to Steve K | 3 years ago

Ah but it doesn't withstand 305 mm portable angle grinders. Not that Dave X 2 ever came back with a link or apologised to either of us about cycling in Richmond park.

Steve K replied to Steve K | 1 year ago
Steve K wrote:

I dipped my toes into the world of kickstarters for the first time last year, with the Hiplok D1000 and the Jack the Bike Rack.  Both are due for delivery this spring, so fingers crossed.  Comms from both have been good to date.

Update on both of these. Both arrived (though the Jack wasn't until the autumn) and both very good. Though no-one has tried to break the lock, so I can't actually say if it works.

Hirsute replied to Steve K | 1 year ago

Are you looking for volunteers ?

Seagull2 | 3 years ago

Hi,  for me Swytch was a bruising experience, and 300 euros down the toilet.  i got it for my brompton ( 2005 ) model, and it  was much more difficult to fit it than in the slick company videos that made it look like childs play to fit to anything , including bromptons. But anyway, i improvised and got it fitted and working. However, i ended up with a consistent recurrent problem, whereby everytime i started all would be well for 2-3 km,  then glitchy ++++,  with the mechanism powering off  - i read of many others who had the same issue,  and the fix ( Hall connector os something, which came with the pack) didnt work either.  Customer support was rotten,  i eventually gave up on the whole thing and wrote it off.  I urge all who use this compnany to do their research,    -    my verdict  - looks slick,  is shit .    

NickJP | 3 years ago

I backed the Kickstarter project for Daysaver (, and the delivered product is extremely nicely made, as you would expect for something manufactured by PB Swiss Tools. Much more expensive than most multitools, but also much more convenient to use.

ktache replied to NickJP | 3 years ago

That is a nice little tool.

zeeridesbikes | 3 years ago

I bought the carbon tailfin rack in 2017 for my daily commute as could easily switch to the roadie when the weather was good.

Using the alloy version now as it fits much fatter tyres. It's a brilliant system and IMO well worth the money for the ease of installation/removal and zero rattle when pack is attached. 

IanGlasgow | 3 years ago

I went through a period of backing Kickstarter and Indiegogo projects.
So far...

See.Sense Icon2
Arrived on time. Disappointing battery life but worked well enough (except for the flaky Android App and non-functioning crash alert). Fell off with alarming regularity and then got lost as a result. See.Sense assured me that nobdy had ever complained about their lights falling off and sent me some videos of their lights not falling off. I've since found a dozen or more reviews on their website complaining about their lights falling off. I declined their offer of a half price replacement (half RRP is about what I paid in the first place. I notice that they're proposing a different mount for the Icon3 that they're currently crowdfunding. I'll pass.

I knew this was a long shot when I backed it. I reckon if it does ever turn up the tech'll be so out of date I'd be better getting a Tile (or an Airtag if you're an Apple user).

Flectr 360 Wing
Yes, I probably should've just bought some cheap reflective tape. But now I have black reflectors on the black rims of my black bike. They're cool, much cooler than spoke relfectors.

Shield Tail-Light
Yes, it's a rear light with indicators. No, I don't know what I was thinking.
OK, I do. I had a Cosmo Connected indicator/brake smartlight. Loved the idea but the bluetooth connection was flaky, battery life in the remote control was poor, and the rubber bands holding it in place broke. I got a refund. But I REALLY wanted it to work.
Apparently this is in the post. I suspect I'm gonna hate it and this time I won't be able to get a refund. It doesn't look anything like as nice as the Cosmo. Maybe they'll launch a Cosmo2 on Kickstarter with better mounts and a longer batter life?

PSIcle Sensor
Pretty sure this is's fault. I read about it somewhere, probably here. I like gadgets and I'm too lazy to do maintenance on my commuter bike.
Will it ever turn up? Will it be any use if it does?
Who knows. Exciting, isn't it?

Loop Mount Twist
I didn't even need a phone mount - I already had 2. But then one got stolen, so I fitted the spare. That got stolen (along with my grips, bar ends and fitting for Cycliq and See.Sense lights).
You know what I should've invested in more of? Hexlox security fittings! At least they kept my wheels, brakes, shifter, etc. safe from the thieves who were clearly equipped with a variety of tools.
With a bit of luck it'll turn up soon. Hopefully.

Farina Smart Bike Light
Why didn't I just buy an SVTZO compliant light from Lexyne or someone?
I see they're now selling these through the SmartLights store, but when you ask about delivery they go strangely silent.

As you can see  - it's an ilness. Somebody please stop me!

hawkinspeter | 3 years ago
1 like

I've backed a few cycling KickStarters but mostly they've been not very good. I got my Cycliq 12 from KickStarter and that's definitely been a success, but similarly I got a couple of titanium Knog Oi bells which are pretty much useless with their underwhelming ring and rusty springs.

Excited for my CoffeeJack ( that might actually materialise soon.

Amost forgot - still waiting on the See.Sense Air. The last update stated a delivery date of early 2022.

zero_trooper replied to hawkinspeter | 3 years ago

9-10 bar of pressure with the CoffeeJack!

Will it do tyres? Surely missed a (Kickstarter) trick there  3

hawkinspeter replied to zero_trooper | 3 years ago
zero_trooper wrote:

9-10 bar of pressure with the CoffeeJack!

Will it do tyres? Surely missed a (Kickstarter) trick there  3

I bet it would takes ages to fill a tyre if it could. Apparently they based the design on car hydraulic jacks - hence the name CoffeeJack.

hawkinspeter replied to hawkinspeter | 5 months ago
1 like
hawkinspeter wrote:

I've backed a few cycling KickStarters but mostly they've been not very good. I got my Cycliq 12 from KickStarter and that's definitely been a success, but similarly I got a couple of titanium Knog Oi bells which are pretty much useless with their underwhelming ring and rusty springs.

Excited for my CoffeeJack ( that might actually materialise soon.

Amost forgot - still waiting on the See.Sense Air. The last update stated a delivery date of early 2022.

STILL WAITING for my See.Sense.Air - sorry, re-branded with it's likelihood of arriving - the See.Sense Knowhere

(Surprisingly I actually received my CoffeeJack after the most incompetently run campaign that I've ever seen. They kept trying to get extra money from backers for priority shipping and kept delaying it. They sent out incorrect addresses after asking backers about fifteen times to fill in their details as they kept losing them. The machine itself looks okay, but isn't great and I almost never use it).

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